I can't justify it until more next gen exclusives are actually released. It seems the games are just crawling out at a dead pace? What's the deal with that if anyone is in the know with these things?
Xbox One matched PS4s 1M in first 24Hs.
I heard the PS4's 1M sold was only in North America, whereas the Xbox was sold globally
Somewhat true, PS4 has released in more than just the US + Canada, I believe UK as well - pretty much the big three in early adoption. So, it's not as big as a difference as you'd think. US+UK+Canada consist of probably 90%+ of the "day one" adopters.
I should have bought one and sold it on ebay. People are really buying Xboxes for $700-800. Crazy.
PS here is the amazon video game deal calendar if you're interested http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=node=8021566011&field-keywords=
Somewhat true, PS4 has released in more than just the US + Canada, I believe UK as well - pretty much the big three in early adoption. So, it's not as big as a difference as you'd think. US+UK+Canada consist of probably 90%+ of the "day one" adopters.
The PS4 is not out until Friday in Europe. So the reason those numbers are NA only right now is cause other then Japan that's the only place the PS4 is out.
We will see numbers in a few weeks, either way the XBONE far overperformed estimates and we certainly have a console war.
The XBone won't be out until summer (due to voice recognition issues with Kinnect for a lot of European languages) in 13 European countries this gen will be PS4 by a landslide here
The PS4 is not out until Friday in Europe. So the reason those numbers are NA only right now is cause other then Japan that's the only place the PS4 is out.
Somewhat true, PS4 has released in more than just the US + Canada, I believe UK as well - pretty much the big three in early adoption. So, it's not as big as a difference as you'd think. US+UK+Canada consist of probably 90%+ of the "day one" adopters.
I have PS4.
I have had zero issues and have loved every single minute of it.
I have heard good things so far about the Xbox One from some of the people I know who've gotten them. I haven't heard any complaints from either side really.
I do know that both systems were reporting a 1% failure rate for what they'd sold which is pretty good. I remember reading that when the 360 first came out Xbox had a 16% failure rate for it so that's a pretty good job of learning from both companies in that regard.
Madden 25 is AWESOME btw. I've loved every minute of playing this one and usually once I play 1 season of Madden I'm done with it because I'm bored. I'm not this time. I'm already well into my second season and I only started playing it Thursday. I have been playing Ghosts mostly with some Battlefield 4.
I enjoy both. I like Battlefield 4 more but I usually only play that with friends, too hard a game to play without a good team with you. CoD I can play and do well all the time with or without a good team.
The 'console war' thing always cracks me up. There is no war. It's not like people who enjoy video games enough can't own both. If I wanted to own both I could. At some point down the line I probably will. PS4 was the better system coming out, IMO, and that's why I went that direction. Xbox1 sounds like it's done a good job as well though.
The PS4 is not out until Friday in Europe. So the reason those numbers are NA only right now is cause other then Japan that's the only place the PS4 is out.
Just to clarify the numbers they were talking about there did not include Europe because it hadn't released in Europe at the time. So, yeah, PS4 clearly outsold XBox on their day one sales.
It's not like that matters either way. Both systems will wind up being great and working great for exactly what everyone needs that goes whichever direction.