no, umm, how can i explain this one team has a coach and coaches who knew what they were doing, who knew what to get out of the players, and how to play to their strenghts. We have fans on the sideline. Did Marinelli try his heart out, yes he did. Did Callahan do good with the line, yes he did. did i have us not making the playoffs, yes i did. why, because i knew dallas would not take advantage of their strenghts, and watched other teams do what they could have chosen to done.
When the giants did it. you knew, they knew they were going to play to their abilities. If Mannign was good at throwing 3 yards, the giants would throw three yards. If the giants knew they could run forward, they ran their best runner. when they needed 5 yards, they got 6. The mentality beat us more than anything else, but it was the Giants and other teams turning their mentality around.