PFT: Woman bitten by Dak Prescott's dog loses part of finger

I didn't realize he'd been issued warnings about the dogs twice previously. That's not good..........but she was in the hospital for 4 days over a partly missing finger??? I had open surgery to have my whole gallbladder removed and I was out faster than that.
Well, there’s only one Runwildboys on this planet.
Lower your expectations for mere mortals
I like Dak but I have to be honest. Tatoo's, Bar Fights, Pitbulls ripping appendages from people. He has stripes.. Hear it Dak? You got stripes.....not sure your mum' would be proud bro.

But he sure sells great PR baby!!!!!
Wish his arm was as good as his PR....
Woman bitten by Dak Prescott's dog loses part of finger


The neighbor bitten by Dak Prescott's loose dog lost part of her right ring finger, WFAA reported Friday from court documents about the incident from last month. The woman was hospitalized fo...

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2 warnings, you or I would be brought up on charges, reckless endangerment, Maybe Dak will see some cell time.
I wasn't serious...but any who, I am missing fingertips, luckily, on my left hand,not my dominant one. Had a fight with a lawn mower when I was 19...many years ago lol. Its a mental thing more than anything that sticks with you for years. Every now and then I get scared of blades of anykind...but I press onward. She will need to do the same when dealing with dogs and the trauma shes been thru. Dak has to pay up. ...btw, to this day I joke around when asked what happened to my helps lighten the convo..just sayin.
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I will never understand people that can't secure their pets.

Accidents happen, but people tend to forget pets are animals first.
your right..and I LOVE ANIMALS, but man alive...they are animals! LOVE them, feed them,shelter them properly, and first and foremost, be responsible. Dak has no recourse, he will need to put the dog down, lesson learned I hope.
That's messed up. Regardless of breed that dog was fighting with daks other dog and accidentally bit her when she got in the middle of the dog fight. That was her stupid choice regardless if the dogs got onto her property.
lets see Dak was warned twice, Daks dog got out again and attacked the neighbors dog, lady tried to save her dog,Dak's dog bites her finger off, but it's her fault in your opinion, sorry guy but talking about stupid.
Blaming the woman for trying to protect her dog?

That's a new low.
it was tongue and cheek..if your referring to me. FULL CONTEXT....I am missing fingers...I "placed" my fingers under a lawnmower while running in 1990. if I would purposely do that ...but anyway, I am sure the lady had adrenaline kick in and she simply did what she had to do to protect her animal...MY question is, why was her dog outside and was it leashed? I/WE don't know the full story yet. More that has come out, I am no longer on Daks' side. She clearly has been thru hell and he was negligent...BUT MAYBE she was too.
Dak is going to be writing a couple of checks, one to the lady the dog bit and to the city in a fine and most likely the dog will be put down!
The media doesn't report poodle and lab attacks because they are so rare. They report pit bull attacks because not only are they much more common, they're also much more dangerous when it does happen. But then sheep probably wouldn't understand that.

This, every time it an attack it's a pit bull not even a Rot or D. Pincher. Just this week near me here in NC it was an attack on a 3 month old baby by a pit and it was the babysitters pit who attacked this little girl and killed her. Yes you get other breeds to bit but it's rare they kill. Then before Christmas this girl took her 2 pits on a hiking trail and those 2 dogs turned on her and killed her. So the ones that says " its not the dog but people who owns them saved that speech not buying it ".
100% daks fault. But if she hadn't broken up the fight between daks 2 dogs, she wouldn't have been bit. The dog didn't attack her. If it had then I'd be way more understanding. It was an unfortunate accidental bite when she decided she could stop a fight.
So she should watch her dog get killed by a dog that ripped through a wooden fence to get at hers?

I have picked up both my pug and frenchie at once when a pit was running loose. And I kicked as hard as I could hoping to kill the damn thing, luckily it figured it wasn't worth the fight.

I hope you're not a pet owner if you wouldn't defend them like they were family.
I've been attacked by a pit bull. It started out trying to kill my farm dog, and when I intervened, it went after me. It had me on the ground in less than a minute. If not for my border collie, I might not be around today. If a pit bull shows up on my land, I shoot them on the spot just like I would any animal that's a threat to my dogs or livestock.
I've been attacked by a pit bull. It started out trying to kill my farm dog, and when I intervened, it went after me. It had me on the ground in less than a minute. If not for my border collie, I might not be around today. If a pit bull shows up on my land, I shoot them on the spot just like I would any animal that's a threat to my dogs or livestock.
The scary thing about pit bulls is the strength of their jaw. Once they get a hold of you, it's tough to get them to let go.
You stick your hand in the middle of a dog fight and you will get bit. Could be by your own dog. Hoping while in quarantine the dog is nice and social. Otherwise it’s curtains.
You got that right. I had several deep bites on my arms and legs. Once they smell blood, they go crazy.
When I was a kid, one got a hold of this little girl I went to school with. Her Dad was hitting it in the head with a shovel and it still wouldn't let go. She lived but was badly scarred for life.

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