Q. Carter - What was it?

thewivil said:
Work with me here. I never said our society promotes drug. Never have I said that or have I alluded to it. I said our society does not promote berating drug users or people with mental illnesses. I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just trying to make my point.

I'm basing my claims about Quincy from what I have read and heard from ESPN.

Quincy Carter's absence from the Jets at the end of the season indicates a setback in his drug rehab and previously undisclosed diagnosis of bipolar disorder, sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen.

He has entered a treatment center to deal with both afflictions, the sources said. Carter previously entered treatment programs in January of 2003 in the Boston area and again in the summer of 2004 at the John Lucas Treatment Center in Houston, Mortensen reported.

That's what I've read, and that's what we've been led to believe. If you choose to believe it or not, that's up to you. But before I start raining down flames on people, I like to know the entire situation.

I agree wholeheartedly.

The issue here is not Quincy. The issue at hand is really what posters have the right to believe or say. Quincy is the catalist but not really the issue. I have been pretty clear on the fact that I have seen no credible evidence of QCs bi-polar disorder. Even the post you provide above is from un-named sources. I have never seen anything that would indicate substantiate this. Does it not seem reasonable that something else would have followed if indeed he was bi-polar? I mean, when Spellman and Underwood veared left, it was all over the news about the bi-polar disorder.

Either way, the point I'm trying to get across is that you are working off an assumption. An assumption for which there is no credible proof. You are calling people out based on this. That aint right. When and if there is ever any credible source for the claim of a bi-polar disorder, then that's a different light. The drug use will never be OK regardless because that's what our society says.

You may not like what people say about QC but the fact is that they are within there rights to do so. He has brought this on himself. You can only be your own moral compase, especially when were going on "I'm basing my claims about Quincy from what I have read and heard from ESPN."

When you get right down to it, QC was the QB for the Dallas Cowboys. It is a career that, arguably, holds the most visabilty in all of Pro Sports in America. Even if successful, you will get your fair share of abuse (See Aikman). If your unsuccessful, your going to get more then your fair share of abuse. However, if you can be a success at this position, the world is your oyster. There is no higher standard then to be the winning QB of the Dallas Cowboys IMO. It is something that is understood when you take the job. Going in, you know this is how it will be. Risk/Reward factor his unbelievably high.

That is the fact of the matter. Right, wrong or indiffernet, that's the deal. As a QB, you take it or you leave it.
dbair1967 said:
who cares what it was...he's gone...good riddance


It's statements like that that incite the anger of some posters. I believe that everyone has a right to his opinion, but to get pleasure from someone else's difficulties,especially someone who played for the Cowboys and on a Cowboy's forum of all places, these kind of comments are in poor taste and show a lack of humanity. I would not express giddiness or a who cares attitude even if it were someone I truly disliked. Even when I'm fuming mad about some of these Carter-hater posts, I do not wish harm to the people making them.
I honestly don't believe that Drew Henson has the ability to make it as an NFL Qb, because he is so far behind even most College sophmores, but I do not wish him any harm or misfortune. I will be most happy when Henson has left the team to pursue another career and is not wasting our time anymore. I believe that because no one has ever come into the Nfl the way he has and been successful and don't believe that he'll succeed because some just like the way he looks(poster boy),you know,like Brady/Ben Affleck. I want us to draft a QB with unwavering desire to play in the NFL and give him enough time,no what his color or background. Not stereotype someone because of the way they look,speak and all that superficial non-sense like retardation jokes because they're southern black guy with a speech impediment. I would never stoop so low, even concerning Henson.
I can say one thing.

Ole Quincy still knows how to stir up some emotions.

- Mike G.
kartr said:
It's statements like that that incite the anger of some posters. I believe that everyone has a right to his opinion, but to get pleasure from someone else's difficulties,especially someone who played for the Cowboys and on a Cowboy's forum of all places, these kind of comments are in poor taste and show a lack of humanity. I would not express giddiness or a who cares attitude even if it were someone I truly disliked. Even when I'm fuming mad about some of these Carter-hater posts, I do not wish harm to the people making them.
I honestly don't believe that Drew Henson has the ability to make it as an NFL Qb, because he is so far behind even most College sophmores, but I do not wish him any harm or misfortune. I will be most happy when Henson has left the team to pursue another career and is not wasting our time anymore. I believe that because no one has ever come into the Nfl the way he has and been successful and don't believe that he'll succeed because some just like the way he looks(poster boy),you know,like Brady/Ben Affleck. I want us to draft a QB with unwavering desire to play in the NFL and give him enough time,no what his color or background. Not stereotype someone because of the way they look,speak and all that superficial non-sense like retardation jokes because they're southern black guy with a speech impediment. I would never stoop so low, even concerning Henson.


I guess I just see this and I wonder how it can be as such. Does it occure that many felt as if QC would never be the starter for the Cowboys yet we gave him three years. Yet a guy like Henson, who has only had one year can be written off. To me, it seems as if thre is a double standard.

Hutchinson gets the same treatment Quincy got. What is my role. Hay seed. Study your play book instead of Kariokee (sp), Fumble machine, the list goes on. I mean, it's hard to see how either side has much to complain about.
thewivil said:
None of us owe Quincy anymore than we owe the next guy. Should Quincy have been punished for his actions? Yes, he should have. Should he have been released? Probably.

But if we find out that Quincy is indeed bi-polar, then I don't see why any of us should be so harsh on him. If all his problems stem from an addiction to drugs, then that's another matter entirely.

Should we give Quincy another chance? No, but to make fun of a guy who may have a mental illness and who might be addicted to hard drugs is not very classy.

Maybe I just think of Cowboys fans as a more classy group of individuals, but some of the harsh things some people say on this forum make me think otherwise.

I think what you fail to see here are the odds.

odds of QC being bipolar 0.0001%

odds of QC being a drug user 99%

odd of QC being a drug user and blaming it on bipolar 99.9999%

The odds of you swaying anyone to your side of this conversation 0.0000%
kartr said:
It's statements like that that incite the anger of some posters. I believe that everyone has a right to his opinion, but to get pleasure from someone else's difficulties,especially someone who played for the Cowboys and on a Cowboy's forum of all places, these kind of comments are in poor taste and show a lack of humanity. I would not express giddiness or a who cares attitude even if it were someone I truly disliked. Even when I'm fuming mad about some of these Carter-hater posts, I do not wish harm to the people making them.
I honestly don't believe that Drew Henson has the ability to make it as an NFL Qb, because he is so far behind even most College sophmores, but I do not wish him any harm or misfortune. I will be most happy when Henson has left the team to pursue another career and is not wasting our time anymore. I believe that because no one has ever come into the Nfl the way he has and been successful and don't believe that he'll succeed because some just like the way he looks(poster boy),you know,like Brady/Ben Affleck. I want us to draft a QB with unwavering desire to play in the NFL and give him enough time,no what his color or background. Not stereotype someone because of the way they look,speak and all that superficial non-sense like retardation jokes because they're southern black guy with a speech impediment. I would never stoop so low, even concerning Henson.



You say Carter deserved time to develop, and you are writing off Henson after 1 year and 40 minutes of football. Want to look at Quincy's first NFL game?

Then you say you would not stoop to name calling, when you just called him a poster boy. Using two white guys as an example, hmmm.

Beyond ridiculous.:rolleyes:
mickgreen58 said:
I can say one thing.

Ole Quincy still knows how to stir up some emotions.

- Mike G.

No doubt, I never really understood it.

Did Dolphins fans feel this way about Jay Fiedler?

Fiedler hater! Fiedler Apologist!
dbair1967 said:
I worked in the medical industry for some time and don t recall many (if any) bi-polars "medicating" themselves with illicit drugs...sounds like serious excuse making to me


I have worked in Health care for 10 years now and I assure you many patients with psychiatric disorders will attempt to "medicate" themselves with any drug available to them-- legal or otherwise. Even ppl with anxiety disorders often attempt to assuage their chronic anxiety/panic with alcohol-- a depressant. This can, in some people, lead to alcohol dependence and addiction. It does happen and it's not uncommon at all. Some among this population will also find an illicit drug that brings about the same effect. Same story, different drug.

Bipolar patients face severe symptoms with greatly impaired judgment and some find relief from legal and illegal drugs. Some just enjoy the high, true. Their disorder doesn't make use of illegal drugs acceptable but it does play a direct role in many and this has to be considered in such cases.

I don't have any idea if QC is truly BP (this has become, in my view, a trendy dx) but if he is, we shouldn't discount the possibility that he was/is struggling with a disease process.
I think I have just read the most ridiculous post I have ever read on this forum.

I thought we were beyond QC my friends.
junk said:
No doubt, I never really understood it.

Did Dolphins fans feel this way about Jay Fiedler?

Fiedler hater! Fiedler Apologist!


God I wished these silly little smile faces worked for me.

That was classic Juke.
Cbz40 said:
I think I have just read the most ridiculous post I have ever read on this forum.

I thought we were beyond QC my friends.

I don't know that we'll ever be beyond QC.

I admit, it would be nice thou.
I don't know that we'll ever be beyond QC.

I admit, it would be nice thou.

:D It seems so.....I made it threw 5000 of them I guess one more won't hurt. :)

ABQ.....NM uh!!!! my favorite state....... ;)
Cbz40 said:
:D It seems so.....I made it threw 5000 of them I guess one more won't hurt. :)

ABQ.....NM uh!!!! my favorite state....... ;)

Drop in anytime. Always room for another Cowboy fan Cb.

God I wished these silly little smile faces worked for me.

That was classic Juke.

Juke! I get no respect. :D
junk said:
Juke! I get no respect. :D


My bad. I'm sorry. This is weired. I'm appoligizing for not calling someone Junk.

I am really sorry. Junk, that was truely classic.

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