Playoff Wins Last 15 years, Cowboys 1, Texans 1

SanAngelo;4363938 said:
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Texans now have the same amount of wins in the playoffs as the Cowboys for the last 15 years.

Nice job Jerry! Things are going great. Couldn't have done it without you.

What he is leaving out are four facts:

1. It took the Texans ten seasons to qualify for the playoffs. The Cowboys under Jones' ownership won three Super Bowls by 1998.

2. From 1997 to 2001, there was no team in Houston.

3. Since 1970 -- the Merger --, the Texans set the record for longest time taken to play in an inaugural playoff game. That means the creamsicle Buccaneers and Zorn-led Seahawks, and the rebirthed Cleveland Browns all took less time to accomplish this feat.

4. They played the Bengals.

Get out here, troll.
Don Corleone;4364106 said:
I don't know if it is so much woe is me, but rather an excuse to underperform once a star player gets hurt. It is like the house of cards collapses when one star player in Dallas gets hurt. Other players view it as a chance to lay down and underperform. That is inherently what is wrong with the DNA of this group of players.

It is not just the players.

It is the culture of the entire franchise.

I do not think it is instilled in every player on this roster that they are not important and can be replaced. There are layers of importance, usually dictated by salary, that are a severe problem. Competition is at a minimum and even marginal success is rewarded. Name the "hungry" up and coming players on this roster? Everyone, from the starters to the lowliest scrub placekicker who does not even kick field goals has a sense of entitlement.

A team does not repeat the same problems year after year with different personalities unless there is a lingering infestation at the core of the franchise. And that comes from the top.
Alexander;4364098 said:
And we got an Eagles team with a declining air-guitar strumming Donovan McNabb two years ago.

What is your point?

Oh, right. But I'm sure before that game, you were probably on here telling the Zone we had no chance because:

1. Andy Reid had never lost a first round playoff game.

2. Donovan McNabb had never lost a first round playoff game.

3. We had never beaten an opponent three times in a season.

4. We had a postseason win drought of 13 years.

Funny how whenever the Cowboys accomplish something spectacular like that, it's suddenly garbage. Why follow the team if they can never win in your eyes?
The Emperor;4364127 said:
Funny how whenever the Cowboys accomplish something spectacular like that, it's suddenly garbage. Why follow the team if they can never win in your eyes?

When is the last time we accomplished anything spectacular?

And you can take your moronic, insipid and tired "go follow someone else" garbage and shove it.

Don't question my fanhood or how I demonstrate it.
The Emperor;4364127 said:
Oh, right. But I'm sure before that game, you were probably on here telling the Zone we had no chance because:

When your argument is predicted entirely on what you think someone might have done two years ago, it's probably not a good one.
Alexander;4364131 said:
When is the last time we accomplished anything spectacular?

And you can take your moronic, insipid and tired "go follow someone else" garbage and shove it.

Don't question my fanhood or how I demonstrate it.

I can? I choose to shove it down your throat then.

How does that question bother you? It's a valid question. If nothing the Cowboys ever do can please you, seriously, what's your motivation? You thrive off of disappointment? What's in it for you?

And, yeah, I would say doing what we did in 2009 was pretty spectacular. The problem is it like a one-hit wonder. It should have been a point where we built off of it. Instead, with 2010 and 2011, it's vanished. It's gone. Now, we have to get back to that point.
ScipioCowboy;4364136 said:
When your argument is predicted entirely on what you think someone might have done two years ago, it's probably not a good one.
Nor is an argument predicated strictly off of blind faith and a refusal to give a team that finally overcame adversity any credit whatsoever.
ScipioCowboy;4364136 said:
When your argument is predicted entirely on what you think someone might have done two years ago, it's probably not a good one.

Thank you. I didn't know you were the argument czar here. I'll be sure to send you drafts of my future posts by PM.

If his personal archives went back that far, I'm sure I would have found proof.
The Emperor;4364158 said:
How does that question bothers you? It's a valid question. If nothing the Cowboys ever do can please you, seriously, what's your motivation? You thrive off of disappointment? What's in it for you?

I could ask the same question of people just like you.

If everything the Cowboys do is just fine with you, do you thrive off of mediocrity and disappointment? What is in it for you, fulfilling the masochistic desire of the equivalent of having your intellect insulted for a decade and a half? I am happy for Texans fans, the whole inbred lot. They have to feel so relieved right now.

And, yeah, I would say doing what we did in 2009 was pretty spectacular.

If this franchise had not established a level of excellence well prior to that minor blip on the radar screen of mediocrity, I might agree with you.

We beat the boogeyman at the time. We are right back to being scared of him coming out of the closet less than two years later.

The problem is it like a one-hit wonder. It should have been a point where we built off of it. Instead, with 2010 and 2011, it's vanished. It's gone. Now, we have to get back to that point.

That is part of the problem and where my frustration lies. I have grave doubts we get back to that point and honestly that point is not what I believe we need to aspire to considering how the Vikings destroyed that house of cards the following week.
The Emperor;4364163 said:
Thank you. I didn't know you were the argument czar here. I'll be sure to send you drafts of my future posts by PM.

If his personal archives went back that far, I'm sure I would have found proof.

Oh, well...

Forgive my intrusive and unwarranted criticism.

Goodness knows, you didn't come into this thread criticizing.

Hey, donated to any charities lately?
Alexander;4364131 said:
When is the last time we accomplished anything spectacular?

And you can take your moronic, insipid and tired "go follow someone else" garbage and shove it.

Don't question my fanhood or how I demonstrate it.


This "love it or leave it" crap is really galling. If a realist ever told a homer to leave the forum or find a new team, I must have missed it.
Alexander;4364171 said:
I could ask the same question of people just like you.

If everything the Cowboys do is just fine with you, do you thrive off of mediocrity and disappointment? What is in it for you, fulfilling the masochistic desire of the equivalent of having your intellect insulted for a decade and a half? I am happy for Texans fans, the whole inbred lot. They have to feel so relieved right now.

See, that's the thing. It's not everything. 44-6 was soul-shattering, but getting revenge on them the next year was satisfying and an accomplishment. I don't write off our division win and playoff win as luck, as it appears you are doing.

When this team does good things, I think they should be lauded for it, not told that it was insignificant. One of my Cowboys buddies at another board has a great response to people's queries about whether or not a game is a big game: I'll only know after it's over and whether or not we lost.

It's true. If we win a "big game," it's not that big, a la Packers in 2007 and our playoff win over the Eagles in 2009. If we lose, then it was bigger than the 1958 NFL Championship game.

Alexander;4364171 said:
If this franchise had not established a level of excellence well prior to that minor blip on the radar screen of mediocrity, I might agree with you.

We beat the boogeyman at the time. We are right back to being scared of him coming out of the closet less than two years later.

So wait. Does that mean you weren't happy when we beat the Bears in the 1991 wild card? It's the exact same situation. In terms of the franchise, meh. In terms of the team, it was a step.

Alexander;4364171 said:
That is part of the problem and where my frustration lies. I have grave doubts we get back to that point and honestly that point is not what I believe we need to aspire to considering how the Vikings destroyed that house of cards the following week.

Oh, I think we get back. I'd like to see how everything plays out in free agency and the draft first. But I think we could get back to that point by 2012. Where your frustration really lies is wondering whether or not that's the ceiling for our success.
ScipioCowboy;4364173 said:
Hey, donated to any charities lately?

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

how can he find time to donate to charities when he's yelling at his romo jersey all night?
DragonCowboy;4364095 said:
The NFC East was terrible this year.

We lost the division to a team that went 3-5 in its last 8 games (and 2 of those wins were against us), and we got passed by a team that was 4-8.

Yet, it was a great first year for Ginger Landry. He's well on his way. Just get him 22 pro bowlers and he'll be fine.
SanAngelo;4363938 said:
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Texans now have the same amount of wins in the playoffs as the Cowboys for the last 15 years.

Nice job Jerry! Things are going great. Couldn't have done it without you. :thumbdo:
Insightful! Must have taken a lot of research!?? :rolleyes:
The Emperor;4364237 said:
So wait. Does that mean you weren't happy when we beat the Bears in the 1991 wild card? It's the exact same situation. In terms of the franchise, meh. In terms of the team, it was a step.

Wasn't the victory against the Bears in 1991 not just like what you just finished disparaging the Texans about? That was not a great team. It was a declining team.

Yes, I was extremely happy about that win. We had an incredibly young team with big holes. But I wanted more. Apparently the organization did too as the very next season, you see, we went out and acquired Charles Haley. We drafted Kevin Smith in the first round. Game on.

Tell me, are we going to do something like that this year?

Of course not. We rested on whatever success we felt we achieved in 2009. That is the biggest problem with this franchise right now. Success is evaluated basically like you do with your particular viewpoint as a fan. Our braintrust thinks just like you, which should scare you a bit.

Oh, I think we get back. I'd like to see how everything plays out in free agency and the draft first. But I think we could get back to that point by 2012. Where your frustration really lies is wondering whether or not that's the ceiling for our success.

I can go ahead and already tell you what lies ahead, but I'd hate for you to have to correct me on how bad of a fan I am.
The Emperor;4364237 said:
If we lose, then it was bigger than the 1958 NFL Championship game..

No game will ever be bigger than that game, still pissed we lost that one

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