PS4 vs Xbox One

I'm a Wii U guy, but I'm still keeping my ps3 around. I got a chance to play Madden 15 on a next gen console and the quality is night and day compared to the ps3 version. Seems like EA phoned it in with Madden on the "old" consoles.

Probably won't get a ps4 or xbox one until the next game in the Elder Scrolls series comes out.

I've read similar descriptions of the next gen. I still see pre-animated tackles/catches, etc. and a lack of a physics based engine but would be lying if I wasn't encouraged by the positive reaction from fans. This is an example from a kickstarter named 'Backbreaker' that only released one version of the game. It was by no means perfect, but this was only year 1 of their project embracing a physics based engine. First year...compared to Madden; imagine where they would be with the same money/tools/developers as EA sports. The major contrast is that there are no pre-animated tackles, every tackle depends on momentum, weight of player, angle of defender, etc. The same relates to OL/DL play where weight/momentum play a much bigger role in determining success of the play (RG being pushed back by stronger NT=forcing RB outside/stutter step to dif hole, etc.) I will be picking up Madden 15 as well so not gonna cut off my nose type thing but wish there was more competition to push EA to produce a better product. They got away with stalling for nearly 10 years due to the monopoly.

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I'm usually not impressed with Madden . But I needed a new game for My next gen console . Must say , I'm very pleased with this years version . The deep ball finally works (sometimes ) . The run blocking is pretty decent for once . The players heads are still too big but , other than that pretty good game so far .
Been playing inFamous First Light and I must say that it is ridiculously fun and a complete steal for $14.99. I might even enjoy it more than Second Son. I don't understand the average scores the games got. They are top notch.
I'm usually not impressed with Madden . But I needed a new game for My next gen console . Must say , I'm very pleased with this years version . The deep ball finally works (sometimes ) . The run blocking is pretty decent for once . The players heads are still too big but , other than that pretty good game so far .

I cant tackle In the new one lol I miss a ton of tackles and can never get the hit stick to work. Also why is it silent eveytime you make a tackle thats dumb. Your supposed to hear helmets and pads hitting. The fields look way fake too. Other than that I like it so far.
I'm pretty bad at Madden admittedly, but to me the Defense is way overtuned now unless you're playing on Rookie difficulty. It's like the receivers don't even fight for the ball, if you throw and there's a defender somewhere close it's an interception way too often.
Quite pleased with this years madden best madden in ages, it's be no means perfect but compared to the crap they have been putting out lately it's a huge leap in quality
I don't have it yet, but I does look good. Too similar to Madden 25 for me to pay $60 for though. By black Friday it'll be $25 and I'll get it then but yes it does look tempting.
Quite pleased with this years madden best madden in ages, it's be no means perfect but compared to the crap they have been putting out lately it's a huge leap in quality

Would agree with this assesment so far (3 hours). I do like that it is harder to score, I lost the first two games on all madden bc I kept turning the ball over in the redzone. The D does seem like you are still a spectator for the most part. The pass rush element is okay but nothing revolutionary. In the pregame tutorial they hype the pass rush as being smooth, R2 @ snap, designate x/sq. and then the DL reacts, but in game time, they rarely are so responsive. This relates to ratings of the players of course, but the pass rush attempt isn't being displayed or being stunted, it just doesn't react to your prompt. All that said, this is a major improvement in terms of simple game play. I have noticed the commentators missing up on minor things like noting I didn't have a TO in my first game but did, etc. Outside of that the presentation has been improved in terms of relevant stats being displayed during gameplay. I don't like the play calling interface so far, too micro-categorized. Note to fans, turn off pre-existing injuries for your connected franchise or you miss out on Lee and Lawrence year 1 and the D is pretty weak outside of the secondary.
Would agree with this assesment so far (3 hours). I do like that it is harder to score, I lost the first two games on all madden bc I kept turning the ball over in the redzone. The D does seem like you are still a spectator for the most part. The pass rush element is okay but nothing revolutionary. In the pregame tutorial they hype the pass rush as being smooth, R2 @ snap, designate x/sq. and then the DL reacts, but in game time, they rarely are so responsive. This relates to ratings of the players of course, but the pass rush attempt isn't being displayed or being stunted, it just doesn't react to your prompt. All that said, this is a major improvement in terms of simple game play. I have noticed the commentators missing up on minor things like noting I didn't have a TO in my first game but did, etc. Outside of that the presentation has been improved in terms of relevant stats being displayed during gameplay. I don't like the play calling interface so far, too micro-categorized. Note to fans, turn off pre-existing injuries for your connected franchise or you miss out on Lee and Lawrence year 1 and the D is pretty weak outside of the secondary.

Whenever I played online last year. Murray got hurt once per game. It was like clockwork. He was due for getting carted. Also Romo cannot dive without holding onto the ball. He fumbled every damn time. :(
Whenever I played online last year. Murray got hurt once per game. It was like clockwork. He was due for getting carted. Also Romo cannot dive without holding onto the ball. He fumbled every damn time. :(

Funny you say that, Romo has fumbled 3 times during scrambles for me so far. Good QB tho otherwise, they gave him high agi (76) for a QB.
Funny you say that, Romo has fumbled 3 times during scrambles for me so far. Good QB tho otherwise, they gave him high agi (76) for a QB.

Yeah haha, even on scrambles when I dive where no defenders are about to hit me I have fumbled!
Been playing inFamous First Light and I must say that it is ridiculously fun and a complete steal for $14.99. I might even enjoy it more than Second Son. I don't understand the average scores the games got. They are top notch.

I haven't even booted up my Infamous next gen (shameful tbh) but love the series. This is where gaming should be gravitating towards (flexibility). Infamous is more superhero than any game I have ever played. If they threw guns in the mix, the genre would either step to the next level or lose the originality. I say take the next step and add gun play. Don't take it too far like Saints Row on last gen but they are bordering on brilliance with that genre/game.
lol. The game is trying to teach you to slide with your QB. :)

Highly doubt you would regret the purchase tbh. Good value game and next gen football. Buy it used off Amazon/Go Hastings...there is no access code bs to worry about. I recommend it though as a change up; I have so many FPS on PS4 that I'm backlogged:D
Highly doubt you would regret the purchase tbh. Good value game and next gen football. Buy it used off Amazon/Go Hastings...there is no access code bs to worry about. I recommend it though as a change up; I have so many FPS on PS4 that I'm backlogged:D

Yeah I'm gonna wind up breaking down and buying it I'm sure. lol
Did anyone here play the destiny beta? I was never really into Halo but the hype for destiny is starting to get to me now. Would someone who never really got into Halo enjoy it?