PS4 vs Xbox One

Fiance bought me an X1. Can't open it until Christmas. Too busy to think about it right now anyway. :)

The options on the thing are much to do. I feel so ignorant about it. Can't wait to play some Forza.

I have never been into racing games in my life and LOVE Forza. Depending on which room you're putting it I recommend looking at an hdmi splitter. If it goes in the living room your fiancé may not be happy having to use the xbox watching tv. And unfortunately there is no hdmi pass through in standby. But the tv features are pretty sweet so don't want to miss out on it.
The playstation 4 has the better specs. Not sure where you're getting this nonsense. But do a little research on the ps4's GDDR ram compared to the xbones DDR. And then look at the xbones reliance on esram to even attempt to catch up. If you honestly thought the specs were better why is the resolution higher on the ps4 on almost every multi platform title?

As far as a media center the xbone wins but the ps4 is the better gaming machine and it's not even close. And for full disclosure I own both.

Also please don't bother bringing up Black Friday numbers. There were no ps4s to be had. And the xbone isn't all that hard to find. Amazon had them for over 24 hours last week.

The PS3 had better specs. It really didn't matter.

Neither console has really shown anything that says they'll be able to swing people from their firmly rooted favorite.

People are entrenched with their camp. I doubt there's a significant different when it's all said and done. Declaring a winner right now is like saying the game is over after the opening kick off.
The PS3 had better specs. It really didn't matter.

Neither console has really shown anything that says they'll be able to swing people from their firmly rooted favorite.

People are entrenched with their camp. I doubt there's a significant different when it's all said and done. Declaring a winner right now is like saying the game is over after the opening kick off.

The ps3 had better specs but the cell processor was harder to develop for. Which lead to the 360 version of multi-plats being the best especially early on. This time the ps4 has better specs AND is easier to develop for. And while I owned a 360 and ps3 I was very loyal to xbox and got both the original and 360 at launch. Despite that I was switching to ps4 and know a few people in the same situation. It wasn't until the week before launch I decided to just keep the xbone too.

As you said it's too early to declare a winner. But it can comfortably be said the ps4 has the best specs. And with owning both I'll share the same sentiment you can find in a number of reviews. The xbone is your choice if you want media capabilities and to game. The ps4 is your choice if you just want to game.
The ps3 had better specs but the cell processor was harder to develop for. Which lead to the 360 version of multi-plats being the best especially early on. This time the ps4 has better specs AND is easier to develop for. And while I owned a 360 and ps3 I was very loyal to xbox and got both the original and 360 at launch. Despite that I was switching to ps4 and know a few people in the same situation. It wasn't until the week before launch I decided to just keep the xbone too.

As you said it's too early to declare a winner. But it can comfortably be said the ps4 has the best specs. And with owning both I'll share the same sentiment you can find in a number of reviews. The xbone is your choice if you want media capabilities and to game. The ps4 is your choice if you just want to game.

I can respect your take. From most of what I have seen you're stance is pretty spot on. Adam Sessler (if you're familiar with G4TV) pretty much said the same thing.

The PS4 has more power and is the better pure gaming machine. The XBOX has the software and media integration to allow it to be more than just a gaming machine. Early screenshots of the PS4 of BF4 look better than the XBOX. Is the difference significant enough to sell a PS4 to a person who's been in XBOX's camp? I don't think so and I'm not sure it will be for the cross-platform titles. In a sense, the weaker console holds back the stronger one because it would take more time to get the most out of the stronger console to make everything as pretty as possible. For exclusive titles I think the difference could be large because you don't have to worry about the other platform.

I haven't seen much that one console offers that makes either the clear cut better choice for everyone.

One thing I recently saw from Sessler's review was that the XBOX was a bit "sluggish" in the snap feature for some of the capabilities. I have no interest in buying a console that cannot future OS updates. I already have an iPhone and cannot stand upgrading because each upgrade seems to slow the phone down a bit more than the previous one.

I'll likely stay on the XBOX because the majority of the people I play with are doing so and because I have confidence in XBOX Live that Sony has not earned yet. I realize they've addressed some of the issues they had on PS3 in terms of online play but I'll need to see long-term stability before I would consider changing. I'll definitely be waiting until the price comes down. Have quite a bit going on in the next 3-4 months so I don't think I'm going to miss anything between now and then.
I can respect your take. From most of what I have seen you're stance is pretty spot on. Adam Sessler (if you're familiar with G4TV) pretty much said the same thing.

The PS4 has more power and is the better pure gaming machine. The XBOX has the software and media integration to allow it to be more than just a gaming machine. Early screenshots of the PS4 of BF4 look better than the XBOX. Is the difference significant enough to sell a PS4 to a person who's been in XBOX's camp? I don't think so and I'm not sure it will be for the cross-platform titles. In a sense, the weaker console holds back the stronger one because it would take more time to get the most out of the stronger console to make everything as pretty as possible. For exclusive titles I think the difference could be large because you don't have to worry about the other platform.

I haven't seen much that one console offers that makes either the clear cut better choice for everyone.

One thing I recently saw from Sessler's review was that the XBOX was a bit "sluggish" in the snap feature for some of the capabilities. I have no interest in buying a console that cannot future OS updates. I already have an iPhone and cannot stand upgrading because each upgrade seems to slow the phone down a bit more than the previous one.

I'll likely stay on the XBOX because the majority of the people I play with are doing so and because I have confidence in XBOX Live that Sony has not earned yet. I realize they've addressed some of the issues they had on PS3 in terms of online play but I'll need to see long-term stability before I would consider changing. I'll definitely be waiting until the price comes down. Have quite a bit going on in the next 3-4 months so I don't think I'm going to miss anything between now and then.

While I prefer the PS4, I still do really like the Xbone. It is a good system and the Kinect works alot better than I ever imagined it would. I can actually see its purpose since buying the system. I want nothing to do with using it during a game, but to navigate the OS i'm good with. And honestly the way the OS is laid out you're dead in the water if you try to navigate it with a controller. I wouldnt' worry too much about the OS updates as I think both had to rush to get something stable out and will improve greatly.

For instance, the Xbone currently has no data management component so you can't even see how much hard drive space you have left. Which is insane when we only get 500GBs and some games are 40 by themselves. The other big complaint is installing games feels like it takes a small eternity compared to the PS4 which lets you start playing in a few short moments.

Beyond that despite my preference for PS4 as a system, my favorite launch game so far might honestly be Forza. I'm really enjoying it and the drivatars are a pretty slick use of the cloud servers.

EIther way I think you're good to wait no matter which direction you go. I'm the kind of person that has to have the latest tech, its an addiction. But in reality most of the games I bought are on the last gen too. With exception to KIllzone, Forza, and Dead Rising 3. Despite it being on last gen, I wouldn't want Titanfall on a 360 though. And i'm pumped for the Show and Infamous on PS4.
That may be you but not others. You're greatly underestimating the potential of XBOne's potential as an entertainment hub. As people transition away from cable and satellite they will still want to watch live TV, movies and stream Netflix to their televisions. Combine it with all of the Xbox's features and it is much better positioned for the market in five years than PS4 is.

I'm not against X1 but don't like that direction at all seeing as I already watch tv, movies, and stream Netlix via X360/PS3. I want my gaming system to be about gaming and not a cpu/media center; though it is good to have for app features like already used; Youtbue, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Roku, Netflix, Sports Packages, etc. are already on 360. It just seems they forced that down the consumers throat by portraying it as some step forward but nothing has been mentioned outside of maybe direct cable streaming or verbal recognition technology to avoid a few button pushes. Cable shows on HBO can already be streamed on an HBO/Showtime App. Why the excessive attention when it is already incorporated?
I'm not against X1 but don't like that direction at all seeing as I already watch tv, movies, and stream Netlix via X360/PS3. I want my gaming system to be about gaming and not a cpu/media center; though it is good to have for app features like already used; Youtbue, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Roku, Netflix, Sports Packages, etc. are already on 360. It just seems they forced that down the consumers throat by portraying it as some step forward but nothing has been mentioned outside of maybe direct cable streaming or verbal recognition technology to avoid a few button pushes. Cable shows on HBO can already be streamed on an HBO/Showtime App. Why the excessive attention when it is already incorporated?

Meh. I know it's already incorporated but the live tv addition will be nifty. Microsoft is also reportedly going to get in the game of TV production, with rumors of them reviving a show with a loyal fanbase (Heroes, Jericho and Firefly have all been rumored. Odds are on Jericho since pretty much the entire cast is doing nothing and would likely jump for 13 paydays). Plus with rumors that Microsoft might attempt to obtain the rights to Sunday Ticket you may see a situation in which you can watch any NFL game you want on your Xbox, plus have TV shows as well as live television - that'd make the $499 ticket price look like a steal. PS4 may very well be the better gaming machine, but XB-One is undoubtedly better positioned as an entertainment hub as well as capturing the Nintendo Wii market, plus kids - which tend to be slow to upgrade but they will eventually. WIIU is pretty much a bust. As more and more people migrate from cable subscriptions the Xbox One will become more and more attractive, so in a year when the prices are $339 for PS4 and $400 for XB One many people will say "well, $70 is less than one month of cable!! Bargain!".
Meh. I know it's already incorporated but the live tv addition will be nifty. Microsoft is also reportedly going to get in the game of TV production, with rumors of them reviving a show with a loyal fanbase (Heroes, Jericho and Firefly have all been rumored. Odds are on Jericho since pretty much the entire cast is doing nothing and would likely jump for 13 paydays). Plus with rumors that Microsoft might attempt to obtain the rights to Sunday Ticket you may see a situation in which you can watch any NFL game you want on your Xbox, plus have TV shows as well as live television - that'd make the $499 ticket price look like a steal. PS4 may very well be the better gaming machine, but XB-One is undoubtedly better positioned as an entertainment hub as well as capturing the Nintendo Wii market, plus kids - which tend to be slow to upgrade but they will eventually. WIIU is pretty much a bust. As more and more people migrate from cable subscriptions the Xbox One will become more and more attractive, so in a year when the prices are $339 for PS4 and $400 for XB One many people will say "well, $70 is less than one month of cable!! Bargain!".

Except you're overlooking unless the tv shows are any good you can just get a $99 Apple TV or Roku to do the same thing. And Xbone may get the ticket but i highly doubt it would be exclusive. So not sure it's a huge sell either.

I mean if you want to game and have a hub sure it's nice. But the ps4 also has most of the popular streaming apps also.

And if as many were migrating from cable as you think MS wouldn't have linked its os so heavily towards the cable subscription model. With the cable guide overlay, hdmi input, and watch tv app.
Meh. I know it's already incorporated but the live tv addition will be nifty. Microsoft is also reportedly going to get in the game of TV production, with rumors of them reviving a show with a loyal fanbase (Heroes, Jericho and Firefly have all been rumored. Odds are on Jericho since pretty much the entire cast is doing nothing and would likely jump for 13 paydays). Plus with rumors that Microsoft might attempt to obtain the rights to Sunday Ticket you may see a situation in which you can watch any NFL game you want on your Xbox, plus have TV shows as well as live television - that'd make the $499 ticket price look like a steal. PS4 may very well be the better gaming machine, but XB-One is undoubtedly better positioned as an entertainment hub as well as capturing the Nintendo Wii market, plus kids - which tend to be slow to upgrade but they will eventually. WIIU is pretty much a bust. As more and more people migrate from cable subscriptions the Xbox One will become more and more attractive, so in a year when the prices are $339 for PS4 and $400 for XB One many people will say "well, $70 is less than one month of cable!! Bargain!".

I hear ya, but all my shows aren't network tv shows; mostly FX (Archer, Louie, Sunny) and Comedy Central. Those shows are already available on Prime, Hulu, and Netlfix and the Dateline ID shows (my other cable tv shows) are starting to stream pretty regularly as well. They should've sold two systems; exclusive to gaming and apps that are already current, and the ultra media center and gaming console for a higher tag from my admittedly simple consumer perspective. Just seems the PS4 is the cheaper gaming console that can already incorporate the apps convenience as with the last gen consoles. If XBOX/PS4 wanted to get into creating their own media content they should've allowed some consumer choice.
That may be you but not others. You're greatly underestimating the potential of XBOne's potential as an entertainment hub. As people transition away from cable and satellite they will still want to watch live TV, movies and stream Netflix to their televisions. Combine it with all of the Xbox's features and it is much better positioned for the market in five years than PS4 is.

I'll say right now there is no chance that Xbox makes a big cut into cable or satellite. They'll get some people but they won't make any huge cut. It'll be meaningless overall.

I've said it all along, and I'll continue to say it, they're not going to get people who weren't already going to get Xbox.

I don't know why anyone keeps saying Netflix as if Xbox is the only way you can do that. You can do that on PS3 and PS4 as well. That's absolutely meaningless. It's a shiny new tech toy designed to trick teenagers into paying more for something they don't actually need and I'll give Microsoft credit. It works really great on those teenagers.

As far as the gaming portion of the consoles they're both pretty damn good, as I would expect.
Bought the stupid xbox today and it won't update. So I'm waiting for microsoft to get their crap straight so I can log in.

Bought the stupid xbox today and it won't update. So I'm waiting for microsoft to get their crap straight so I can log in.


While I feel bad for you, I can honestly say that it doesn't surprise me.

The X-Box systems have always been rushed, slapped together, malfunctioning junk.

Poorly made with huge numbers of failures reported.

I have never been a fan and I never will be.

And I haven't and never will forget their all-controlling attempts made with this latest system.

They're junk and I hope they rot on the shelves.

No offense to you!
While I feel bad for you, I can honestly say that it doesn't surprise me.

The X-Box systems have always been rushed, slapped together, malfunctioning junk.

Poorly made with huge numbers of failures reported.

I have never been a fan and I never will be.

And I haven't and never will forget their all-controlling attempts made with this latest system.

They're junk and I hope they rot on the shelves.

No offense to you!

Never had a problem with an xbox (or any console for that matter) but have usually found them to be of higher quality than nintendo and sony (RRoD not withstanding).
Never had a problem with an xbox (or any console for that matter) but have usually found them to be of higher quality than nintendo and sony (RRoD not withstanding).

How is the red rings of death notwithstanding?

I have had multiple friends and family members plagued by the dreaded red rings time and time again.

Take note of the X-Box system for the rushed, thrown together device it's always been.

Blu-Ray player? No, but we have HD something or another, sold separately of course.

How about wireless connectivity? Sure, give us an extra $100 for this attachment.

On-line gaming?

Sure, but it's gonna cost ya!

I see the product as a second-rate knockoff. Always have, always will.

And this last disgrace with the newest system?

The final nail in the coffin.

I wouldn't take one if you gave it to me.
Bought the stupid xbox today and it won't update. So I'm waiting for microsoft to get their crap straight so I can log in.


Download off the Microsoft update website onto a flash drive and manually update?
I'll just say I went through three XBox 360 systems and am currently on my fourth. I bought my first one on launch, and had two covered under the initial warranty. Kept the hard drive and then bought the cheap one without a hard drive, and then it died but was covered by warranty. My big fat old PS3 is still going strong.
While I feel bad for you, I can honestly say that it doesn't surprise me.

The X-Box systems have always been rushed, slapped together, malfunctioning junk.

Poorly made with huge numbers of failures reported.

I have never been a fan and I never will be.

And I haven't and never will forget their all-controlling attempts made with this latest system.

They're junk and I hope they rot on the shelves.

No offense to you!

I totally understand but I just prefer the box over playstation
There was a new update patch today for everybody separate from the new owner update you are trying to get, so maybe it was a little overloaded.
I had a 360 for more than three years. I never had a single issue with it. It was a great system. I never had any issues with my PS3 either.

I'll be honest and say that I believe that quite a few people experience these malfunctions and such due to the piss poor way they take care of their systems. Yeah, yeah, spare me the "Not my friend/family member" stuff. I don't need a personal account from each person trying to defend their position. It's just my opinion that if you likely looked into how people took care of their systems you'd find the answers to a whole lot of their issues.

As for a high failure rate with the Xbox, last I read they were reporting a 1%, which is right in line with the PS4 and pretty much any electronics. That's really not that big a deal, IMO.

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