Possible QC news

Alexander said:
Fair enough.

I hate to compare the two, but if you boil down your argument in terms of what is worthy of pity in a purely Christian sense, then Goodrich deserves the same amount of support as Quincy Carter does.
I feel sorry for QC because, if he is indeed bi-polar, that's a condition he has that medical science knows little about--but not something he caused. Someone like Goodrich, who knowingly drinks then gets into a vehicle--& does it on more than one occasion--I don't have sympathy for. Nor do I feel particularly sorry for fools like AB or Winslow Jr. because they're just being stupid. I don't excuse "I'm young". Hey, I did plenty of stupid things in my 20s--& I know they were totally my fault. Now, does that excuse QC's doing drugs? No--& I'm not. I said I feel sorry for him. And if he has family members who are ill--hey, even athletes who makes millions deserve sympathy if their family members are sick. I know how close I am to my mother & how devastated I'd feel if she were ill. Why should QC be any different just because he plays football? Heck, I'd even feel sorry for TO if his mother was ill.

Fortunately, I've never been addicted to something. But you look at guys like, say, a Darryl Strawberry, who just never could shake the drugs--it's a tragedy. I'm not excusing it; I'm just saying it's a tragedy. And it doesn't matter if the person is a multi-millionaire or homeless on the street. That in no way excuses them if they are on drugs or booze & go out & cause harm to someone else--they deserve whatever punishment they get. But if they're so caught up in whatever addictive demons they have that they can't save themselves, then it is sad--any human life wasted is sad.
dbair1967 said:
what does not having talent to play QB in the NFL have to do with being able to figure out the difference between right and wrong and act accordingly?

being able to differentiate between right and wrong, whats a criminal act and whats not is NOT "mental strength"


The difference is he has the physical ability and you do not. You had the mental strength to not give into peer pressure and he didn't. Belive it or not there are many people out there who don't think drugs are bad. Drug use is an addiction and once it has taken hold, it takes a mentally strong person to break the habit, hell look at how many people can't stop smoking. I have heard cocaine is 1000 times worse. Everyday the average joe gets busted for possesion and depending on the drug they might get some community service, they might loose their job, but like I said when you posses a talent that less than half of one percent of the population of the us has (240+million people) then your employer will look the other way while you are making him money.
Kittymama said:
I feel sorry for QC because, if he is indeed bi-polar, that's a condition he has that medical science knows little about--but not something he caused. Someone like Goodrich, who knowingly drinks then gets into a vehicle--& does it on more than one occasion--I don't have sympathy for. Nor do I feel particularly sorry for fools like AB or Winslow Jr. because they're just being stupid. I don't excuse "I'm young". Hey, I did plenty of stupid things in my 20s--& I know they were totally my fault. Now, does that excuse QC's doing drugs? No--& I'm not. I said I feel sorry for him. And if he has family members who are ill--hey, even athletes who makes millions deserve sympathy if their family members are sick. I know how close I am to my mother & how devastated I'd feel if she were ill. Why should QC be any different just because he plays football? Heck, I'd even feel sorry for TO if his mother was ill.

Fortunately, I've never been addicted to something. But you look at guys like, say, a Darryl Strawberry, who just never could shake the drugs--it's a tragedy. I'm not excusing it; I'm just saying it's a tragedy. And it doesn't matter if the person is a multi-millionaire or homeless on the street. That in no way excuses them if they are on drugs or booze & go out & cause harm to someone else--they deserve whatever punishment they get. But if they're so caught up in whatever addictive demons they have that they can't save themselves, then it is sad--any human life wasted is sad.

its not sad...those people made a choice to try it and got hooked afterwards...they knew it was wrong and did it anyway...not all (and in fact probably not many) bi polar people are drug abusers...

I feel sorry for the family of the mother who gets hit by a drunk driver or doped up idiot, not for the drunk or the dope fiend...the tragedy lies in the true victims that these ignorant losers impact, not the other way around

doing drugs= against the law
driving under the influence of alchohol or drugs= against the law
people who feel sorry for someone who made a CHOICE to do drugs or abuse alchohol= blindly stupid

nobody held a gun to QC's, Ricky Williams, or Steve Howe, or Darryl Strawberry etc etc heads and forced them to do what they did, they CHOSE to do that...

sacase said:
The difference is he has the physical ability and you do not. You had the mental strength to not give into peer pressure and he didn't. Belive it or not there are many people out there who don't think drugs are bad. Drug use is an addiction and once it has taken hold, it takes a mentally strong person to break the habit, hell look at how many people can't stop smoking. I have heard cocaine is 1000 times worse. Everyday the average joe gets busted for possesion and depending on the drug they might get some community service, they might loose their job, but like I said when you posses a talent that less than half of one percent of the population of the us has (240+million people) then your employer will look the other way while you are making him money.

not all drug use causes addiction...the problem is I knew using drugs was ILLEGAL and didnt do it because I knew there could be serious consequences...QC isnt 2 yrs old...he knew his actions could have repurcussions, he KNOWS drugs are illegal...whether or not someone is a professional athlete, congressmen, actor/actress or just a regular joe, we all know drug use is illegal, and therefore shouldnt be done...if you then CHOOSE to do it anyway, thats your fault...my point all along has been there is no reason to feel SORRY for bumbling fools like QC who cause their own downfall because they couldnt stay clean

as for peer pressure, how do you know thats what caused him to try drugs? peer pressure is just an excuse in alot of instances

Alexander said:
I just don't care what he does elsewhere and do not invest emotional time and energy.

Those that do have clearly chosen the player/person over the franchise.
That's not true. I have continued to root for every player that ever played for the cowboys. Even Jean Fugette when he was shipped to the hated Washington Slurs.
How is wanting the former Cowboys to do well putting the player over the franchise?

And as far not investing emotional time and energy, you seem to devote plenty to prove that those of us that want the players to do well with the rest of their lives are wrong.
dbair1967 said:
its not sad...those people made a choice to try it and got hooked afterwards...they knew it was wrong and did it anyway...not all (and in fact probably not many) bi polar people are drug abusers...

I feel sorry for the family of the mother who gets hit by a drunk driver or doped up idiot, not for the drunk or the dope fiend...the tragedy lies in the true victims that these ignorant losers impact, not the other way around

doing drugs= against the law
driving under the influence of alchohol or drugs= against the law
people who feel sorry for someone who made a CHOICE to do drugs or abuse alchohol= blindly stupid

nobody held a gun to QC's, Ricky Williams, or Steve Howe, or Darryl Strawberry etc etc heads and forced them to do what they did, they CHOSE to do that...


Have you broke a law? Ever speed? Play your music too loud? How about this. Your a siant right?

I beilve in Prince William county, there is a law that is still on the books that says you can beat your wife on the county court house steps on Sunday's. So its ok if someone does that right? They guy was within the law.

I am not saying he was right, he was wrong for what he did by moral standards (and legal ones too). Goodrich was clearly wrong and he is paying the price of it. But often times things are not so cut and dry we don't know why he he started drug use, but I feel sorry for all addicts, and pray they don't hurt others in the process of hurting themselves and hope they some how get their lives back in order.
sacase said:
Have you broke a law? Ever speed? Play your music too loud? How about this. Your a siant right?

I beilve in Prince William county, there is a law that is still on the books that says you can beat your wife on the county court house steps on Sunday's. So its ok if someone does that right? They guy was within the law.

I am not saying he was right, he was wrong for what he did by moral standards (and legal ones too). Goodrich was clearly wrong and he is paying the price of it. But often times things are not so cut and dry we don't know why he he started drug use, but I feel sorry for all addicts, and pray they don't hurt others in the process of hurting themselves and hope they some how get their lives back in order.

you seem to be letting the point fly right over your head and reverting to a pretty sad take to support your argument, therefore I have no intention on continuing this...

The most pathetic thing on this thread is that some think they can tell everyone else how to think or to define their actions in absolutes. The insults need to flat stop.

QC quite possibly has a mental disorder.
Even if he doesn't nothing he has done to my knowledge has been violent or dangerous to anyone but himself. He blew his shot as a QB here. Understood, and I'm glad its over, but his life isn't and no reason for me not to support him as a person and even as a player provided it isn't against us.
sacase said:
The only people who have the responsibility to lead by example are 1) parents and 2) people who are in real leadership positions (IE government officials, military officers and NCO's, heads of corporations, etc).

Almost anyone can flip a burger, how many people can carry the ball for 1400+ yards in the NFL with 250lb+ men kncoking them al over the place? Supply Vs Demand.

One thing I found interesting is you made the comment of "I can do it, so can he?" Well if that is the case why are you not the QB for the Cowboys? Perhaps you don't have the talent or the physical prowess to accomplish that goal, just like QC may not have some of the mental strength that you have. Food for thought.

I think there are a couple of things in your post that might be looked at in a little different light.

The people you point out are undoubtedly held to a different standard then most. No question. Having said that, professional athletes and celebs do have a responsability to the public. Like it or not, that's the deal. It would be nice if people could invest in parents or teachers, like they do athletes and the like but it doesn't happen. That's the reality of the situation. If you take NFL players, for example, they have specific language in there contracts that stipulate this. They are not regular employees. They play in the NFL, which is very different then your normal employement. There product is intertainment, marketed and managed through the NFL. A club, if you will. If/when the player is hurting the product, IE image, then there's a problem. As a result, they are indeed expected to represent in a specific fashion and held accountable, as such, by the league.

I think you have a point with your words on "how many people can run for 1400 yards", etc. As some have already pointed out, QC wasn't that good. While I think you have a point, I don't think it fits QC.

If I can do it, so can he. Well, I understand what your saying about being able to be a professional athlete in context to most of us but I don't think it applies. If we adopt this method of reasoning, then we're basically saying that the game is bigger then the law. This can not be. The laws of the land must come first. Then you can consider the considerations due athletes and the like. Basically, if I or you or whom ever got caught doing drugs, not talking about your employer catching you, but actually getting caught, we would be prosecuted. In sports, that doesn't happen. You get caught and you get a free pass. That's not right. You can't compare making a decision to try drugs and subsiquently getting hooked with being able to compete as a Pro athlete. Two entirely different things IMO.
jay cee said:
How is wanting the former Cowboys to do well putting the player over the franchise?

It is not like this player just left or was traded. He cost our team, my team and supposedly yours victories in 2004. He let us down. Wish him well and be done with it. But no, there is this compulsion some still have to cherish his memory. My question is why?

And as far not investing emotional time and energy, you seem to devote plenty to prove that those of us that want the players to do well with the rest of their lives are wrong.

Actually, I could do quite well without the constant reminders of a failed QB who chose drugs over his team.

You don't see "I sure liked Brandon Noble, I hope he does well with the Commanders" threads, even though he did far less to hurt the franchise and parted of his own free will.

It is not like this is Emmitt Smith or Troy Aikman we are talking about. This was a player who royally cost us, in more ways than one. Other players in new places do not get periodic status reports and "news flashes". Where are the Troy Hambrick fans posting "Gee I hope he does well in Arizona this year. I always liked him and have felt sorry for him"?
jterrell said:
QC quite possibly has a mental disorder.

So did Dimetrius Underwood.

He got released from his CFL team yesterday.

Where is his newsflash?

I suppose he just does not have a fan club, that's too bad.
I am really angry with the poster bringing this up.

Quincy Carter is a miserable football player and not much better of a person. There is no reason to care what happens to this guy. He provided nothing to the team except disappointment. He insulted the fans and the organization. He played up some B.S. persecution complex in the media. He blamed everyone and impugned ill motivations instead of admitting that the problem people had with him was his poor play and decision-making ability.

He left here, insulted the organization some more, and then proceeded to do more stupid things personally and play poorly elsewhere.

He is scum. He brought nothing but problems and unneeded drama to the team. I have all the empathy and concern in the world for people who are humble and have problems. But Carter? Forget it. I would be perfectly happy to never hear that stain on our organization's name ever mentioned again.

And for what it's worth, I am highly suspicious of the motivations of people who still have an interest in this guy. He has done nothing to deserve it.
QC is gone, people need to let this go. We are not talking a super star player here folks.
jterrell said:
QC quite possibly has a mental disorder.

So do any of us who got suckered into particpating in this thread. :)

52 replies and counting,lmao!
Alexander said:
So did Dimetrius Underwood.

He got released from his CFL team yesterday.

Where is his newsflash?

I suppose he just does not have a fan club, that's too bad.
I could post it if you're interested...:cool: :D
I've never understood how some fans became so enamoured with Quincy Carter. It's not like he was Staubach or Montana...and the guy's a druggie on top of that. Why are so many so quick to defend QC?

I wanted him to succeed as our quarterback but anyone in the right mind could tell that he wasn't the right fit in Dallas. Many QB's have not been the right fit. Why aren't the same people that defend Quincy defending Anthony Wright or Hugh Millen?

I don't get it. He's gone...he's an also-ran. I hope he turns his life around but he's not getting any more attention from me than all the other part-time QB's the Cowboys have had recently. I'm ready to win, people.
LaTunaNostra said:
So do any of us who got suckered into particpating in this thread. :)

52 replies and counting,lmao!
Hey, mine was good. I actually talked about a player still on the team. ;)
I think there are a couple of things in your post that might be looked at in a little different light.

The people you point out are undoubtedly held to a different standard then most. No question. Having said that, professional athletes and celebs do have a responsability to the public. Like it or not, that's the deal. It would be nice if people could invest in parents or teachers, like they do athletes and the like but it doesn't happen. That's the reality of the situation. If you take NFL players, for example, they have specific language in there contracts that stipulate this. They are not regular employees. They play in the NFL, which is very different then your normal employement. There product is intertainment, marketed and managed through the NFL. A club, if you will. If/when the player is hurting the product, IE image, then there's a problem. As a result, they are indeed expected to represent in a specific fashion and held accountable, as such, by the league.

I think you have a point with your words on "how many people can run for 1400 yards", etc. As some have already pointed out, QC wasn't that good. While I think you have a point, I don't think it fits QC.

If I can do it, so can he. Well, I understand what your saying about being able to be a professional athlete in context to most of us but I don't think it applies. If we adopt this method of reasoning, then we're basically saying that the game is bigger then the law. This can not be. The laws of the land must come first. Then you can consider the considerations due athletes and the like. Basically, if I or you or whom ever got caught doing drugs, not talking about your employer catching you, but actually getting caught, we would be prosecuted. In sports, that doesn't happen. You get caught and you get a free pass. That's not right. You can't compare making a decision to try drugs and subsiquently getting hooked with being able to compete as a Pro athlete. Two entirely different things IMO.

Personally I see celebs and athletes as people who get paid to entertain me and who happen to make alot of money doing so. I could care less what they do at home. I dont' want to be like many of them.

I do understand what you are saying also, but let me point out that if your employer gives you a drug test all they can do is fire you. They can't press charges against you and niether can the police. I don't think professional athletes should be above the law, in fact the law applies to them like it does to everyone else, which is why I think the law passed by congress concerning professional sports and drugs will eventually be ruled unconstitutional. Which athletes have been caught and have gotten a free pass? I am not trying to be funny but honestly I really don't follow alot of these guys legal issues outside of football, other than the big cases like Ray Lewis, Ray Carruth, Etc.

Professional athlets do have rules of conduct in the contracts, however if they wanted to hang out in strib clubs and such in their free time, then there is very little that can be done, especially if they do exactly what they have to do when they are playing their sport. But with that said they might not get those big endorsment deals, due to a morality clause. Nothing in their contract says they have to be a role models. We choose to make them such and apply our own morals on them.

With QC, I feel sorry for the guy, I hate to see drugs ruin anyone's life QC's or anyone else's for that matter. However if you do make a mistake and hurt someone else then you should pay the price. Honestly how many People can claim they took their team to the playoffs? Not saying he was the best thing since sliced bread but he did have an accomplishment that 99.9% of us will never have. QC is good enough to play somewhere and if he can get a hold of his drug problem then he has a reasonable chance to succeed.
Woody'sGirl said:
I could post it if you're interested...:cool: :D

Please do.

For some reason, I doubt it stirs as much passion and kisses blown in the wind.:eek::
LaTunaNostra said:
So do any of us who got suckered into particpating in this thread. :)

52 replies and counting,lmao!
Wanna spice up the offseason??? Start a QC thread... The man just sparks strong feelings in people, for whatever reason.

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