Projected BCS standings? OU # 1 per ESPN

Oklahoma has been ranked ahead of Boise State, Oregon and TCU in the computer polls for a few weeks now. The reason they jumped in the BCS standings is because they moved up in the human polls thanks to Nebraska and Ohio State. They were 4th in last week's simulated rankings thanks to the computers, but everyone else was interested in Boise State and TCU.
Cythim;3631374 said:
Oklahoma has been ranked ahead of Boise State, Oregon and TCU in the computer polls for a few weeks now. The reason they jumped in the BCS standings is because they moved up in the human polls thanks to Nebraska and Ohio State. They were 4th in last week's simulated rankings thanks to the computers, but everyone else was interested in Boise State and TCU.

Also Oregon State lost over the weekend. This dropped Oregon St down in the human polls, which in turn dropped Boise St and TCU in the computer polls.
CATCH17;3631048 said:
Forget all that though.

Is OU the best team in college football? Thats what needs to be asked.

Right now all they are doing is beating a system and it has them @ #1.

OU can only play their games and win so give them credit. They are getting the job done.. But really... Come on... They aren't the #1 team in the country.

If you watch the games, and see who's playing who, then there's a chance even you can admit that OU is the best in the nation.

It's a tough call right now because it is so early, but now that "bama has dropped, and struggled against a laughable Ole Miss team, I believe OU can beat anyone and is as the factual cpus say, the best in the nation.

This is subject to be changed.
CATCH17;3630914 said:
Look at OU's schedule.

I think they have gone on the road once since opening day and another was on a neutral field.

I think they can easily go undefeated.

This is why I hate the BCS and think we need a playoff.

OU would have @ minimum 2 losses with Bamas schedule. But you can only play whats on your schedule so it is what it is.

2 me the best 2 College teams are Bama and Boise State.

Florida State could easily go on to become the ACC Champions (AQ BCS Conference). Cincy could also go on to win the Big East (AQ BCS conference). Air Force is nothing special, but a good foe for a non conference tune up.

UT will end up ranked in the top 15, perhaps 10. Mizzou will end up in the top 25. Oklahoma State will also end up in the top 25.

The Big XII and the SEC are two completely different styles of football, but I really don't think either one is better than the other. You may have some "scary" sounding names, like Tenn, UGA, etc., but those teams are second tier when it all boils down.

The SEC is a conference of inconsistency, but still one of the best two in the nation. All I'm saying is the SEC is NOT that much better, and I feel that OU would have success over there as well.

OU started out inconsistent, because just like UT, we have about 14 freshmen playing per game, about 12 of them are true freshmen. UT showed how hard it is to play and win with that youth, we just happened to win.

Now that Stoops and Co. have the first of the season out of the way, I honestly don't see anything stopping us but us.

And you point out "OU would lose two in the SEC." I love it, Josh. Why don't you use this logic when speaking of the Boise State Broncos? BSU would have at least 4 losses in the Big East!

Now you did say OU would have two losses with Bamas schedule, and man, I can't lie. I do think it would be hard for even the Dallas Cowboys to make it through that schedule. NOT BECAUSE IT'S THE SEC, but because Alabama has 8, or 9 teams on their schedule that will be coming off of a bye week for their game against the Tide. That's crazy.
nyc;3629819 said:
...and OU would have sub 200 yards of total offense during that game.

Well man, if that game happens this season, please, and I'm begging you, PLEASE, pm me so we can make a friendly wager.

I'll put my damn condo in Norman up if you think TCU beats OU.
switzersflask;3631990 said:
I love it, Josh. Why don't you use this logic when speaking of the Boise State Broncos? BSU would have at least 4 losses in the Big East!

That's crazy.

Please... Take off your we got our ***** kicked by BSU and it still hurts hat. The Big least is a joke, BSU would run that conference with ease. The only thing you got right in your rambling was the last two words... it was crazy.
Jack-Reacher;3632739 said:
Please... Take off your we got our ***** kicked by BSU and it still hurts hat. The Big least is a joke, BSU would run that conference with ease. The only thing you got right in your rambling was the last two words... it was crazy.

Lol.. If I knew you I'd take you're money fast, and often.
switzersflask;3632018 said:
Well man, if that game happens this season, please, and I'm begging you, PLEASE, pm me so we can make a friendly wager.

I'll put my damn condo in Norman up if you think TCU beats OU.

I'm not a gambling man, but I can take taunting and bragging rights.
switzersflask;3632873 said:
Lol.. If I knew you I'd take you're money fast, and often.

Well history shows I would have come out on top more often than not betting on my team.... :laugh2:
nyc;3632978 said:
I'm not a gambling man, but I can take taunting and bragging rights.

I gotta go with TCU on that game, OU still hasn't impressed this year, beating a down Texas, they were less than impressive against teams that they should have blown out, while TCU has done what they should have. OU is not near as infallible as you think they are. I don't have an issue with them sitting at #1, I had an issue with Ohio State at #1, but to claim that OU is all-world now because of that ranking is foolhardy. They are the same ball club that squeaked out a victory against a Cincy, and let USU hang around far too long. This year thier will be common opponents with both TCU and BSU, let's what TCU does against Air Force, and then we will see what BSU does against USU. If those games are close, then maybe you have a valid point, but you yourself pointed out that OU is a young team, there are weaknesses in OU's game.
Jack-Reacher;3633778 said:
I gotta go with TCU on that game, OU still hasn't impressed this year, beating a down Texas, they were less than impressive against teams that they should have blown out, while TCU has done what they should have. OU is not near as infallible as you think they are. I don't have an issue with them sitting at #1, I had an issue with Ohio State at #1, but to claim that OU is all-world now because of that ranking is foolhardy. They are the same ball club that squeaked out a victory against a Cincy, and let USU hang around far too long. This year thier will be common opponents with both TCU and BSU, let's what TCU does against Air Force, and then we will see what BSU does against USU. If those games are close, then maybe you have a valid point, but you yourself pointed out that OU is a young team, there are weaknesses in OU's game.

Blah team is in a sucky conference and it infuriatates me..blah blah why can't my team be like an Oklahoma or a Texas or a Bama...blah blah. My team is great too..we play on Papa Smurf Field for gosh sakes...blah blah..our uniforms are blinding to the other opponents on our field so you can't see us..blah helps in our camo/statue-o-smurf play..blah blah.

There are weaknesses in every teams game GENIUS. Pipe down and call your AD and complain about your weak conference you play in because THAT is what's killing BS and sadly TCU. Everybody hates the system but it is what it is atm. Don't like it, tooooo bad. Call your Idaho congressman and cry to them.

Redonkulous BU fans slay me :laugh2: You don't even bring an argument anymore. It's just teams better..Oklahoma sucks. :laugh1:

Dallas;3633805 said:
Blah team is in a sucky conference and it infuriatates me..blah blah why can't my team be like an Oklahoma or a Texas or a Bama...blah blah. My team is great too..we play on Papa Smurf Field for gosh sakes...blah blah..our uniforms are blinding to the other opponents on our field so you can't see us..blah helps in our camo/statue-o-smurf play..blah blah.

There are weaknesses in every teams game GENIUS. Pipe down and call your AD and complain about your weak conference you play in because THAT is what's killing BS and sadly TCU. Everybody hates the system but it is what it is atm. Don't like it, tooooo bad. Call your Idaho congressman and cry to them.

Redonkulous BU fans slay me :laugh2: You don't even bring an argument anymore. It's just teams better..Oklahoma sucks. :laugh1:


Your right the blue turf argument is much better..:rolleyes: Drop the Boise is not a state argument on me next, I haven't heard that one in a while.

I don't believe I have cried about BSU not being OU or Texas have I? It is only blind homer comments like BSU would drop four in the Big East that get me riled up. It is the OU fans that get their panties in a twist over BSU not the other way around, if you go back through the threads you'll find that you guys are quick to point out how this team is always overrated blah blah blah. Since we don't play each other this year we do have a common opponent, we can judge each other on that. I can hear the excuses already, OU doesn't get up for those games, Stoops only call plays in the 3rd quarter... whatever.
Jack-Reacher;3633760 said:
Well history shows I would have come out on top more often than not betting on my team.... :laugh2:

Because you dont' play anyone.

You beat OU. Awesome. Good thing we didnt' come in that game awake or you would've lost by 50 because the first would be just like the last half. You got slapped around like a bunch of little girls once we woke up.

Va Tech sucks. Oregon State sucks. Boise State is an average team living it up, waiting for that one big dog to come shut you down once and for all. IT's sad you had to play TCU last season. Had it been Florida, everyone would be back in "BSU is JUCO" mode.

Enjoy your run while you have it. You're gonna meet a big boy someday and that big dude isn't gonna play you like you're a high school team. They'll take you seriously and smash you back where you belong.

You are a joke to CFB and you deserve NOTHING but a BCS bowl bid IF you DO NOT lose one single game. Good luck with that NC argument because obviously it's never gonna happen unless the big boys lose first.
nyc;3632978 said:
I'm not a gambling man, but I can take taunting and bragging rights.

IF TCU gets matched up with OU, put your money up. You know you will lose that bet. lol

I don't care what you want to bet. Bet something. Please quit talking about this mid major bullgarbage and back your b.s. confidence up with something of value. I'M BEGGING YOU. If that game happens, don't come at me with that bs because TCU will get blown away and you KNOW IT.

Hell I'll make my own damn spread. OU wins that game by 21. I'll agree to whatever and if OU wins by less than 3 TDS, I'll gladly pay up.
If TCU plays at OS instead of JerryWorld they wouldn't even be a part of this conversation.
Don't get me wrong, I've always respected Texas Christian and secretly pulled for them here and there.

They are an old Southwest Conference team with some winning history. I have much more respect for them than the smurfs. I hate it that they beat TCU, but they are both pretty good teams from bush league conferences.
OU losing to Boise was unbelievably fun to watch and may have been the funniest thing in..... well the history of the world but OU didn't give a damn about that game till they let it get away from them. If that game meant something to OU they would have donkey stomped Boise to death.
jimmy40;3635080 said:
OU losing to Boise was unbelievably fun to watch and may have been the funniest thing in..... well the history of the world but OU didn't give a damn about that game till they let it get away from them. If that game meant something to OU they would have donkey stomped Boise to death.

Everyone said if we beat them, then we should have beat them. If we lose to them, we'll be laughed at in a major way.

Damned if we do, damned if we don't. We knew they were a second rate team and we prepared for a second rate team. That second rate team gave us a first rate wake up call in the first half. We heard that call, hit snooze, woke back up, and slapped those tulips around like a bunch of nerdy whimps.

It wasn't even funny how bad we routed them once we started to play.

And yes, had OU gone into that game thinking they were playing something more than, well, Boise State, it would have been a massacre. Thanks OU for letting this garbage in the national talks.

It's OU's fault. We opened the door for this flukish mess. I'd love to shut that mess up, send it back home, so they can peel some taters in Idaho where they belong.
You guys kill me. THANK GOD that game meant nothing to OU. It was only the Fiesta Bowl, it wasn't like it was a major bowl game or anything. Surely, all college teams go into a game wanting to lose. You are like a broken record. One thing is true though. OU made TWICE as much money on that game as BSU did.

That game was 4 years ago, it has no bearing today. This BSU team is far and away a better team than that team. I don't think you can find one post where I have said I believe that BSU will be in the NC game. I have said a number of times that I AGREE with the SOS argument, but you cannot fault BSU for scheduling VT 3 yrs ago. Hell, they were ranked #10 when they met. They are in the WAC, it is what it is, the BCS system is a farce, most of us agree on that, my argument and anyone that blasts BSU for their schedule cannot argue against it to hard is that OU has been less than stellar with their OOC games. If you read what I posted I even said I don't have a problem with them being #1, although I think Oregon deserves that spot more. I am not crying to the masses for the wrongs thrown at BSU. Get over yourself for 2 seconds and read what I have posted. I would LOVE for BSU to meet with a one loss bama, or OU, or Nebraska, or Oregon. Even if they blow any of those teams out by 30 you guys will discredit the victory, the same way you have discredited the other big games that have been mentioned. I think TCU has a great program and a great team, but the last thing I want to see is another non-AQ match-up again.

But please, once again, let's focus on their turf and the uni colors, it gives them such an advantage, even though the NCAA disagrees, ignore that glaring fact.

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