PFT: Report: Ezekiel Elliott filed harassment claim against Tiffany Thompson last year

This doesn't hold water because Josh Brown isn't the only recipient of varied suspension length and the verbiage is in the CBA saying the ultimate and final word is Goodell. He decides length.

I'm also not a race baiter. That just causes more discension which we definitely don't need. This has jack **** to do with race and everything to do with it being Zeke vs a K. That may be even less fair, but that's the real situation.

in the court of public opinion, you dont have time to go into details.
it is going to be: "white guy gets 1 game but black guy gets 6 games AND his accuser lied and falsified evidence. goodell is trying to lynch zeke with fake evidence! "

in EEOC filing, you just make clear the white guy got a minimum 1 game while the black guy got 6 games no negotiation.
while they are both under the same 2014 regulation.

this is war, and you dont hold back in a zero sum game.
yes, you have just made clear you have a separate agenda.
There's no dumping on women in my post.

I'm dumping on the claims that women are at a huge disadvantage in the USA in 2017.

Stuff happened in the past to women, minorities, etc., but things are radically different in this century.

Yes, there are males that abandon their kids but those generally are not the ones that take it to court an lose the custody case.

The vast majority of companies seek to promote women. I've seen it from the management side. It's an open topic in management meetings that the company wants to promote women and minorities whenever possible. At all of the companies where I've worked, if a woman/minority are competing for a job with a white male, especially a management job, the woman/minority gets the nod unless the white male has an overwhelmingly better job performance history and/or qualifications. If the company does any business with the government, then it's even more extreme. The companies that do business with the government try really hard to hire and promote women, minorities and military veterans.

The hiring/promotion issues didn't affect me much personally because I have a unique skill-set where competition is limited but as a manager or project lead I've definitely been in the middle of these situations many times.

I think most Police Officers will tell you that if they arrest someone in a DV case, the default is to arrest the man regardless of the circumstances.

I find it very perplexing that people in America believe that there is widespread injustice for women and minorities in 2017.

Do your unique qualifications involve spreadsheets?

I'm just messin', bro.
in the court of public opinion, you dont have time to go into details.
it is going to be: "white guy gets 1 game but black guy gets 6 games AND his accuser lied and falsified evidence. goodell is trying to lynch zeke with fake evidence! "

in EEOC filing, you just make clear the white guy got a minimum 1 game while the black guy got 6 games no negotiation.
while they are both under the same 2014 regulation.

this is war, and you dont hold back in a zero sum game.
yes, you have just made clear you have a separate agenda.

This isn't "war". It's not even close. I've been through enough to know that. It's billionaires taking money from multimillionaires. It's wrong, but it's NOT war.

Also, I don't have an agenda. Once again, ignorance.
So the more that comes out the more it seems like they suspended Zeke just based on her words?

The NFL essentially said as much. Their entire argument stems from her POV and the fact that Zeke can't prove he didn't do it. It's definitely guilty until proven innocent, by that doesn't matter because this isn't court.
Nope, because they'll argue that it doesn't mean he didn't do it. You all keep trying to make this about her, and it's not about her, it's about his (alleged) actions. The league clearly wasn't bothered by the (alleged) idea that she's a liar.

We all know that nothing is going to change Goodell's mind. This is about Zeke's court case and Jerry's efforts to reduce Goodell's power (or get rid of him altogether).
This isn't "war". It's not even close. I've been through enough to know that. It's billionaires taking money from multimillionaires. It's wrong, but it's NOT war.

Also, I don't have an agenda. Once again, ignorance.

Yes, I wouldn't use the word War; however, the more media cover these issue receive, the more women that will start pulling these stunts on "normal" guys.
Yes, I wouldn't use the word War; however, the more media cover these issue receive, the more women that will start pulling these stunts on "normal" guys.

As someone who's gone through a false accusation of DV and been acquitted, you don't have to tell me that.
I'm also not a race baiter. That just causes more discension which we definitely don't need. This has jack **** to do with race and everything to do with it being Zeke vs a K. That may be even less fair, but that's the real situation.

I don't believe that Goodell is doing it based on race, but the court of public opinion may differ.

If I have a question of racism, it would go to the prosecutor who believed a white woman who was caught lying and tampering with a witness over the black man who has no criminal record.

I don't know how the DA justifies it and quite frankly he can say what he wants...but he changed his mind from Sept 2016 when he closed the case, cited the affidavits against Thompson and claimed there were inconsistencies. Now he's saying that he didn't have the evidence to prosecute, but believes her.

I don't think so, Hardy was arrested and charged. Zeke was not arrested and DA declined to press charges
They dropped all charges because she was a terrible witness and the bench trial only further proved that she lied and the DA hid evidence....... very similar witnesses
This doesn't hold water because Josh Brown isn't the only recipient of varied suspension length and the verbiage is in the CBA saying the ultimate and final word is Goodell. He decides length.

I'm also not a race baiter. That just causes more discension which we definitely don't need. This has jack **** to do with race and everything to do with it being Zeke vs a K. That may be even less fair, but that's the real situation.

All the black players got more than 1 game. That being said I don't think that the one anecdote proves anything.

Everyone but Zeke had a more solid case against them and they all got less games. That is the rub.
I'm loving this saga besides the suspension
that is so funny

pugilist---did you see the article by..oh man cant remember name right now..but he is a dallas cowboy journalist regular..anwyay..he said Jerry Jones may be the most infuriated by the leagues suspension of Zeke than at any time in past 29 years...and this guy guaranteed 0% chance Zeke is suspended 6 games...and i thought the brashness of this journalists claims must come from good authority?
Another angle here that's interesting. Many people have pointed out the issue with the NFL basically demanding Zeke prove his innocence. Check out the timeline of the investigation. The NFL presented their findings at the end of June. Zeke responded ten days later. How much of their conclusion changed based on his input? Oh zero.

Read their defense. Zeke's side is tacked onto the end as an afterthought.

So basically they made their conclusions that he assaulted her with no input from his side and then told him to prove his innocence. Then they completely ignored his side and went ahead with their suspension.

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