PS4 vs Xbox One

Really enjoying destiny, my psn id is: Mookoto if anyone wants to co-op

Was looking into this one. Does it have to be played online like Titanfall or is there a single player campaign....that is worth it?
Was looking into this one. Does it have to be played online like Titanfall or is there a single player campaign....that is worth it?

Always online but nothing like Titanfall has storyline missions you can do on your own or with friends, has co-op missions and pvp arena stuff. If Borderlands and Halo had a baby it would be destiny
Always online but nothing like Titanfall has storyline missions you can do on your own or with friends, has co-op missions and pvp arena stuff. If Borderlands and Halo had a baby it would be destiny

Ohhh okay, that makes more sense than mmo halo the way friends were spouting. I want story missions most imp and don;t nececcarily like to "teaming" up online; friend or not. I like the solo exp. etc Enjoyed the Borderlands series moreso than Halo (though most would disagree of course) even tho they are different shooters (open world v linear, etc.)
Always online but nothing like Titanfall has storyline missions you can do on your own or with friends, has co-op missions and pvp arena stuff. If Borderlands and Halo had a baby it would be destiny

Don't mind the online part just don't want to have to go out and find strangers to play, like doing stuff on my own.
Don't mind the online part just don't want to have to go out and find strangers to play, like doing stuff on my own.

You can LITERALLY do everything on your own other than strikes and raids. If you see someone out in the field with you, ignore them and do your own thing. Doing the story missions on hard by yourself is a great challenge.
I picked up Destiny after work last night.

I haven't even unwrapped it yet. Probably won't till tomorrow, if then. I'm looking forward to playing it but I've got several others I'm working on right now. I might not actually get to Destiny for a while.
I am really enjoying Deztiny so far. We should form a CowboysZone clan to help each other with the crazy raid that is going to happen on 9/16.
Destiny is getting some pretty disappointing reviews from Amazon. A game stop employee told me this game was a lock for "Game Of the Year." I don't see that now.

Still waiting to see some black Friday deals for ps4 games lol. That's my time to stock up.
Destiny is getting some pretty disappointing reviews from Amazon. A game stop employee told me this game was a lock for "Game Of the Year." I don't see that now.

Still waiting to see some black Friday deals for ps4 games lol. That's my time to stock up.

Destiny is awesome.
Most MMO's are quite repetitive to be honest. Comes with the territory. Also just recently fixed my firewall and port issues with Destiny. Bleh. So I finally could access the tower, lol.
Honestly, name me one game that isn't repetitive, especially a highly anticipated FPS/MMO/RPG. If someone enjoys the repetition then let them enjoy it. Destiny is just getting hated on because it's the next "big" game. I am totally into the PvP aspect as the bounty challenges and kill sprees are great.

It has a few flaws, for sure. But overall I think it is a very cool game. As long as I enjoy something it is OK in my book.
I'm enjoying Desinty even though I haven't figured it all out yet. Currently, level 7 and on the moon part.
I haven't put Destiny in yet. Still working on Watch Dogs, Last of Us, and Diablo on my PS4 as well as Arkham Origins on my PS3.

I'll get to it....eventually. :)
I haven't put Destiny in yet. Still working on Watch Dogs, Last of Us, and Diablo on my PS4 as well as Arkham Origins on my PS3.

I'll get to it....eventually. :)

I tried a little Destiny last night and enjoyed the experience. Very halo like 'theme and graphics wise' but more similar to COD in terms of shooting accuracy/run and gun style that is enabled. I was basically just rushing folks COD style outside of the Sniper shots that are sometimes required (still very early for me). Watchdogs has been okay so far. On only Act II but feels like GTA w/o the stones if that makes sense. The digital trips are insanely cool though. The main character is too bleh it seems and doesn't draw you in to the story much (mad uncle?). The gang hideout side missions are probably the most fun I have had so far, but the clubbing the gang leader@ the conclusion, instead of simply killing him like the dozens of other criminals you need to get to him seems so petty (and frustrating).

Diablo is a great game too. I'm finding myself in the poor habit of starting too many games @ once and not devoting enough attention to any one game specifically (outside of Madden franchise). Destiny is more "fun" than KZ so far, that's for sure. KZ pacing is a little out of whack where objectives aren't very clear and find myself "chopping" my way through the game instead of completing missions cleanly, etc.

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