Jukie (ok Juke; whatever),
Congratulations seems to be the order of the day. If you'll accept congratulations from an Eagles fan, then I give it gladly. Because you see being a Mod-man (woman?) is a great responsibility. Mod men are not exclusive to our board (I may feel like a 2nd class citizen sometimes, but I'm a citizen nontheless).
I guess I'm probably thinking "
outside-the-box" when I say that one day I hope
our MB decides to have some mod representation from an opponent fanship (this isn't new concept, I've mentioned it to the mod-squad, and one other mod-man). The point is that you have to realize that another point of view is healthy; as long as that point of view is within designated guidelnes.
Sure, I'm sincere about congratulating you -- as I was when I gave well-wishes to the La Tuna fish (I still think he was joking when s/he threw out the "B" word on me). But by now I believe all of the mod-men know that I know when to fold em ...but I'm not a push over.
But I sure wish you guys would consider having an opponent fanship member as a mod. Not too many
mod-men on any site would look out for other team fans without extreme prejudice.
Question: How would this MB act if I became a moderator? That's right, an Eagles Fan moderator on a Dalley C'Boy message Board! I can hear everyone rejecting the notion from here. But wait just a minute -- word would get out across the NFL MBs that you guys were pioneers; pathfinders, and precendence makers.
Listen, I'm not necessarily talking about myself ...I've read AJM's post (you all know him, he's been a member of this site for a Very long time) for over 6 months now -- he's fair, he's knows when to backup and proceed In another direction, and I've never seen him defend without cause. But I still believe He could add another dimension that would enhance our MB and represent an opponent perspective that no other MB currently has.
Would I accept such responsibility ...I'd have to tweak some things, but if asked, I could handle the challenge.
Ok, why not call it
Mediator vis-a-vis Moderator. Implement as a test for a month. Go on, talk it over with each other. Do a survey! What harm will it do for a month.
Sensitive Time Periods to consider or that probabLy need to be worked out:
Opponent Mediator games played against the host MB Moderator/fans
(e.g., when Dalley plays the iggles, r'Skins, etc)
Deferred post that are directed toward/conflict with sensitive dalley C'boy
related issues (e.g., directly after a potential loss from the mediator's team)
Other arkward posts
Why can't opponent fans be considered as moderators/Mediator -- there's not restriction in the policy to become a MB member. Consider it before you reject It!