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Part of me thinks Vince is making these cuts to give Tony Khan enough rope to hang himself.
I think Vince is cutting payroll to make the company more attractive to potential buyers. On the same day you give 3rd quarter revenues of over $250M....and you cut 18 wrestlers?
I think Vince is cutting payroll to make the company more attractive to potential buyers. On the same day you give 3rd quarter revenues of over $250M....and you cut 18 wrestlers?

I keep thinking about that too, but I don’t see how having less talent in the industry makes the company ‘more attractive’ either.

And I can’t see a control freak like Vince giving up that control or doing anything else. But part of me hopes he does.
I hope so but I keep hearing rumors that don’t come to fruition.

The man has clearly lost touch. He had a good run.
He lost touch several years ago. Sad part is all it would take for them to shoot right back the top is better writers.
He lost touch several years ago. Sad part is all it would take for them to shoot right back the top is better writers.

Absolutely. The in-ring talent has been incredible for years now. Vince and ‘creative’ have been doing them a disservice for a long time.
Don't know if this has been brought up but I found this pro wrestling podcast a short time ago...

They started it back in 2018 and I've been slowly working my way through the old shows first.

But anyway, very entertaining. The two hosts (some episodes have guests) are good. The seem to have a decent knowledge of the business from the mid-70's on. They cover a wide range of topics and a single show (usually about an hour) can go in many different directions.

Anyway highly recommended.
I keep thinking about that too, but I don’t see how having less talent in the industry makes the company ‘more attractive’ either.

And I can’t see a control freak like Vince giving up that control or doing anything else. But part of me hopes he does.

I can see it from a purely $ point of view. With regards to payroll at least.
Last Friday night's episode of Smackdown is supposed to be repeated tonight at 9:30 Central on FS1.
On TNT tonight, after AEW Rampage, there will be a 30-minute show on Full Gear, AEW's PPV which will take place on Saturday.

The start time is 10:00 Central.
Tomorrow, the Fox network will air WWE Salute to the Troops. I can't give you a time that it will be on, because it will be on at different times at different parts of the country. You'll have to check your TV listings for the time in your area.
Tomorrow, the Fox network will air WWE Salute to the Troops. I can't give you a time that it will be on, because it will be on at different times at different parts of the country. You'll have to check your TV listings for the time in your area.
That's worth watching. Here in the flatlands of Kansas it's on right after the Cowboys game.
Braun Strowman made a brief appearance on last Tuesday night's NXT. Wonder if he's going to stay there.

Also, if you watched AEW's PPV last night, you saw former ROH wrestler Jay Lethal. Looks like he's signed with them.
Great match between Mr. Wrestling (Tim Woods) and "The Mormon Giant" Don Leo Jonathan from Japan in 1975.

A couple interesting points, the agility shown by DLJ is startling given his size and he was in his mid 40's by this point.

This match occurred about two months after Tim Woods was involved in the famous Ric Flair plane crash of 1975, which killed the pilot and ended the wrestling career of great Johnny Valentine (Greg's father).

Anyway a match worth watching.
Thought Jay Lethal had a nice debut last night on AEW. I never watched his run on TNA but I did see some of his second run on RoH. Always enjoyed his matches.
Jon Moxley in alcohol rehab?

Jay Lethal now in the AEW?

Love his Ric Flair impersonation, ha!!!

Last Friday night's episode of Smackdown is supposed to be shown again tonight at 9:30 Central on FS1.

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