PFT: More Details on Nick Barnett Arrest

Doomsday101;1535854 said:
True, but there is no excuse for people to be rude when a player says no to your request. I think many fans are inconsiderate and downright rude and even though these athletes are famous they are still human.

Exactlly right. As I said, the woman should be charged with throwing the drink. But the reaction of an NFL Linebacker to a woman who threw a drink in his face is unwarranted.

And I am going to try and respond to you and Ice as well here.

You are right, there is a time and place for everything. I didn't say the woman was right or wrong regarding the autograph. Honestly, if she had asked and he politely said no she should have left it alone. She was wrong for her action, but his response was just as wrong.

The whole autograph thing? I collect them but I don't on pieces of paper. I want them on something like a helmet or jersey or something that looks good.

And I just don't carry a spare helmet around with me on the off chance I might see someone.

I deal with a lot of Country music artists, and I can tell you, I know first hand how it can be. They cannot go out in public much with their family.

A real quick story,

My wife and I and our kids were going to have a cookout at one of these artists homes. Thier kids and ours are friends and are in the same youth group at our church. He and I went out to the local spupermarket to get some sodas and Ice and he must have signed 10 autographes in the 4 or 5 minutes we were in the store.

I asked him afterwards doesn't it get old doing that? He said, sometimes he would like to go out and get something to eat without all that but he said he knows that these are the same people who are allowing him to live the kind of life style he lives. He said this as we were driving back to his house in his new Hummer. (I hate those things by the way)
superpunk;1535876 said:
I was trying to think of some parallel with starving africans looking at wealthy nations....i don't know...whining about immigrants.

"They want to live in a capitalist society that the rest of the workd envies, and drive a Nissan Qwest? That's fine. They're gonna have to deal with the Mexicans and possible Canuck's immigrating illegally, as well as Michael Jackson.

If that's the trade off, so be it. They have a choice."

It's a work in progress.

Fans don't have the right to act like complete dill-holes just because they watch TV. Athletes shouldn't be obligated to deal with that, anymore than you'd be obligated to your boss, should he show up at your dinner table at 9 pm, and ask you to fill out an expense report.

You're not at work.

if i'm not mistaken you and i are agreeing?
iceberg;1535863 said:
she can get her happy big tailed self to an event where her idol is scheduled to be. she can sweat off a few in the hot training camp sun to get one as he walks by. but it's not *Her Right* to bug him when he's eating dinner.

and i don't seperate the "hot chic" from the "baby's got back" either. you're generacizing "fame and fortune" to those who have it - it's likely a job like anything else.

i know a lot of famous musicians and they love to sing and entertain and it's their talent. but that doesn't make them public property 24x7.

Public figures give up some of their rights to private lives. By and large people leave them alone. However, like any situation, you can't expect everyone to act in the way you'd want them to.

Tell me, what would it hurt if Barnett just signed the freaking piece of paper? Is that really being "bothered?" Some drunk girl got up the nerve to come and ask. Just give her the autograph, she'll go away thrilled.

Maybe it is just b/c I grew up in LA -- but I think it is remarkably easy for stars to have normal lives. The worst I've ever seen in someone coming over to say something like "I'm a huge fan" - most folks know the line and don't cross it.

Personally, I've only bothered someone once. But when you run into a legend at some tiny taco stand, you have to take that opportunity. He was genuinely friendly. As a result I've followed his up and down solo career for years since.
abersonc;1535879 said:
Public figures give up some of their rights to private lives. By and large people leave them alone. However, like any situation, you can't expect everyone to act in the way you'd want them to.

Tell me, what would it hurt if Barnett just signed the freaking piece of paper? Is that really being "bothered?" Some drunk girl got up the nerve to come and ask. Just give her the autograph, she'll go away thrilled.

Maybe it is just b/c I grew up in LA -- but I think it is remarkably easy for stars to have normal lives. The worst I've ever seen in someone coming over to say something like "I'm a huge fan" - most folks know the line and don't cross it.

Personally, I've only bothered someone once. But when you run into a legend at some tiny taco stand, you have to take that opportunity. He was genuinely friendly. As a result I've followed his up and down solo career for years since.

I think most do accommodate fans but they are not obligated to stop everything every time someone wants an autograph. I don't see anything wrong with someone asking but be prepared for that celeb to say no sometimes. As for the comment: "Tell me, what would it hurt if Barnett just signed the freaking piece of paper? Is that really being "bothered?" Some drunk girl got up the nerve to come and ask. Just give her the autograph, she'll go away thrilled." bottom line he did not feel like doing so and to me that is a good enough reason.
Doomsday101;1535890 said:
bottom line he did not feel like doing so and to me that is a good enough reason.

Again, he "feels like" he wants to do all the positive stuff -- cash the big paycheck, sleep with hot chicks -- but the less positive stuff he gets to take or leave?

Of course, following this incident he's got a few less fans and maybe some legal troubles.

Maybe next time he will "feel like it"
abersonc;1535892 said:
Again, he "feels like" he wants to do all the positive stuff -- cash the big paycheck, sleep with hot chicks -- but the less positive stuff he gets to take or leave?

Of course, following this incident he's got a few less fans and maybe some legal troubles.

Maybe next time he will "feel like it"

Aikman and Emmitt have also turned fans down for autographs, Emmitt talked about being out with his soon to be wife for a romantic dinner and had to tell fans no. I'm sorry they may be famous but it is still their life and they have every right to say no. I don't blame a fan for asking but that player or celeb does not have to sign autographs just because a person demands it. Hell if you’re a fan of that player I would think you would show a bit more respect for that player and allow them some privacy. As I said for the most part these guys will sign things but there are times they don't and will not do so and I can't blame them
abersonc;1535879 said:
Public figures give up some of their rights to private lives. By and large people leave them alone. However, like any situation, you can't expect everyone to act in the way you'd want them to.

Tell me, what would it hurt if Barnett just signed the freaking piece of paper? Is that really being "bothered?" Some drunk girl got up the nerve to come and ask. Just give her the autograph, she'll go away thrilled.


Personally, I've only bothered someone once. But when you run into a legend at some tiny taco stand, you have to take that opportunity. He was genuinely friendly. As a result I've followed his up and down solo career for years since.

SOME? great - where is that line?

it's the "you have to take that opportunity!" mentality that makes most people forget their "idol" is just a person wanting a simple taco. does it sound like he's gloryhounding it up and *asking* for the "fan" to bug him? i'm glad it turned out well - i would think most do. but you don't know the mood of the other person and being "human" takes a bit more priority over "idol".

superpunk;1535882 said:
Don't get too excited.

This ends tomorrow.

whew. i can take it for a day.

abersonc;1535892 said:
Again, he "feels like" he wants to do all the positive stuff -- cash the big paycheck, sleep with hot chicks -- but the less positive stuff he gets to take or leave?

Of course, following this incident he's got a few less fans and maybe some legal troubles.

Maybe next time he will "feel like it"

how do you know he's not married to mrs. average he just loves anyway? you're assuming the "glory" all around and that the "pro" seeks it all to help justify your own side of this.

Doomsday101;1535896 said:
Aikman and Emmitt have also turned fans down for autographs, Emmitt talked about being out with his soon to be wife for a romantic dinner and had to tell fans no. I'm sorry they may be famous but it is still their life and they have every right to say no. I don't blame a fan for asking but that player or celeb does not have to sign autographs just because a person demands it. Hell if you’re a fan of that player I would think you would show a bit more respect for that player and allow them some privacy. As I said for the most part these guys will sign things but there are times they don't and will not do so and I can't blame them

agree that if you're a fan of the player, you'd think you'd want to help them maintain privacy but more often than not, selfishness takes over and puts courtesy away and suddenly "if you get that chance you gotta take it!"

meatloaf is perhaps my own musical "idol" and yes, i've run into him in public in dallas before. i just looked at him and said "love your music" he said 'hey, thanks' and we went about our business. if i want to do the rest i'll schedule an interview with him and catch him during working hours.
Doomsday101;1535896 said:
Aikman and Emmitt have also turned fans down for autographs, Emmitt talked about being out with his soon to be wife for a romantic dinner and had to tell fans no. I'm sorry they may be famous but it is still their life and they have every right to say no. I don't blame a fan for asking but that player or celeb does not have to sign autographs just because a person demands it. Hell if you’re a fan of that player I would think you would show a bit more respect for that player and allow them some privacy. As I said for the most part these guys will sign things but there are times they don't and will not do so and I can't blame them

You don't think there is a difference between being out with the wife for a romantic dinner and whooping it up with your boys?

I'd think that Emmitt wasn't taking his wife to some club where skanks hang out for dinner.
abersonc;1535904 said:
You don't think there is a difference between being out with the wife for a romantic dinner and whooping it up with your boys?

I'd think that Emmitt wasn't taking his wife to some club where skanks hang out for dinner.

it was a nice mexican rest. in las colinas (north irving / valley ranch) where modano left cause people started in on him and his family demanding time. (or maybe dinner was over - not real sure here but it did seem that way) where modano was there w/family, not whooping it up. you're the one who said "when you get that chance you take it!!!" right?

now it's romantic dinners or wild parties that differentiates right vs wrong.

even if a party - WHO CARES? respect other people if you ever think you deserve respect as well.
abersonc;1535879 said:
Tell me, what would it hurt if Barnett just signed the freaking piece of paper? Is that really being "bothered?" Some drunk girl got up the nerve to come and ask. Just give her the autograph, she'll go away thrilled.
As someone else pointed out earlier in the thread, it generally doesn't stop with one. The clowns that didn't have the nerve to go first now think they have the courage to get theirs. That's the real problem: most celebrities wouldn't mind so much if it was a one- or two-person thing. It can turn into a dozen or more pretty easily, and those with experience know when not to crack open that door. In a bar, where people are getting lubricated, there's not telling where it can end up, as Barnett is finding out.

Most people will follow the leader a lot sooner than being the leader themselves.
abersonc;1535904 said:
You don't think there is a difference between being out with the wife for a romantic dinner and whooping it up with your boys?

I'd think that Emmitt wasn't taking his wife to some club where skanks hang out for dinner.

So now at least you will admit there is a right time and a wrong time? I think it is up to that person if they want to give it or not. We don't know this chick may have been falling over drunk and being rude maybe that was the reason he said no or maybe he just did not feel like doing so. Regardless he is obligated to go out and play hard for his team but no he is not obligated to sign autographs if he does not feel like doing it.
For years NBA star Bill Russell would not sign any autographs, even a teammate asked him to sign something for a friend and Russell told him no as well. :laugh2:
iceberg;1535905 said:
now it's romantic dinners or wild parties that differentiates right vs wrong.

No, it is the context -- would I try to talk to someone who was having dinner with his wife -- a regular normal guy who I recongized from some other situation but who didn't know me? No. Would I talk to that guy if I saw him at a bar? Sure.

A celeb who goes into a situation where people normaly socialize shouldn't be afforded rights over and above other people. Would you find it weird if you were hanging out with some friends and someone came over and said "hey, you're Iceberg - I love your radio show"? That would be appropriate right? Not unacceptable at all.

Why does a celeb get to go somewhere like a bar and NOT get talked to? Will it happen to them more b/c they are celebs? Sure. But that doesn't make it wrong. They can't expect some sort of shell where people leave them alone all the time.
zeromaster;1535906 said:
As someone else pointed out earlier in the thread, it generally doesn't stop with one. The clowns that didn't have the nerve to go first now think they have the courage to get theirs. That's the real problem: most celebrities wouldn't mind so much if it was a one- or two-person thing. It can turn into a dozen or more pretty easily, and those with experience know when not to crack open that door. In a bar, where people are getting lubricated, there's not telling where it can end up, as Barnett is finding out.

Most people will follow the leader a lot sooner than being the leader themselves.

Of course, she was probably the only person there who knew who the hell Nick Barnett is.
Doomsday101;1535907 said:
So now at least you will admit there is a right time and a wrong time? I think it is up to that person if they want to give it or not. We don't know this chick may have been falling over drunk and being rude maybe that was the reason he said no or maybe he just did not feel like doing so. Regardless he is obligated to go out and play hard for his team but no he is not obligated to sign autographs if he does not feel like doing it.

As I pointed out in my reply to the 'berg -- there are right and wrong places for talking to anyone. I'm dropping $250 on a quiet, romantic meal with the wife and people don't come up and start a conversation. I'm hanging out at a bar and that would be reasonable behavior.
abersonc;1535917 said:
As I pointed out in my reply to the 'berg -- there are right and wrong places for talking to anyone. I'm dropping $250 on a quiet, romantic meal with the wife and people don't come up and start a conversation. I'm hanging out at a bar and that would be reasonable behavior.

or getting a taco.

again you assume the same social values and assign "skank" values to it for some reason. if someone was hanging all over skanks and doing the "rockstar lifestyle" do you really *WANT* their autograph?

basic courtesy and respect take precidence over whatever situation you want to put them in.
abersonc;1535914 said:
No, it is the context -- would I try to talk to someone who was having dinner with his wife -- a regular normal guy who I recongized from some other situation but who didn't know me? No. Would I talk to that guy if I saw him at a bar? Sure.

A celeb who goes into a situation where people normaly socialize shouldn't be afforded rights over and above other people. Would you find it weird if you were hanging out with some friends and someone came over and said "hey, you're Iceberg - I love your radio show"? That would be appropriate right? Not unacceptable at all.

Why does a celeb get to go somewhere like a bar and NOT get talked to? Will it happen to them more b/c they are celebs? Sure. But that doesn't make it wrong. They can't expect some sort of shell where people leave them alone all the time.

a little, yea. but again you presume you know my values and personality simply cause i'm at a bar. go to firewater and talk to some of the bartenders who know me and they'd tell you i'm the quiet guy in the corner who doesn't talk much.

has it happened? sure. it flattered the heck out of me. but i get it once a year tops, not every time i stop for a quick taco.

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