Is Dwayne Goodrich an addict?
I don't much know about him, but I think not. From what I have read, he is an irresponsible partier.
His situation is FAR different from Carter's. A specious argument.
Certainly once a person victimizes others, and to the ultimate degree as Goodrich did, he should pay the price we as a society deems fitting.
I am for personal accountabillity, in all matters.
It's irrelevant but I neither drink nor do any drug harder than aspririn, and never have. Have never been intoxicated in my life..not out of any special self-discipline, (my message board posting gives the lie to that

: ) but because I fail to see the attraction in being out of control. I mean really, why?
But I also realize what is so easy for me to abstain from is much less so for folks like Quincy. Just because I can easily abstain, doesn't make me feel superior. Just lucky.
I pity addicts. I also pity the victims they leave in their path. Carter is not Goodrich, and drawing that analogy is silly; but he has had to have left plenty of heartache in his path. All addicts do.
I can not imagine NOT feeling great pity for substance addiction, the tragedy and waste for the individual, the family, and the society.
And am always amazed such a fundamental human emotion meets with such astonishment.