Princess Lilly, update, donation information

I'm so very saddened and weakened by news of Lilly's passing. I've got to log off now and think about Lilly and her remaining family and friends ... for all those who feel her loss most deeply and about the things in life that really matter.

I'm so sorry for the loss and for the pain of those left to bear it.
so sad...I hope she flys with the Angels! my heart goes out to her family and friends
sureletsrace;4589352 said:
Update, 7:12 PM-

Facebook post from Lilly's mommy:

Sweet Lilly Valentine is now an angel. She fought like a warrior till the very end. Her words: "I'm gonna fly??!! Yay!! I'm gonna have wings??" You think I'm kidding....but I'm not. Thank you all who were here. Tomorrow will be the burial. If the girl who told me she had a venue for the celebration of life would please contact me....we want to do it while family is still in town. Also if anyone wants in in that let me know. We want pictures of talking...whoever wants....and open door. Team Lilly hoooooraaaaah!!

Thank you again to everyone who sent your prayers and thoughts. Lilly lost her battle, please help her family pick up the pieces of their lives and donate what you can, I beg you.
She's not suffering any more, but I have a feeling a lot of people who knew her will be. And maybe some who didn't. Such a touching story.
I once thought of naming my daughter "Lilly". What a beautiful name as I'm sure she is just as beautiful of a kid. My goodness this world is so harsh sometimes.
wittenacious;4588590 said:
This is so very sad. My wife and I lost our just shy of 3-year old angel of a baby boy, many years ago. The feelings involved in losing your child are so overwhelmingly painful. Belief that they will depart this life and be in Heaven the very next moment helps to have faith in, but the sense of loss is so, so great. So deeply personal.

My heart continues to go out to this beautiful little girl, Lilly, and to her parents, to her family and to all who know and love her. My prayer: May God grant His Love and His Mercy in His meeting of all of their needs. Please be there with them through it all. Amen.

Amen, my man. A few of us on this board have lost children. I know how some of them feel and vice versa. No one could ever understand unless they've been through it. I know that. I'll add you to my list of those who have been kicked by this terrible blow life can deal. You sort of wake up never feeling the same--at least I still do.

I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
CowboyMcCoy;4589521 said:
I once thought of naming my daughter "Lilly". What a beautiful name as I'm sure she is just as beautiful of a kid. My goodness this world is so harsh sometimes.

It is. If I have a daughter in the future I'll definitely name her after this strong little warrior. R.I.P. Lilly.
And now my prayer is strength for this family as Lilly is now in the presence of the Almighty God who created her. And she is having the best time of her life right now.

Blessings to the family.
Just horrible. As many have already said, she is no longer hurting. I am glad to see all of the people she touched before she passed, even if she never knew. Does anyone know if she got to see "brave"?
TheKey;4589570 said:
Just horrible. As many have already said, she is no longer hurting. I am glad to see all of the people she touched before she passed, even if she never knew. Does anyone know if she got to see "brave"?

Good to see you around, man.
Update from Mommy's facebook:

Forgot to mention when Lilly realized she was gonna fly...she also said "I'm gonna be with e.t.??!!" She was so excited lol.
I don't know how to carry on from here. To be honest I'm not sure I wanna but I know our boys needs us. I'm walking to my motherinlaws from my nans... looking up into the sky...n wondering what she's thinking as Shes looking down. I don't want her to see me upset....she hates to see us cry.

What a precious girl. She is missed already. Again, please, find it in your heart to donate anything, even just $1. Princess Lilly's parents still have 2 sons to take care of on top of all these bills, and their oldest is Autistic.

Thank you again.
TheKey;4589570 said:
Just horrible. As many have already said, she is no longer hurting. I am glad to see all of the people she touched before she passed, even if she never knew. Does anyone know if she got to see "brave"?

Unfortunately, no. Lilly did not get to see 'Brave'.

I'm sure she's watching it now though.
Update from Mommy's facebook:

Forgot to mention when Lilly realized she was gonna fly...she also said "I'm gonna be with e.t.??!!" She was so excited lol.
I don't know how to carry on from here. To be honest I'm not sure I wanna but I know our boys needs us. I'm walking to my motherinlaws from my nans... looking up into the sky...n wondering what she's thinking as Shes looking down. I don't want her to see me upset....she hates to see us cry.

What a precious girl. She is missed already. Again, please, find it in your heart to donate anything, even just $1. Princess Lilly's parents still have 2 sons to take care of on top of all these bills, and their oldest is autistic.

Thank you again.
CowboyMcCoy;4589526 said:
Amen, my man. A few of us on this board have lost children. I know how some of them feel and vice versa. No one could ever understand unless they've been through it. I know that. I'll add you to my list of those who have been kicked by this terrible blow life can deal. You sort of wake up never feeling the same--at least I still do.

I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
I'm so sorry for your loss, too. It's a devastating part of life. Like you, I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

"Princess" Lilly is the latest little angel taken that we were introduced to and allowed to collectively know the briefest little bit about. As was the case with so many others, I was moved by her story. Upon reading of her passing ... I was emotionally affected; very saddened.

And now I'm feeling very compassionately supportive in thinking of her surviving loved ones. This has been a somber reminder of what is really important in life.
sureletsrace;4589578 said:
Update from Mommy's facebook:

Forgot to mention when Lilly realized she was gonna fly...she also said "I'm gonna be with e.t.??!!" She was so excited lol.
I don't know how to carry on from here. To be honest I'm not sure I wanna but I know our boys needs us. I'm walking to my motherinlaws from my nans... looking up into the sky...n wondering what she's thinking as Shes looking down. I don't want her to see me upset....she hates to see us cry.

What a precious girl. She is missed already. Again, please, find it in your heart to donate anything, even just $1. Princess Lilly's parents still have 2 sons to take care of on top of all these bills, and their oldest is autistic.

Thank you again.
I just want to say, I feel for your loss. I'm so sorry to hear of your pain in the wake of Lilly's passing. Thank you for having introduced her to all of us. May God bless and move to heal the hurt in all of you who are so personally mourning her departure.
wittenacious;4589585 said:
I'm so sorry for your loss, too. It's a devastating part of life. Like you, I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

"Princess" Lilly is the latest little angel taken that we were introduced to and allowed to collectively know the briefest little bit about. As was the case with so many others, I was moved by her story. Upon reading of her passing ... I was emotionally affected; very saddened.

And now I'm feeling very compassionately supportive in thinking of her surviving loved ones. This has been a somber reminder of what is really important in life.

Very true. It's hard letting these precious things slip away from us. But as they would want us to, we must move on.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4589527 said:
It is. If I have a daughter in the future I'll definitely name her after this strong little warrior. R.I.P. Lilly.
Wow, I am touched by this statement. If I am correct, I think you are a young man around 18-20ish. I was to the point I lost hope for this younger generation as in not caring for anyone but themselves.

The story of this young girl is tragic and at the very least, I hope it reaches the lives of many others. I can not imagine the pain if this happened to my little girl and I would probably not want to be there to see it.

If I ever have another girl, I will incorporate her name in there somewhere, first or middle. It is a beautiful name.
Apparently heaven needed a princess... may God take her to his heart, and may he grant those she left behind his peace...

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