Please Welcome Juke99 as the Newest Mod

Juke, if arm becomes a mod over me, could I borrow one of your pencils?
. A mediator would serve the MB as a liaison between opponent fans and moderators.

LMAO, we've got more mods than opponent fans, don't we?

Why exactly do you feel opponent fans NEED a mediator? Are you treated so unfairly, all six of you, you need a special counsel to plead your case?

BTW, this is Juke's congratulation thread. Your lobbying on it isn't kosher. For all you know, the guy could want to email the link to his mother.

And all she'd see is an Iggles twerp beating his own drum. Like a kid invited to a friend's birthday party, and bringing his own cake.

I think a little two day vactaion might be just what the doctor ordered. :D
I'm honored that you responded so eloquently (you're right up there with "the Mod-Squad). You fielded the question like a Vet-Mod (I've found your knickname = Vet-Mod)!

I agree with you. One sure way to determine MB dedication is tenure; consistency, and honesty. Consider the Mediator/Moderator option -- perhaps with limited Mod authority. A mediator would serve the MB as a liaison between opponent fans and moderators.

I know the question was heavy, but I figured you could handle it -- and you did! But think about the first 15-20 questions I'd get if I became a mod-man/mediator. Establish your parameters/criteria for the Opponent Fanship Mediator -- make a short list, let us take a look at your porposal. We can go from there.'s all downhill from here for me :)

Actually, if you consider it, a person could come here and know next to nothing about football, read the posting guidelines and become a good mod. In fact, I could make an argument that a person with zero knowledge would be best suited for the responsiblity because they would be objective and wouldnt get wrapped up in the discussion at hand. Instead, they'd be a very objective mod, reading the words in the way they were written and determining if that behavior fell within the posted guidelines. Pretty simple.

I think that is where your question would draw the most concern, objectivity.
RW31 said:
Juke, if arm becomes a mod over me, could I borrow one of your pencils?


Geez, what I started with that pencil comment.

Actually, I ordered several dozen cases in preparation for my new position. I'm sure I could part with a few.
LaTunaNostra said:
BTW, this is Juke's congratulation thread. Your lobbying on it isn't kosher. For all you know, the guy could want to email the link to his mother.

I already did, she returned it. She's an Eagle's fan. :D
Uh, could someone please get this back on track by writing how much they support the decision to make me a mod and how great I'll be at it?
Duane said:
Who also loves the Cowboys. lol :D

I'm not certain if that's a criteria -- but I'm sure honesty is. I only love one team, but I can honestly say I hate no team! Not trying to be faceous, but I don't think hating another team/fan is very healthy. This is really just fun!
Isn't it!? :cool:
Juke99 said:
I already did, she returned it. She's an Eagle's fan. :D


That was one heck of a response buddy ...LOL LOL LOL!

That's the type of flexibility I wish all MB moderators possessed.

You are worthy! BTW, your mom sounds like a great person! :D
Juke99 said:
Uh, could someone please get this back on track by writing how much they support the decision to make me a mod and how great I'll be at it?

Congratulations on your being appointed a moderator at the undisputed best Cowboys message board on earth, the CowboysZone!!

As a poster I am happy to know a devoted Cowboys fan with limitless knowledge on the team and the NFL has been recognized. Your posts have always been among the most informative, engaging, and clever here.

As a fellow mod I appreciate the fact your wisdom, objectivity, and wit will continue to make this board a safe haven for Boys fans to congregate and discuss the team. Your fairness and sense of balance (except when it comes to my beloved Tuna) is outstanding, and you are easily able to rise above the level of baiting trolls and assorted wannabe 'mediators".

However, your ultra criticism of our fearless leader is becoming, well, unseemly. In fact, the day may come when for one mod must ban another. I pray the team wins handily this week beause I cannot take another week of your Tuna salading. Nor can my fingers take another week of dropping five hundred posts in his defense.


Your devoted one.

LaTunaNostra said:
Now that was more intelligently and diplomatically said ... My answer to Armaggeddon would have been "screw you, get lost".

Since I would be the first of perhaps other limited Mediators, my response would have been ...

...perhaps the edited out option needs tweaking, because your comment "screw you, get lost" still appeared on the post


...this must be one of the benefits that moderators have over mediators, because I've never spoken those words to anyone -- fans or otherwise.

Mod-Squad (opps, you are ...that means I have no alternatives but to accept the language and cower away?!)

or ...

wow, I'm sure glad that was editied out! :rolleyes:
LaTunaNostra said:

Congratulations on your being appointed a moderator at the undisputed best Cowboys message board on earth, the CowboysZone!!

As a poster I am happy to know a devoted Cowboys fan with limitless knowledge on the team and the NFL has been recognized. Your posts have always been among the most informative, engaging, and clever here.

As a fellow mod I appreciate the fact your wisdom, objectivity, and wit will continue to make this board a safe haven for Boys fans to congregate and discuss the team. Your fairness and sense of balance (except when it comes to my beloved Tuna) is outstanding, and you are easily able to rise above the level of baiting trolls and assorted wannabe 'mediators".

However, your ultra criticism of our fearless leader is becoming, well, unseemly. In fact, the day may come when for one mod must ban another. I pray the team wins handily this week beause I cannot tke another week of your Tuna salading. Nor can my fingers take another week of dropping five hundred posts in his defense.


Your devoted one.



I think I am going to be ill. Never have I seen such a sappy, phony, transparent bunch of garbage. Keep it up. :D
Juke99 said:

I think I am going to be ill. Never have I seen such a sappy, phony, transparent bunch of garbage. Keep it up. :D
Well, dear, at least the last paragraph was sincere. ;)
Since I would be the first of perhaps other limited Mediators, my response would have been ...

...perhaps the edited out option needs tweaking, because your comment "screw you, get lost" still appeared on the post


...this must be one of the benefits that moderators have over mediators, because I've never spoken those words to anyone -- fans or otherwise.

Mod-Squad (opps, you are ...that means I have no alternatives but to accept the language and cower away?!)

or ...

wow, I'm sure glad that was editied out! :rolleyes:
Willl you give it a rest? No way are we gonna make a mod so that our 6 opposing fans that live in the smack forum (where I claim my territory).
RW31 said:
Willl you give it a rest? No way are we gonna make a mod so that our 6 opposing fans that live in the smack forum (where I claim my territory).

Didn't know you made those type of decisions. I rest my case! :rolleyes:
Congratulations Juke, and most of all thanks for agreeing to help us out.

There are a lot of misconceptions about being a Moderator. It also always comes with some controversy. People want to create all kinds of conspiracies about why someone was chosen over someone else.

The fact of the matter is we have a lot of posters worthy of being Moderators. Choosing one out of all the candidates is not easy and nothing about it is favoritsim. Unfortunately people tend to not believe that.

99% of the time that I am on this forum I am not a Moderator. I'm just a Cowboys fan who is reading and posting about the game of football.

The other 1% of the time is my least favorite time here. I prefer that people simply respect this site for what it is and behave without needing intervention. The fact is, some don't. They want to spread litter. So I get to play janitor.

No joke, the best compliment ever paid to me on this site happened a couple of months ago. A poster I read often, and respect, got fed up with something and was going to leave. I stepped in via PM to try and fix whatever was wrong. The poster in question appreciated the efforts, but more importantly said he didn't even know I was a Mod here.

That's just the way I wish it was all the time. In front of the forum we're all just posters here.

If I could wish anything for Juke99, all of the the other Mods, and any future candidates it would be that everyone quit fixating on who the Mods are and simply focus on how they do their jobs.

No person is perfect. Mods can and do make mistakes. Lord knows I made some doozies. Especially on the old forum. We all do. People make mistakes and feelings get hurt. It's a fact of life.

This site is and always has been about content. We get better insider news, faster posting of the articles, and more discussions about the issues we care about as a fan base than any other site about the Dallas Cowboys.

That's because of the everyday posters...not the Moderators.

Who the Mods are ought to be the least interesting thing about why you come here. I really wish it was.

Welcome again Juke. Welcome to controversy.

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