What? Live TV? Thanks I don't need a gaming console for that.
To watch movies? Thanks I don't need a gaming console to do that and if I did my PS4 does it as well.
There is absolutely zero on Xbox one that would make a person swing it's way that isn't already wanting to get it in the first place. If you're going Xbox then you're going Xbox. Its not going to matter on any of that other stuff and that's already been shown.
If those specs were so important to people right now they'd be going that way right now. The extra 100 dollars wouldn't matter to them if those specs were in the least bit important because, lets be real honest here, 100 extra dollars isn't anything really. If you can afford 400 for a PS4 you can afford 500 for an Xbox 1. The price, IMO, has next to nothing to do with the fact that they're getting beaten right now.
Now, again, I'm not saying Xbox isn't great. Everything I've heard it is and I still don't believe anyone can go wrong either way. I know for me personally I went PS4 because Microsoft really dropped the ball with that bull**** they tried to pull and they completely soured me on them and their product.
I have the 360 and PS3 from last time around and I felt 360 was far and away the better choice between those two. I still enjoyed my PS3 and never had any issues with it but 360 was better all around last time. This time around I really don't see any real difference maker in the two other than the stupid entertainment center junk Microsoft is attempting to pull, to try and make even more money, and frankly that's simply a no draw for me.
It's not now and it never will be. I own gaming consoles for gaming. Period. I don't own them for TV and movies. That's what I have a TV and a Bluray for.