PFT: Report: Ezekiel Elliott filed harassment claim against Tiffany Thompson last year

We're not talking about custody cases. And those cases are wins for women generally because most men either have not shown the propensity to be a full-time custodian of their children or simply don't show up.

I'm not going to sit here and make this a thread of dumping on women. Nobody needs to do that here in order to leap to Zeke's defense -- there is enough seemingly objective evidence to hold an opinion about Zeke's culpability without throwing women under the bus en masse.
There's no dumping on women in my post.

I'm dumping on the claims that women are at a huge disadvantage in the USA in 2017.

Stuff happened in the past to women, minorities, etc., but things are radically different in this century.

Yes, there are males that abandon their kids but those generally are not the ones that take it to court an lose the custody case.

The vast majority of companies seek to promote women. I've seen it from the management side. It's an open topic in management meetings that the company wants to promote women and minorities whenever possible. At all of the companies where I've worked, if a woman/minority are competing for a job with a white male, especially a management job, the woman/minority gets the nod unless the white male has an overwhelmingly better job performance history and/or qualifications. If the company does any business with the government, then it's even more extreme. The companies that do business with the government try really hard to hire and promote women, minorities and military veterans.

The hiring/promotion issues didn't affect me much personally because I have a unique skill-set where competition is limited but as a manager or project lead I've definitely been in the middle of these situations many times.

I think most Police Officers will tell you that if they arrest someone in a DV case, the default is to arrest the man regardless of the circumstances.

I find it very perplexing that people in America believe that there is widespread injustice for women and minorities in 2017.
it is unfortunate for him because he has money.
she has nothing so not much u can take away from her.
it is highly likely that she will move (or move again) to a new state and city after she sells her story.

if team zeke can prove that she is a psychopath blackmailing him for $ and intent to cause her own bruises, then he would be mostly vindicated.
most likely it would not be a 100% victory though.
The only way he wins is if the suspension is reduced to zero and the league admits that they were wrong. People who don't follow the league only believe what they'll see on the fake news sites, which will be that he hit her.
This really doesn't matter. You guys don't seem to realize, the NFLs decision doesn't have to be based on a matter of guilt. It specifically says even if a player isn't found guilty, or charged, the NFL can still levy punishment.

Pretty much their entire decision is based around the fact that the NFL believes they were together when the damage happened because of the phone records and Zeke can't prove it wasn't him. As ******** as that may be, THATS what he has to refute.
YES. And if you would do a little research you would be surprised.
I've read and heard a lot regarding this particular case, I've yet to come across anything that shows proof that she lied about this particular case. I hope you're right and hopefully that will be the catalyst that proves his innocence, but, I haven't seen it.
This really doesn't matter. You guys don't seem to realize, the NFLs decision doesn't have to be based on a matter of guilt. It specifically says even if a player isn't found guilty, or charged, the NFL can still levy punishment.

that is why there will likely be a lawsuit and hopefully an EEOC complaint because you cannot discriminate between black and white EVEN if you have a CBA.
that is why there will likely be a lawsuit and hopefully an EEOC complaint because you cannot discriminate between black and white EVEN if you have a CBA.

Not a single damn word of this has anything to do with black and white. I'm sorry to be rude, but that's just ignorant. This has everything to do with Zeke being a marquee player and the public nature of the offense.
The only way he wins is if the suspension is reduced to zero and the league admits that they were wrong. People who don't follow the league only believe what they'll see on the fake news sites, which will be that he hit her.

or the owners crack and take goodell from the process.
that would only be likely if there are protests which would take a lot of help and run the risk of things going totally out of control.
This really doesn't matter. You guys don't seem to realize, the NFLs decision doesn't have to be based on a matter of guilt. It specifically says even if a player isn't found guilty, or charged, the NFL can still levy punishment.

Pretty much their entire decision is based around the fact that the NFL believes they were together when the damage happened because of the phone records and Zeke can't prove it wasn't him. As bull**** as that may be, THATS what he has to refute.
Good point, which is why I think the suspension goes beyond the alleged abuse (even though the league claims this whole mess is on my the beating). I think they're factoring in everything from the beating to St. Patrick's day, to the nonsense with the DJ. Guilty or not, his name has been in the news for bad things a lot in the last twelve months.
or the owners crack and take goodell from the process.
that would only be likely if there are protests which would take a lot of help and run the risk of things going totally out of control.
Just don't see the owners taking a public stance against the league, but that would be awesome!
Just don't see the owners taking a public stance against the league, but that would be awesome!

that would only happen if they see $s and brand being affected severely.
that means protests along with the risk of unintended consequences.
an EEOC filing would be a start to that.
i am sure that threats and counterthreats would be made clear in the so-called 'appeal'.
however, before that, team zeke needs to be clearly setting the table for potential consequences.
Good point, which is why I think the suspension goes beyond the alleged abuse (even though the league claims this whole mess is on my the beating). I think they're factoring in everything from the beating to St. Patrick's day, to the nonsense with the DJ. Guilty or not, his name has been in the news for bad things a lot in the last twelve months.

It's absolutely accumulative which is why there have been conflict reports on whether or not they would come after him for the other stuff.

They now say it's only for the DV so if he appeals and/or sues, then they'll bring down the hammer for anything else.
Just don't see the owners taking a public stance against the league, but that would be awesome!

This will get the owners in the next CBA because this will just add fuel for the players who are already going to be demanding much more guaranteed money. This just gives them another talking point on their side.
Not a single damn word of this has anything to do with black and white. I'm sorry to be rude, but that's just ignorant. This has everything to do with Zeke being a marquee player and the public nature of the offense.

white guy - 1 game
black guy - 6 games while accuser is a proven liar and falsified evidence.
if you do not think this can be made into an equal protection case with EEOC and public opinion, then i am sorry too dude.

can you not see the parents already laid the groundwork for this by disclosing the white-girl/black dude/be smart texts.

if you have held any position of responsibility in an organization, you would know you NEVER want to be on the receiving end of that.

i am neither black nor white, but had been the subject of some relatively minor infraction in a housing matter that caused me damages in rental income.
when a white person unfairly took precedence, i just mentioned 'equal opportunity' and forwarded the email proof, the HOA folded immediately and paid me my lost rent without a second word.
It's absolutely accumulative which is why there have been conflict reports on whether or not they would come after him for the other stuff.

They now say it's only for the DV so if he appeals and/or sues, then they'll bring down the hammer for anything else.
evidence accumulates for both sides.
if he wins, i dont think the league will try to get even by using the next infraction.
if he wins, public opinion would drastically shift and goodell would be more worried about his job and appearing to take revenge.
Nope, because they'll argue that it doesn't mean he didn't do it. You all keep trying to make this about her, and it's not about her, it's about his (alleged) actions. The league clearly wasn't bothered by the (alleged) idea that she's a liar.
You don't see what's wrong with that? Zeke should sue. I bet a judge or jury would be bothered by it.
white guy - 1 game
black guy - 6 games while accuser is a proven liar and falsified evidence.
if you do not think this can be made into an equal protection case with EEOC and public opinion, then i am sorry too dude.

can you not see the parents already laid the groundwork for this by disclosing the white-girl/black dude/be smart texts.

if you have held any position of responsibility in an organization, you would know you NEVER want to be on the receiving end of that.

i am neither black nor white, but had been the subject of some relatively minor infraction in a housing matter that caused me damages in rental income.
when a white person unfairly took precedence, i just mentioned 'equal opportunity' and forwarded the email proof, the HOA folded immediately and paid me my lost rent without a second word.

This doesn't hold water because Josh Brown isn't the only recipient of varied suspension length and the verbiage is in the CBA saying the ultimate and final word is Goodell. He decides length.

I'm also not a race baiter. That just causes more discension which we definitely don't need. This has jack **** to do with race and everything to do with it being Zeke vs a K. That may be even less fair, but that's the real situation.
You don't see what's wrong with that? Zeke should sue. I bet a judge or jury would be bothered by it.

I'd honestly be shocked if they even got a "judge" to hear this, let alone a jury. They're gonna go to the same biased moderator who's screwed us every other time.

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