PS4 vs Xbox One

Grabbing an XBOX tomorrow. Halo is enough for me to go that route and never really liked the Playstation anyways.
Grabbing an XBOX tomorrow. Halo is enough for me to go that route and never really liked the Playstation anyways.

I was definately XBOX all the way until I picked up a PS3 to play a couple of exclusives and my old ps2 favs. It took me a little bit to get used to the smaller controller but do like some of their exclusives (Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone, GOW) and find the controller pad good for fighting games like MK and Injustice, etc. Really like Titanfall as essentially an exclusive for Xone though.
I was definately XBOX all the way until I picked up a PS3 to play a couple of exclusives and my old ps2 favs. It took me a little bit to get used to the smaller controller but do like some of their exclusives (Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone, GOW) and find the controller pad good for fighting games like MK and Injustice, etc. Really like Titanfall as essentially an exclusive for Xone though.

Titanfall has me really conflicted on where to go with my money. But I'm waiting about 6 months before I purchase a console and hope that maybe the next one will be released on PS4.
Played my brother's PS4 tonight (Madden). The brief experience I had with the interface wasn't that great. It did not seem like the most intuitive setup. Madden wasn't that impressive as far as graphics. A slight improvement over PS3, but that's expected for a cross platform launch title. The gameplay was mixed. At times the animations really added to the game, but at other times it felt sluggish and unresponsive and there were just weird physics anomalies. I saw my nephews playing COD which I care nothing for, but it looked pretty damn good. I just picked up an Xbox One for my brother tonight (he's paying me back), so I should get a chance to check that out this weekend. I still have no intention of buying one for quite some time. On a positive note, I was able to pick up The Last of Us and Beyond 2 Souls for $19 each and Tomb Raider for $15 tonight. Not too bad.
I hear ya, but Madden is a notoriously sloppy football game that hasn't shown much improvement as a franchise since they bought the NFL Players License. Madden is a disgrace to football, and yeah I own 25....only damn football game out. Doesn't surprise me COD looked a lot more fluid (though this franchise is starting to get the same level of snobbery as I just displayed towards Madden).
I should clarify that when I said I wasn't thrilled with the interface, I was talking about the PS4 interface, not Madden. But now that I think about it, I didn't like the Madden interface (in game) much either. Maybe there is something I did wrong, but it seems like the quick timeout button is the same as the one to bring up the pause menu. I know I called at least one timeout I didn't intend to because I was wanting to make an adjustment to my roster. Maybe this is just a PS4 issue now that there is no start/select buttons.

Also, I've heard a lot about the Dual Shock 4 being so much better, and I can honestly say, I didn't notice a difference at all. If I hadn't been looking at it and seeing the touch pad and light, I wouldn't have even noticed it was a different controller (except maybe the texture of the analog stick).
Best Buy has introduced their new "Gamers Club" or whatever. Guess it's like $120 for 2 years worth of membership and you get 20% off new video games.

Not worth it but if you were previously a member of their Gamers Club you are grandfathered in and still get 20% off until your current membership expires.

Just checked and I have a couple of months left on my account. Pretty sweet.
Played my brother's PS4 tonight (Madden). The brief experience I had with the interface wasn't that great. It did not seem like the most intuitive setup. Madden wasn't that impressive as far as graphics. A slight improvement over PS3, but that's expected for a cross platform launch title. The gameplay was mixed. At times the animations really added to the game, but at other times it felt sluggish and unresponsive and there were just weird physics anomalies. I saw my nephews playing COD which I care nothing for, but it looked pretty damn good. I just picked up an Xbox One for my brother tonight (he's paying me back), so I should get a chance to check that out this weekend. I still have no intention of buying one for quite some time. On a positive note, I was able to pick up The Last of Us and Beyond 2 Souls for $19 each and Tomb Raider for $15 tonight. Not too bad.

Yeah I picked up Last of Us on Amazon but for $25 unfortunately. Looking forward to it...Tomb Raider was good.
Yeah I picked up Last of Us on Amazon but for $25 unfortunately. Looking forward to it...Tomb Raider was good.

Yeah, I was going to get it at Wal-Mart for $25, but Nebraska Furniture Mart (there are only 4 in the country, so most places won't have one locally) had them in the ad for $19, so I price matched them. The first wal-mart I went to was out of TLoU, but the one I went to a few hours later after the madness had stopped still had one copy I was able to find.
Personally I've enjoyed Madden 25 far more than any other madden Ive played in the last 10 years. I loved all the features and how simple it was to navigate. To each their own.

For those interested I read that the Xbox 1 only sold 250k units in UK in its first week.

Also saw where do to import taxes and other taxes that a PS4 in Brazil is 1850 dollars. So they've sold zero ps4 s in Brazil to this point.
I should clarify that when I said I wasn't thrilled with the interface, I was talking about the PS4 interface, not Madden. But now that I think about it, I didn't like the Madden interface (in game) much either. Maybe there is something I did wrong, but it seems like the quick timeout button is the same as the one to bring up the pause menu. I know I called at least one timeout I didn't intend to because I was wanting to make an adjustment to my roster. Maybe this is just a PS4 issue now that there is no start/select buttons.

Also, I've heard a lot about the Dual Shock 4 being so much better, and I can honestly say, I didn't notice a difference at all. If I hadn't been looking at it and seeing the touch pad and light, I wouldn't have even noticed it was a different controller (except maybe the texture of the analog stick).

Not to invalidate your opinion but have you ever used a dualshock 3? The difference is huge. The controller is heavier, bigger, completely different triggers, and the face buttons are firmer. This is the first time after reading countless reviews I've even seen somebody so much as question the DS4 none the less indicate it's the same.

Personally I love the dualshock 4 and always played multi platform titles on my 360 last gen because of the controller and XBL. May switch this gen as I actually prefer the ds4 to the xbone controller.

Also there are no start or select buttons on either new console. You just use the options button instead or menu on xbone.
DS4 is an amazing controller. I've really loved it. Everything works great, it feels great, love the way it goes. It's much better than the DS3. It's not even remotely the same as far as I'm concerned.

I played a little 360 with my son today, after only playing PS4 for the last couple weeks, and honestly I can't stand the Xbox controller now. Too big, to heavy and clunky feeling. The DS4 is a much better controller. That's just my humble opinion.
Not to invalidate your opinion but have you ever used a dualshock 3? The difference is huge. The controller is heavier, bigger, completely different triggers, and the face buttons are firmer. This is the first time after reading countless reviews I've even seen somebody so much as question the DS4 none the less indicate it's the same.

Personally I love the dualshock 4 and always played multi platform titles on my 360 last gen because of the controller and XBL. May switch this gen as I actually prefer the ds4 to the xbone controller.

Also there are no start or select buttons on either new console. You just use the options button instead or menu on xbone.

I use the DS3 all the time, and have no issue with it. I have no preference for the 360 controller over it. I know the DS4 is different, but when I picked it up to use it, I didn't think about it at all. The difference in overall feel wasn't enough that it wouldn't have even registered that I was playing with a different controller if I wasn't consciously aware it was the DS4. I did notice some things (texture of analog stick, and the trigger buttons being a little different), but overall it felt pretty similar to the DS3...and there's nothing wrong with that IMO.
I doubt I go with either for a while.
The monthly fees for online play are absurd.

I have 2 PS3's and an Xbox 360 currently but have not paid for online play beyond initial free trials or extensions from buying various games.

I actually like the home entertainment aspect of the systems but I do the same thing with a home theater PC build and pay zero per month beyond basic internet charges.
XMBC is an excellent media tool loaded with Codecs and you can play virtually any type of file.
It is also easy to load 3 or 4 TB of storage.

Console gaming tends to be better but I can 'suffer by' with PC games connected to the projector on a 110" screen.
And of course I can use that same pc to type on this message board with a full keyboard and a couple monitors.
Personally I've enjoyed Madden 25 far more than any other madden Ive played in the last 10 years. I loved all the features and how simple it was to navigate. To each their own.

For those interested I read that the Xbox 1 only sold 250k units in UK in its first week.

Also saw where do to import taxes and other taxes that a PS4 in Brazil is 1850 dollars. So they've sold zero ps4 s in Brazil to this point.

Are you talking about Madden 25 on the Next gen consoles?
'Cause is pretty much terrible on PS3/360. I have never experienced a more laggy and awful interface/menu system in my years of gaming. Doing ANYTHING outside of actual game play takes 15x longer than it should. So bad.
As for game play, it's exactly the same as the last 3 years, with new animations, /shrug. Got it from a friend who did'nt like it. Glad to be able to play it 'cause I was itching for some football, but my Madden strike continues.
I doubt I go with either for a while.
The monthly fees for online play are absurd.

PSN card was on sale for $29.99 black Friday. That averages to about $2.50 a month.

I'm sure xbox live had something similar.
Not to invalidate your opinion but have you ever used a dualshock 3? The difference is huge. The controller is heavier, bigger, completely different triggers, and the face buttons are firmer. This is the first time after reading countless reviews I've even seen somebody so much as question the DS4 none the less indicate it's the same.

Personally I love the dualshock 4 and always played multi platform titles on my 360 last gen because of the controller and XBL. May switch this gen as I actually prefer the ds4 to the xbone controller.

Also there are no start or select buttons on either new console. You just use the options button instead or menu on xbone.

I haven't played using the new DS4 but can attest to the the different controllers (DS3 v 360) suitability to play specific genres. I much prefer FPS on 360 but prefer the DS3 for hack n slash, fighting, and action story driven games (Dishonored, Assasins Creed, etc.) When I play FPS with a DS3 it takes some adjustment.
Are you talking about Madden 25 on the Next gen consoles?
'Cause is pretty much terrible on PS3/360. I have never experienced a more laggy and awful interface/menu system in my years of gaming. Doing ANYTHING outside of actual game play takes 15x longer than it should. So bad.
As for game play, it's exactly the same as the last 3 years, with new animations, /shrug. Got it from a friend who did'nt like it. Glad to be able to play it 'cause I was itching for some football, but my Madden strike continues.

Yeah for the PS4. I have had no lag issues or any problems with the game myself. I've enjoyed my experience with it. The game has played extremely well and I have had no issues with the menu system or the interface. I guess cause I didn't bother to play Madden for the last 3 or 4 years maybe I'm liking this one better because of that.
PSN card was on sale for $29.99 black Friday. That averages to about $2.50 a month.

I'm sure xbox live had something similar.

12 months of Playstation Plus?
The PSN 20$ cards I've seen are just for online purchases.

If Sony maintained the same minimal price for online play I'd seriously consider the PS4. If it is the rumored 40/50 per month to play online I will not.
12 months of Playstation Plus?
The PSN 20$ cards I've seen are just for online purchases.

If Sony maintained the same minimal price for online play I'd seriously consider the PS4. If it is the rumored 40/50 per month to play online I will not.

yeah, black friday Playstation Plus was $29.99. Normal price is $49.99 for the year.

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