Q. Carter - What was it?

"Obviously he wasn't if he abandoned his team in the midst of a playoff run to enter a rehab facility."

This may be the "smoking gun" of the Q mystery. I think it was officially reported by the Jets and NY news media that Q was unavailable to the Jets at the end of the year during their playoff run because he had entered drug rehab. So no matter what else was going on (momma sick, bi-polar), it seems the Q did have a substance problem of some kind and can't imagine that helped his performance...and it also explains why Jerry and Tuna were so adamant about terminating him and not being able to trust him.
I am almost sure that one reporter had an article that said it was Mary Jane...but maybe I remember wrong...was thinking it was JJT.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I am almost sure that one reporter had an article that said it was Mary Jane...but maybe I remember wrong...was thinking it was JJT.
You're right BP. The only thing officially reported regarding drugs was that. Speculation regarding cocaine was always denied in the news.

All the other stuff w/the Jets seemed to fall under the bi-polar thing.
MaineBoy said:
"Obviously he wasn't if he abandoned his team in the midst of a playoff run to enter a rehab facility."

This may be the "smoking gun" of the Q mystery. I think it was officially reported by the Jets and NY news media that Q was unavailable to the Jets at the end of the year during their playoff run because he had entered drug rehab. So no matter what else was going on (momma sick, bi-polar), it seems the Q did have a substance problem of some kind and can't imagine that helped his performance...and it also explains why Jerry and Tuna were so adamant about terminating him and not being able to trust him.

Correct and they made the right decision.

Assume for a moment that Chad Pennington had gotten hurt again late in the season when Carter disappeared? The New York media would have been all over this. But since it took a backseat to the Abraham knee issue and the fact that backup QBs are not that interesting, it got swept under the rug. The Jet organization itself also did him a favor by allowing this sick mother story to continue for weeks until the story was broke the week before the loss to the Steelers in the second round of the playoffs.

And if you looked at what Carter did in his visit with the Buccaneers where they declined to sign him---he visited with Jimmie Giles, former player who himself has overcome drug issues. It is not a lie, cover-up or secret. This young man has problems.
Hostile said:
I've never heard of anyone needing rehab for weed.

I have.

It just depends on the degree and the potential involvement of other drugs along with it.
I heard he was into sniffing monkey dung, ate the bark off of trees, smoked dried boogers, sprinkled toenails on is salad and ate spam sandwiches.
Alexander said:
Jerry Jones took alot of heat for that player. And I am sure Quincy was given more than one chance.

Mr. Jones just looked hurt and very disappointed. Like a man who had tried everything he could with a problem child that he probably cared about more than that child cared about him or the organization.

And many of these opinions were foreshadowing were they not? There were concerns about his rumored drug issues that were from his days at Georgia. Turns out they were correct.

As far as the chances afforded him, he got his chances. He blew them.

Did he face adversity? Sure. But no more than others have overcome and he was simply not smart enough or tough enough to overcome them.
Can't argue with the truth bro, you nailed it.

I still think there is more to come ............. that hasn't been revealed.
cobra said:
He got in trouble at UGA for cocaine. It was an open secret at UGA that Carter was a cokehead.

Till I hear otherwise, I will assume he kept up the habit.

My view is that the offending event was smoking crack; this is coke refined by boiling it down to something that is a rock, and, then you smoke it. I have not done this but many folks including my best friend have described it to me. It is herion that allows temporary control. It is a sex drug. Did anyone see that photo of Q-man on the front pages of the paper the morning he was canned? He looked exactly goofy and on drugs. Crack is as addicting as any drug there is; it works instantly and the addiction occurs damn nearly instantly. Once a coke/crack head, then you are doomed. Q-man might have made it; under the right regime, right team, absent drugs. Truth is the Cowboys would never have been good enough, but I think Jones was on to something in trying to bring aboard a running QB; like that dude from UT or Atlanta or possibly the Eagles or the dude fromo the steelers a while back -- don't get me wrong; I would never go back to those days; Jones screwed up this pick, and cokehead compounded the error. This is why character is such an issue; when you look past character then you draft guys that smoke crack and kill people on highways and otherwise screw up your team.
Hostile said:
I read that at UGA he was into Coke.

CowboyNIraq said he ran into someone stationed in Iraq who said the same thing.

A guy I work with was in a High School top 100 Baseball Camp and he says the same thing.

I've never heard of anyone needing rehab for weed.

It's all circumstantial, but that is a lot of fingers pointing at one thing.

Oh, I've seen it. Weed doesn't seem that addictive, but I know some people I went to school with, some of em were my friends, that were getting high like 4 times a day, and they needed help. It definately can become a problem.
Alexander said:
We had players like Alonzo Spellman and Demetrius Underwood who were legitimately bi-polar and yet they did not make up lies to explain their disappearances (visiting sick mothers), nor were they in the league-mandated substance abuse program to my recollection.

Carter smoked dope and that is all there is to the story. The bipolar part is more than likely an excuse that was concocted to jell with his stories that he was clean. Obviously he wasn't if he abandoned his team in the midst of a playoff run to enter a rehab facility.

Bipolar disorder is a very real disease, but lately it's become a trendy excuse for other self-destructive behaviors, like drug use. That does an injustice to the people who truly suffer from bipolar, like Spellman.

BTW, John Czarnecki with Fox reported it was coke... And all Carter ever said was, "Everyone who knows me knows I don't have a problem with coke." He didn't say he never did it, only that he didn't have a problem with it.

Thank God that ugly chapter is over with and we can talk about real football issues, not the Quincy soap opera.
edwardo said:
My view is that the offending event was smoking crack; this is coke refined by boiling it down to something that is a rock, and, then you smoke it. I have not done this but many folks including my best friend have described it to me. It is herion that allows temporary control. It is a sex drug. Did anyone see that photo of Q-man on the front pages of the paper the morning he was canned? He looked exactly goofy and on drugs. Crack is as addicting as any drug there is; it works instantly and the addiction occurs damn nearly instantly. Once a coke/crack head, then you are doomed. Q-man might have made it; under the right regime, right team, absent drugs. Truth is the Cowboys would never have been good enough, but I think Jones was on to something in trying to bring aboard a running QB; like that dude from UT or Atlanta or possibly the Eagles or the dude fromo the steelers a while back -- don't get me wrong; I would never go back to those days; Jones screwed up this pick, and cokehead compounded the error. This is why character is such an issue; when you look past character then you draft guys that smoke crack and kill people on highways and otherwise screw up your team.

actually, crack is made by boiling the cocaine, and cutting it with bakin soda. After it is boiled up, you put it in a vile and drop that vile into ice or cold water, that hardens the liquid into rocks.

crack is far more addicting than cocaine. the government invented it to keep us blacks down...:)
I still care about hearing about Quincy because I would really like to see him succeed in this league. He worked his *** off to try to be the best quarterback he could be. Unfortunately, he has a mental illness and got involved in some things he shouldn't have.

All the Cowboys fans who say they don't give a ****e about Quincy should feel ashamed of themselves. This guy wore a star for several years and played his heart out for this team.

You could tell in the photo from Oxnard that Quincy was very upset about what had happened. We shouldn't act like our **** doesn't stink and blast Quincy for making mistakes.
dbair1967 said:
I worked in the medical industry for some time and dont recall many (if any) bi-polars "medicating" themselves with illicit drugs...sounds like serious excuse making to me


I've met with many various types of doctor with my daughter....she has spent some time in the hospital because of it...and one of their biggest concerns about getting her meds right at a very early stage is because as the grow to adults...adults will turn to drinking, coke, and weed...others to try and drown the symptoms. Trust me...I'm talking just speaking off of hear say...I have experience with the battles people can have when suffering from this.

Now the coplete otherside of thconversation is....does QC have Bi-Polar and how severe??? My comments are based on the assumption he does have it...and is to a point where he does not want to feel like he does any longer...this is purely speculation. If he really does not have it....then shame on him...he blew a career...

I'm not making excuses for him...those that have been on this board know I never wanted him here because of his QB skills in the first place...I'm talking about a person...not a football player now.
thewivil said:
I still care about hearing about Quincy because I would really like to see him succeed in this league. He worked his *** off to try to be the best quarterback he could be. Unfortunately, he has a mental illness and got involved in some things he shouldn't have.

All the Cowboys fans who say they don't give a ****e about Quincy should feel ashamed of themselves. This guy wore a star for several years and played his heart out for this team.

You could tell in the photo from Oxnard that Quincy was very upset about what had happened. We shouldn't act like our **** doesn't stink and blast Quincy for making mistakes.
I don't think anyone was bashing QC per se. This is a legit thread about what possible drug problems he had, not about his performance on the field. That's a whole 'nother issue that most folks have let go.

However, it's your right to track QC's life for the rest of your life and no one's stopping you. But just remember that there are some who don't particularly like QC, the man or the football player.
thewivil said:
I still care about hearing about Quincy because I would really like to see him succeed in this league. He worked his *** off to try to be the best quarterback he could be.

How did he do this?

From everything I see he was an athletically gifted QB who struggled with the mental aspect and pressures of being an NFL QB.

It is not like he was some underdog that overcame so much to get what he got. He had some great God-given ability. And he did not make the most of that.

Unfortunately, he has a mental illness and got involved in some things he shouldn't have.

Nothing has been confirmed about this mental illness. The drug use has been semi-confirmed.

All the Cowboys fans who say they don't give a ****e about Quincy should feel ashamed of themselves. This guy wore a star for several years and played his heart out for this team.

How so? I saw a QB who chose drugs over his teammates. It was because of his shortsightedness that we had to endure what we endured last year. I feel no shame on blaming him for the things that he himself did. Nobody forced him to blow the opportunities that he received.

You could tell in the photo from Oxnard that Quincy was very upset about what had happened. We shouldn't act like our **** doesn't stink and blast Quincy for making mistakes.


He looks rather out of it here if you want me to be frightfully blunt, pun intended.
Woody'sGirl said:
I don't think anyone was bashing QC per se. This is a legit thread about what possible drug problems he had, not about his performance on the field. That's a whole 'nother issue that most folks have let go.

I wasn't directing it to the OP, but to some of the people who posted things in the thread. The OP's question is a legitimate question and should be answered, but some of the things people say around here are a bit obnoxious.
thewivil said:
I still care about hearing about Quincy because I would really like to see him succeed in this league. He worked his *** off to try to be the best quarterback he could be. Unfortunately, he has a mental illness and got involved in some things he shouldn't have.

All the Cowboys fans who say they don't give a ****e about Quincy should feel ashamed of themselves. This guy wore a star for several years and played his heart out for this team.

You could tell in the photo from Oxnard that Quincy was very upset about what had happened. We shouldn't act like our **** doesn't stink and blast Quincy for making mistakes.

Save it man. We don't owe Quincy a damn thing and I, for one, am tired of people tying to tell me I do. He had his chance. A chance none of us will ever get. He failed. I don't care why.

QC was doing something he should not have been doing. If I were doing the same thing, I would be penalized. I have zero sypmpathy for that. It is every persons right to choose what they want to do. With those choices come consequences. Some good, some bad. You choose, you live with it. You want penance for this, then you speak to your Priest. Don't you presume to tell me how I should feel about consequences of QC actions.

You my friend, have crossed the line.
You my friend, have crossed the line.

Not really.

He has not crossed any line.

He just has not let go himself.

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