Post an obscure and pointless fact

The Egals played in the 1st televised football game. On October 22, 1939, the Eagles lost to the Brooklyn Football Dodgers (a club which obviously no longer exists) by a final score of 23-14.

NBC sent an 8 man crew to film the contest, which was broadcast on one of the network’s New York City affiliates. Roughly 500 New Yorkers tuned in to watch the game. Altogether, the broadcast lasted for two hours and 33 minutes. There were no commercial interruptions.
Twin sisters Esther Pauline Friedman (Anne Landers) and Pauline Esther Friedman (Dear Abby) were born July 4th 1918 and would've been 100.
Now,thats a mind blower,especially for those whom were already teetering on the edge of the brink of a blown mindo_O

* oh,yes!,,,y'all know who you are& I DO TOO,,,ER,,,ALSO:eek:
Burnin' Love.
#2 on bilboard in '72.
Did the "king" really go country whist residing upon his "porcelain throne" ,,,engaged in the inhalation&expelling of fried peanutbutter& banana sandwiches?,,,o_O

* and was that " BURNING LOVE" tune really inspired by some most excellent original Mexican cuisine he'd sampled while out on tour?o_Oo_O
The bushes and clouds in Super Mario Bros are the same, just colored differently.

Twin sisters Esther Pauline Friedman (Anne Landers) and Pauline Esther Friedman (Dear Abby) were born July 4th 1918 and would've been 100.
But did you know that their parents only knew two names? If they'd had triplets, the third one would have been the Clint Eastwood of advice columnists.

"Dear Columnist With No Name, my boyfriend did Dutch Ovens on me until I threw up on the cat last Thursday. Do you think I should get a faster cat?"
Elvis won 3 Grammy's during his lifetime...all for his gospel music.

'66 How Great Thou Art of his finest...won for best gospel album.

'72 He Touched Me...Elvis' brilliant take on contemporary christian music...won for best gospel album.

'74 Elvis' live version of How Great Thou Art...won for best vocal performance on a gospel song.
But did you know that their parents only knew two names? If they'd had triplets, the third one would have been the Clint Eastwood of advice columnists.

"Dear Columnist With No Name, my boyfriend did Dutch Ovens on me until I threw up on the cat last Thursday. Do you think I should get a faster cat?"

That's probably when they go to the father's name. boy or girl. lol Plus I'm sure with twins they probably thought that was a real hoot back in 1918.
I'm a dyed in the wool full fledged ELVIS fan now,,,as before this intensive Clockwork Orange style of mind melting, I was kinda Luke warm,really only liking Kentucky Rain & that "Hunka'-Hunka' burning Brain Paint " tunes,,,o_O

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