PFT: Reeves: “Coaches Never Punch A Clock”

cowboyed;2727483 said:
For the record I do not think Jerry Jones is perfect......
Jerry is responsible for the state of the team, win loss record over the years including falling short in the post season, the hiring of coaches and players. But that accountability or blame if you like, should be proportionate.

if you are the owner of the most prominent franchise in sports and you have a GM that you have given complete autonomy to (in terms of drafting, hiring, and firing) and your team has not won a playoff game in the last 12 years.

what "proportionate" blame would you assign to that GM?
would he continue to be your GM because he is "learning"?

Wake up.
No owner would retain a GM who has been spinning his wheels for 12 years.
JJ is a very good owner but a poor GM.
stasheroo;2727733 said:
That quote I would like to see.

He made it in a live radio interview on ESPN with Randy Galloway. DCF will surely have it on his site.

After 2 days of Dan crying to any media member that would listen Jerry called in himself and responded. He said his contracts have all included similar language about time commitment and that no coach ever had contractual control over the ability to hire and fire a football player, a coach or to make the draft choices. He offered up the contracts as proof.

Here's apparently a link to the audio. http://cowboysblog.***BANNED-URL***/archives/2009/02/jerry-jones-speaks.html
jterrell;2727765 said:
He made it in a live radio interview on ESPN with Randy Galloway. DCF will surely have it on his site.

After 2 days of Dan crying to any media member that would listen Jerry called in himself and responded. He said his contracts have all included similar language about time commitment and that no coach ever had contractual control over the ability to hire and fire a football player, a coach or to make the draft choices. He offered up the contracts as proof.

Here's apparently a link to the audio. http://cowboysblog.***BANNED-URL***/archives/2009/02/jerry-jones-speaks.html

But Jimmy said in that interview with Hansen that that was not true.

And again I ask, whose hourly commitment was Jimmy or Parcells supposed to match?
jterrell;2727750 said:
No Cowboys coach has been asked to punch a clock. Silliness is hard to work into logical discussions but that's what happens when one side has no real argument to make.

I don't punch a clock myself either but I am available to my company during business hours or they'd quickly have issue with that.

Unlike my contract the coaching deals are FULLY guaranteed.

BP, moved down here and focused insane amounts of time here during the season. He didn't fly back to Jersey(or Florida) until the off-season.

If you listen to Reeves statements he gives you the entire deal EXCEPT the clause he didn't like. And Jerry supplies that clause for you and Reeves doesn't deny it.

Reeves: "Jerry actually agreed to everything I wanted quite quickly.... I was already in there working.... Once I asked for additional things Jerry felt he needed a clause in the contract that was a deal breaker for me.... Jerry suggested we stop negotiations and part ways as friends if we couldn't agree quickly.... "

Jerry: "It was a time commitment thing. We were fired up and wanted Dan in here perhaps more than he was willing to commit too. Wade approached me about Dan and we were excited to explore it."

Love Jerry or hate his guts the guy is the boss. You either sign or not. Dan didn't sign and that's fine. While I think he could of helped our offense and especially Garrett some next year I don't know that Garrett can't figure things out quite nicely alone. Dan has parted ways rather acrimoniously in a few stops now. Not sure he was fit here as a consultant as well as we would have liked.

If Dan Reeves was willing to take a coordinator's position with the 49'ers, he was willing to put in the hours.

Offensive coordinator isn't a part-time position, even in San Francisco.

I'll continue to believe that Jerry changed his mind about bringing Reeves in - for whatever reason - and then he changed the structure of the agreement in order to get out of the deal.

As a fan, Jerry has lied to me plenty of times.

And sure, he's the boss, and he can drive the bus off the cliff if he so chooses, just don't expect me to sit in the back blindly riding with him.

This team's dysfunctions are all a byproduct of the actions of one Jerry Jones. He can 'take credit' for all of them.
Based on some of the attendance of members of Congress, looks like 'Never punching the clock' is a fairly common motto
jterrell;2727765 said:
He made it in a live radio interview on ESPN with Randy Galloway. DCF will surely have it on his site.

After 2 days of Dan crying to any media member that would listen Jerry called in himself and responded. He said his contracts have all included similar language about time commitment and that no coach ever had contractual control over the ability to hire and fire a football player, a coach or to make the draft choices. He offered up the contracts as proof.

Here's apparently a link to the audio. http://cowboysblog.***BANNED-URL***/archives/2009/02/jerry-jones-speaks.html

Thanks for digging that up, I'll have to wait until later to listen to it.
Chocolate Lab;2727774 said:
But Jimmy said in that interview with Hansen that that was not true.

And again I ask, whose hourly commitment was Jimmy or Parcells supposed to match?

Coach Parcells also supposedly had hiring/firing authority over his coaching staffs written into the details of his contract as well. I have seen several articles that referred to this.

Now that is not exactly relevant to Phillips' case, but still. Honestly, I am more apt to believe that this is something that applies to the likes of Phillips, Campo, Switzer and Gailey as opposed to Johnson and Parcells.
Alexander;2727809 said:
Coach Parcells also supposedly had hiring/firing authority over his coaching staffs written into the details of his contract as well. I have seen several articles that referred to this.

Now that is not exactly relevant to Phillips' case, but still. Honestly, I am more apt to believe that this is something that applies to the likes of Phillips, Campo, Switzer and Gailey as opposed to Johnson and Parcells.


And notice the stark difference in results from the names mentioned as well.

(Cronies vs. non-cronies)
stasheroo;2727812 said:
(Cronies vs. non-cronies)

I prefer stooges vs. non-stooges.

Those with some measure of authority and those who were powerless eunuchs.
Alexander;2727830 said:
I prefer stooges vs. non-stooges.

Those with some measure of authority and those who were powerless eunuchs.

I'm flexibile, either term works for me.

Although I do feel a bit bad for associating Larry, Moe, Curly and the boys with that bunch!
Beast_from_East;2727488 said:
Jerry Jones said that every coach he has ever hired had that clause in their contract and Dan Reeves is the only guy that ever had a problem with it. Jerry included Bill Parcells and Jimmy Johnson among the list of coaches that had this stipulation.

You calling Jerry Jones a liar???

You are confused.

Jerry never said that.

You are mistaking the comment about Jerry always having final say on roster decisions.

There ain't no way in hell Wade and Jason Garrett have some silly clause in their contract stating that each has to work as many hours as the other.

Just stop already.
cowboyed;2727483 said:
Some people are so anti-Jerry that they tee off on just about any speculative article or just view any negative action as Jerry's fault. Then when subsequent reports level matters out they rarely if at all acknowledge they were wrong. To me they are football intellectual cowards and lack character.

For the record I do not think Jerry Jones is perfect. In fact I wish he would not have hired Wade Phillips but then again what do I know as an outsider looking in. Jerry is responsible for the state of the team, win loss record over the years including falling short in the post season, the hiring of coaches and players. But that accountability or blame if you like, should be proportionate.

Jerry has made bad decisions but in the aggregate he has elevated and bolstered this franchise. Over the last several years he has improved as a GM as well. That stated considering his age I do not see Jerry in this position for more than a couple of years, maybe not after this season if we dramatically nose dive.

Some people, lol.

Why not address me directly. What is this a girl fight? lol.

Who's anti-Jerry?

The situation is simple.

You are a homer and Jerry can't do any wrong. You don't like me because of some other thread from whenever.

And falling back on the weak attack that no one cares about my opinion is just stupid. I called your example of your employment situation into question because it's irrelevant in this discussion.

You just about played yourself with the 'for the record' comment about Jerry not being perfect. That just tells us you could care less what the two sides are saying here because you are taking Jerrys side no matter what, lol.

Jerry has never said anything that makes anyone think he ever wanted to be a head coach, lol.

Put the pipe down, take off the glasses and stop embarrassing yourself.

We all know Jerry is involved in every little nook and cranny of this team.

The man went after Brian Stewart in a defensive team meeting for not warming up Jason Hatcher and he came up with slight hammy pull. I wonder why he was in the coaches meeting? lol.

The man just talked about maybe moving MBIII back to being the closer once again. That's a coaches decision so why would Jerry ever be talking about it? lol.

The man just talked about using the Wild Cat, lol. That's an offensive set which is put into the game plan by the coaches so why would he even be talking about such matters? lol.

And yeah, Stephen Jones or someone on the legal staff changed the language in the contract due to labor laws.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And they didn't let Jerry know.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And then Jerry was just too tired to rework the contract so it would be agreeable to Reeves because he had party to go to and he didn't have time, lol.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hey everyone...

You can stop fighting now. This guy figured it all out. The Texas labor laws are to blame for the deal falling thru.

Or it was Stephen Jones fault.

Or Reeves could have just agreed to do whatever Jerry wanted to.

But don't you try to say that Jerry just changed his mind because he would never do that, lol.

I am not trading for a WR! The coaching staff is in place! Terrell Owens is going to be a Cowboy in 2009!

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Chocolate Lab;2727774 said:
But Jimmy said in that interview with Hansen that that was not true.

And again I ask, whose hourly commitment was Jimmy or Parcells supposed to match?
Jimmy never actually said that it wasn't true. He said he was in charge of (or "in control of" -- I can't remember his exact language) the coaches, but he never said he had the power to hire and fire coaches. Being in control of someone and having the authority to hire and fire them are two VERY different things.
Jerry Jones is the problem in Dallas, on a football level, and that is a fact. He is a great spender, he is a great promoter, he is great at enriching himself, but he is not a football man, and until Jerry is willing to cry uncle on that one, we will never get over the top.

Jerry absolutely wants to enjoy himself in the football matters, which means he will disrespect the coaching profession, in one way or another, until "the cows come home".

This stuff isn't hard to figure out. Jerry changed his mind, the clause in the contract was just his way out.
I get that Reeves was (allegedly) supposed to help Garrett gameplan and strategize on game weeks during the season. I still have no idea what a 'consultant' is supposed to do from late February to July. If Reeves wanted to fly back to Georgia and spend time with his family in those months, who gives a crap? If you want him here during those month, make him a full time head coach or offensive coordinator.

Again, Jerry just didnt want him here. The contract stipulation just ensured that Jerry could terminate his contract at will any moment Reeves displayed the nasty habit of telling Jerry what he didnt want to hear or, as previously suggested, his new coaching staff next year didnt want him looking over their shoulders. If you think Jerry is entitled to that, fine. I dont necessarily disagree. But to label Reeves as a bad or lazy guy who was looking to steal Jerry's money is absolutely laughable. The guy has put in 45 years in the NFL and forgot more about football during his morning leak than Jerry has learned in 20 years as a 'GM'.
Beast_from_East;2727488 said:
You calling Jerry Jones a liar???

Given the fact he has the integrity of a used car salesman in terms of what comes out of his mouth, yes.
Bleu Star;2727495 said:
Hey guys. I thought Dan didn't take the job because of the "T.O. factor". Can someone elaborate?


Save your breath Bleu. Their colors change with the seasons.

Bleu Star;2728511 said:
Save your breath Bleu. Their colors change with the seasons.


You responded to your own post?

How gay is that? That is just looking for attention...normally called 'trolling'...get real!

5Stars;2728521 said:
You responded to your own post?

How gay is that? That is just looking for attention...normally called 'trolling'...get real!


Hmm.. If you took offense to it you must have changed your color. Quite the talent you have there.
Bleu Star;2728532 said:
Hmm.. If you took offense to it you must have changed your color. Quite the talent you have there.

Responding to your own post is talking to yourself...

:laugh2: Color that!


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