Projected BCS standings? OU # 1 per ESPN

Rogah;3637241 said:
2 things:

1) According to Boise State, they wanted $1 million because Nebraska was insisting on a 2-for-1 (with 2 in Lincoln, 1 at BSU). I cannot find a link to back that up so you'll have to take my word.

2) I saw a lot of outrage of the $1 million price tag, but $1 million is really not all that terribly far out of what is typically paid. Nebraska paid the Idaho Vandals $800,000 - I think the extra $200k to upgrade from the Vandals to the Broncos would be worth it. Notre Dame paid WMU $800k. Alabama paid San Jose State $900,000. So if those low level programs get that much money, I don't see anything unreasonable for BSU asking for a cool million.

I must be wrong then. I was reading the 1mill was for the 1 and done. Each school is looking out for their own interests but if BSU is so serious, why push the envelope for 200k?

Say fine, whatever.... to get the big school, we'll come play for say...the 800k the Vandals got. My point being GET WHAT YOU CAN GET TO GET WHAT YOU WANT.

1 and done for 800k

I just think there is more to it than "everbody don't want none o ole BSU" bs that's being spun here.

Mal Moore at Bama is even on record that BSU never contacted them. I mean who is this AD up in Idaho anyways to spout it out there they have contacted all of these schools and some of these schools are now saying..WHAT!!!
Dallas;3637218 said:

There’s been some bold talk this week out of the Boise State camp of supporters. Nobody in a big-boy conference will play Boise. You think that you can beat the Broncos? Give them a call. We dare you.

Nebraska called. Nebraska tried.

In the past year, NU tried to put together a series with BSU; two-for-one, home-and-home, one-way trip to Lincoln. Whatever. It ended up fizzling out.


Because, according to NU Assistant Athletic Director Jeff Jamrog, Boise wanted a minimum $1 million to play in Lincoln.

Geez, no wonder the Broncos can’t get anyone to play them. Pay Boise State $1 million to come to your town? Sorry, don’t want it that bad.


I might balk at a school demanding my school pay them a million to come play me at my house too.

That really isn't "backing down" now is it, Jack?

Does anyone know the normal amount of money schools get for coming to play?

What did Oregon pay BSU? Anyone know?

Exactly. BSU has their own stipulations. Those stipulations are so far out of touch when it comes to whether or not BSU is worthy of those types of stipulations.

They do that on purpose. That way they can say that nobody will play them.
Jack-Reacher;3637179 said:
Check your facts.. Nebraska insisted on the 2-1. BSU asked for 1-1 and would have agreed to the 2-1 except that the Huskers wanted the 2-1 with no travel. They signed Idaho instead at 2-1 with 900k travel. BSU offered 0-1 with no travel to the ENTIRE top 25 this year when Utah canceled their games to go the Pac -10, no takers. That offer is still standing. Ol Miss filled their hole next year.

Nice try, but perhaps you should actually get the facts before you post about powerhouse this and powerhouse that. Maybe the "Powerhouses" should quit living in the past.

Nice condescending post though. You seem to be good at that.

I'm working on finding out the facts about the 2-1 scenario. However, you'd think that a team that is trying to get into a NC would do anything to prove they are worthy. If that means meeting Nebraska's demands, then by all means, DO IT. Who are you pansies to deny that? It's not like you've spend the past 75 years laying down a foundation of excellence. You've had 5 years of dominating pissant teams, and a few good wins in the meantime.

If I were BSU, I"d take any offer given considering you know good and well you won't play a decent team during conference play. You need everything you can get. I wouldn't be b.itching about a big boy offering you a chance to play them.

Seems to me that you want things to be on your terms. What have you done to deserve that? Not a damn thing and don't even play that "we beat OU" or "we beat Oregon or "we beat Va Tech" bullcrap. That's a few teams in about 4 years.

I will be searching for facts on what REALLY happened with BSU and their scheduling. Just know that it's your duty to accept whatever is thrown on the table considering you don't have much a choice. You turn down Nebraska's offer? Then you turn down any chance at getting any respect. You have no right to turn anyone down because YOU DON'T PLAY ANYONE.

Take what you can get, or accept the fact that your best will never be the best.
Rogah;3637221 said:
What is your source for that? I haven't heard any such thing and would be very interested in where you got the info. I certainly would lose respect for BSU if it's true.

Right now it's just a rumor. But where there's smoke, there's usually fire. Trust me, if it's false, I will let it be known and apologize.

I will have something by the end of the week and I encourage you guys to try and help me find the unbiased truth as well.
switzersflask;3637268 said:
If I were BSU, I"d take any offer given considering you know good and well you won't play a decent team during conference play. You need everything you can get. I wouldn't be b.itching about a big boy offering you a chance to play them.
Again with all due respect, it's easy to say "take anyone you can get!" but the realities of college sports is that when it comes to football, ya gotta make your money to support so much of the university's entire athletic department. We're all having fun talking about it on a sports forum, and I'd love to see BSU-Nebraska, but look at it from the BSU AD's point of view... he isn't going to throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars just to make some sort of point. It's easy to pass judgement when it isn't our money on the line.

BSU has no shortage of scheduling tough out of conference opponents. Of course, there's no way to know years in advance where VA Tech or Oregon State or Oregon or BYU will be. Maybe 5 years from now, Nebraska will be unranked again like they were several times this decade and it wouldn't have even been a big deal anyway.
Rogah;3637322 said:
Again with all due respect, it's easy to say "take anyone you can get!" but the realities of college sports is that when it comes to football, ya gotta make your money to support so much of the university's entire athletic department. We're all having fun talking about it on a sports forum, and I'd love to see BSU-Nebraska, but look at it from the BSU AD's point of view... he isn't going to throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars just to make some sort of point. It's easy to pass judgement when it isn't our money on the line.

BSU has no shortage of scheduling tough out of conference opponents. Of course, there's no way to know years in advance where VA Tech or Oregon State or Oregon or BYU will be. Maybe 5 years from now, Nebraska will be unranked again like they were several times this decade and it wouldn't have even been a big deal anyway.

Boise State is gonna have to do what OU had to do over a half a century ago. Back in the dust bowl days, OU was nothing but a Boise State look-a-like. We earned our keep. Now they should earn their keep. OU was nobody, and then romped through the CFB world and set the greatest winning streak in all of college SPORTS.

What has BSU done? Beat a few teams in a 5 year span? They have some work to do if they want to earn some serious respect.

Again, you gotta start somewhere, but BSU is acting like they've been doing it for decades.
Rogah;3637241 said:
2 things:

1) According to Boise State, they wanted $1 million because Nebraska was insisting on a 2-for-1 (with 2 in Lincoln, 1 at BSU). I cannot find a link to back that up so you'll have to take my word.

2) I saw a lot of outrage over the alleged $1 million price tag, but $1 million is really not all that terribly far out of what is typically paid. Nebraska paid the Idaho Vandals $800,000 - I think the extra $200k to upgrade from the Vandals to the Broncos would be worth it. Notre Dame paid WMU $800k. Alabama paid San Jose State $900,000. So if those low level programs get that much money, I don't see anything unreasonable for BSU asking for a cool million.

How much do you think Alabama paid Penn St?
Rogah;3637247 said:
Well, ok, but why do you seem to think that benefits BSU? I mean, Oregon had just as much time to prepare for BSU as BSU did for Oregon. Same thing with the bowl games.
Absolutely those are reasonable questions. But when it comes to detrmining rankings and ratings, we have to go with what we know. We can't speculate on what might happen if this, if that, etc...

Personally I think it is an outrage that a team can go undefeated and not play for a championship. That's if we're talking about TCU, BSU, Hawaii or even Auburn about 5 years ago. It runs completely contrary to everything we enjoy about competitive sports.

I don't think much of Oregon as a power. They are a good program, but it is not as if they have been a consistent top 10 team.

For bowl games, I can see where it is easier for BSU to get amped for a bowl game against OU than it is for OU to get amped for a bowl game against BSU. You tell kids if they go to OU that they will get to the big bowl games and play against the top competition. Playing against BSU would be a let down. At least back at the time the two teams played. I think that is less a factor now because BSU is consistently a good program.

Those kinds of things happen. Miami wasn't always respected. They had to build their program and that respect. Same with Penn St or Florida St. It didn't happen over night.

I agree that it is an outrage that a team can go undefeated and not have a chance to play for a championship. The only solution is a playoff system.
joseephuss;3637535 said:
I don't think much of Oregon as a power. They are a good program, but it is not as if they have been a consistent top 10 team.

For bowl games, I can see where it is easier for BSU to get amped for a bowl game against OU than it is for OU to get amped for a bowl game against BSU. You tell kids if they go to OU that they will get to the big bowl games and play against the top competition. Playing against BSU would be a let down. At least back at the time the two teams played. I think that is less a factor now because BSU is consistently a good program.

Those kinds of things happen. Miami wasn't always respected. They had to build their program and that respect. Same with Penn St or Florida St. It didn't happen over night.

I agree that it is an outrage that a team can go undefeated and not have a chance to play for a championship. The only solution is a playoff system.

See I have no problem with it if they are in a bad conference and we don't have a lot of history to go by.

But we know Boise State is legit.

We know Kellen Moore is legit.

We know the Boise Coach is legit.

So the question to me is Boise State a top 2 team at the end of the year. If the answer is yes than they need to play for the BS Championship.

Personally I think this Boise team could compete for a Conference Title in any conference this year. Maybe not in years past but this is the best team they have put on the blue turf.
switzersflask;3637268 said:
I'm working on finding out the facts about the 2-1 scenario. However, you'd think that a team that is trying to get into a NC would do anything to prove they are worthy. If that means meeting Nebraska's demands, then by all means, DO IT. Who are you pansies to deny that? It's not like you've spend the past 75 years laying down a foundation of excellence. You've had 5 years of dominating pissant teams, and a few good wins in the meantime.

If I were BSU, I"d take any offer given considering you know good and well you won't play a decent team during conference play. You need everything you can get. I wouldn't be b.itching about a big boy offering you a chance to play them.

Seems to me that you want things to be on your terms. What have you done to deserve that? Not a damn thing and don't even play that "we beat OU" or "we beat Oregon or "we beat Va Tech" bullcrap. That's a few teams in about 4 years.

I will be searching for facts on what REALLY happened with BSU and their scheduling. Just know that it's your duty to accept whatever is thrown on the table considering you don't have much a choice. You turn down Nebraska's offer? Then you turn down any chance at getting any respect. You have no right to turn anyone down because YOU DON'T PLAY ANYONE.

Take what you can get, or accept the fact that your best will never be the best.

NU offered the 2-1 deal with no travel for 2014 and 1016 in Lincoln, BSU countered with a 1-1 deal in 2014 and 2015 with 1M for BSU which is where that figure is coming from. That number is a legitimate number based off of what they draw. A NU or OU or any top 10 vs BSU game is a ratings draw same as any other top flight program school and they should be paid accordingly. They have earned that, regardless if some fans feel that they have earned their dues or not. BSU does have a responsibility to its own athletic program as well.

The scheduling snafu with NU has become an internet legend with BSU ending up looking like petulant children.

Ask anyone why BSU isn't in the Pac-10 already. They will say, oh their academics aren't high enough, or their enrollment isn't high enough, none of that is true, but if that rumor gets repeated enough on internet message boards it gets accepted as fact.

It is funny that the fans that seem to harbor the most disdain for Boise are Oklahoma and Oregon, that seems to call into the recent history between those two programs, particularly when it generally isn't Boise that is demanding respect, it tends to be the other way around. As a die hard Bronco fan, I am quite content with where this program is. Their accomplishments in the past 10 years are almost unsurpassed regardless of what conference they have been in. To go from JUCO, to Big Sky, to the WAC, to even being discussed for the National Championship is remarkable. If that is unimpressive to you as a college football fan, then ok, that's fine, but most of the country disagrees with you. Most mainstream media believes that this team can compete with any one in any conference, so thinking that they would drop 4 or 5 in any conference puts you at odds with most people an quite honestly makes your bitter agenda apparent.

You can disregard, or dismiss everything that this team has done it makes no difference to me, hopefully this year BSU does not get matched up against another non AQ, and we can answer this question once and for all. Everything else aside, If OU and BSU meet in bowl this year, does OU come unprepared again? Can any team claim that they were caught off guard by Boise again? If nothing else all of this attention should have put an end to that. Can we at least agree on that?

btw Kellen Moore is 6-0 and 191
jimmy40;3637598 said:
How big is this guy? looks about 5'10" 170 pounds.

Legit college player. He is a nada in the NFL. But one of the very best passing College QB's this year.

Gotta have him in your Heisman race right now i'd think.
CATCH17;3638075 said:
Legit college player. He is a nada in the NFL. But one of the very best passing College QB's this year.

Gotta have him in your Heisman race right now i'd think.

Not sure he is playing enough to warrant serious Heisman discussion.
Jack-Reacher;3637835 said:
NU offered the 2-1 deal with no travel for 2014 and 1016 in Lincoln, BSU countered with a 1-1 deal in 2014 and 2015 with 1M for BSU which is where that figure is coming from. That number is a legitimate number based off of what they draw. A NU or OU or any top 10 vs BSU game is a ratings draw same as any other top flight program school and they should be paid accordingly. They have earned that, regardless if some fans feel that they have earned their dues or not. BSU does have a responsibility to its own athletic program as well.

The scheduling snafu with NU has become an internet legend with BSU ending up looking like petulant children.

Ask anyone why BSU isn't in the Pac-10 already. They will say, oh their academics aren't high enough, or their enrollment isn't high enough, none of that is true, but if that rumor gets repeated enough on internet message boards it gets accepted as fact.

It is funny that the fans that seem to harbor the most disdain for Boise are Oklahoma and Oregon, that seems to call into the recent history between those two programs, particularly when it generally isn't Boise that is demanding respect, it tends to be the other way around. As a die hard Bronco fan, I am quite content with where this program is. Their accomplishments in the past 10 years are almost unsurpassed regardless of what conference they have been in. To go from JUCO, to Big Sky, to the WAC, to even being discussed for the National Championship is remarkable. If that is unimpressive to you as a college football fan, then ok, that's fine, but most of the country disagrees with you. Most mainstream media believes that this team can compete with any one in any conference, so thinking that they would drop 4 or 5 in any conference puts you at odds with most people an quite honestly makes your bitter agenda apparent.

You can disregard, or dismiss everything that this team has done it makes no difference to me, hopefully this year BSU does not get matched up against another non AQ, and we can answer this question once and for all. Everything else aside, If OU and BSU meet in bowl this year, does OU come unprepared again? Can any team claim that they were caught off guard by Boise again? If nothing else all of this attention should have put an end to that. Can we at least agree on that?

btw Kellen Moore is 6-0 and 191

The Nebraska deal was sad. It was all about money and bs stipulations by Boise.

And it's true, it's gonna be hard to join the Pac Ten when you're basically a JUCO. You're football team is good, ok? Just not as great as you want us all to believe.

The media is pushing the BSU hype because it sells. I'm pretty sure that if you take a national poll, the majority of people will say that BSU would average around 4 losses per season in a BCS conference, and that includes the Big East. Obviously you'd have a better shot in the BE, and I'm not sold that it's worthy of being called a BCS conference.

Nobody is arguing with you that Boise could compete with anyone on any level on any day. They have proved that they can do just that. However, that's not what I'm arguing. I'm sitting here wondering if Boise could go through an entire season playing BCS schools. I just don't think they can. Just because you can beat one good team a year doesn't mean you can do it every week. And you haven't really played a great team this season. Va Tech and OSU aren't that great. But they were good wins for you.

You say the media thinks you're good enough, then why won't the folks that matter allow you to be in the NC game? Talk is talk, but when it comes down to it, not a lot of people that matter think you deserve to be there due to your weak resume. You have a resume that screams that you beat big teams, yet it's all in a span of 4 years. Big boys on the run for a NC play and beat other big boys throughout the season. You don't.

And I don't hold any "disdain" for Boise. I just don't think they are worthy of all this hype. They are certainly a fun team to watch, and an interesting story. But sometimes it's just a good thing to put the women and children to bed and go looking for dinner. By that I mean, you're fairytale will end if and when you ever take on the challenges of a big time conference.
CATCH17;3637546 said:
Personally I think this Boise team could compete for a Conference Title in any conference this year. Maybe not in years past but this is the best team they have put on the blue turf.

You're off your rocker. I doubt you believe what you're saying though.
Oh and also, anyone remember the Alabama athletic director making a point to let everyone know that "THEY NEVER CALLED US!"
switzersflask;3638106 said:
The media is pushing the BSU hype because it sells. I'm pretty sure that if you take a national poll, the majority of people will say that BSU would average around 4 losses per season in a BCS conference, and that includes the Big East. Obviously you'd have a better shot in the BE, and I'm not sold that it's worthy of being called a BCS conference.

You are absolutely positively on dope. BSU or even TCU could probably beat OU, Texas, and Nebraska on any given Saturday, but the BCS clan is to afraid to even give them a shot at doing it.

I remember they got enough nads to pit 2008 Alabama against Utah thinking Alabama would win that game easily and what happen. Alabama got thrashed by Utah.

You've got bias blinders on.
CATCH17;3638075 said:
Legit college player. He is a nada in the NFL. But one of the very best passing College QB's this year.

Gotta have him in your Heisman race right now i'd think.
Cam Newton has to be right there too.
switzersflask;3638114 said:
You're off your rocker. I doubt you believe what you're saying though.

He is? Explain why they couldn't? They win every game they play even against highly ranked opponents.

Now, explain why YOU think they can't? My bet is you have no reason to submit because you are hell bent bias against them out of fear.
nyc;3638142 said:
He is? Explain why they couldn't? They win every game they play even against highly ranked opponents.

Now, explain why YOU think they can't? My bet is you have no reason to submit because you are hell bent bias against them out of fear.

One poster said it's basically nice for BSU that they only play big time programs when they have at least a month to prepare. They struggled against a not so good Va Tech. You think they can go through the entire Big XII with only a week to prepare for each team? If you do, then please, pass me that dope!

They have yet to prove that they can do what I'm saying they can't do. All they've shown is that they can compete with anyone as long as it's one game per year.

It seems to me that your argument to me is that they can and have beaten big programs. Duh! I'm not arguing that. If you think they can go through an entire season in the Big XII or Pac Ten or SEC unscathed, then damn, I don't know what else to say. I just wish it would happen so we can all see what happens when you put a pretender in there with the big guys week after week after week after week after week after week after week.

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