Q. Carter - What was it?

blindzebra said:


You say Carter deserved time to develop, and you are writing off Henson after 1 year and 40 minutes of football. Want to look at Quincy's first NFL game?

Then you say you would not stoop to name calling, when you just called him a poster boy. Using two white guys as an example, hmmm.

Beyond ridiculous.:rolleyes:

Quincy was written off on more than one occasion, first after playing at Georgia for
3 years and immediately coming to the pros with no lay-off. What ever his level
was, he was a football player having played with everyone who was in the 2001 draft and then in 2002 after winning more games than Hutch with fewer chances(7 games to 9) and then a 3rd time when they brought in Henson knowing that people would start to speculate that he was going to be replaced again who looked like the real deal, but who hadn't played in years.
That was the "the Hutch mistake' all over again. In fact, Hutch started more games than Henson in college.
The 'white guys' reference you made refers to the fact that people on this board now and the media earlier on were saying that Henson was the future without having seen him play. What else could they be basing his success on, if not his race? No human being alive can change jobs and start performing at the CEO level, why do you think Henson can. Carter is still being doubted as actually having the capacity do the job he has already done, take a team to the playoffs. Without knowing the Jets offense, he won enough games to get them to the playoffs, while Vinny who did know the offense, couldn't get them there. There's got to be a correlation between Carter being on two teams and going to the playoffs and the teams that didn't have him did not.
And don't tell me about the Jets dumming down their offense for Carter, because the Jets play a conservative offense anyway. Their goal was for Carter to manage the games and get a 'w', not to try and 'show up' Pennington, but strangely enough Santana Moss went from being the 33rd ranked receiver to the 5th ranked receiver while Carter was the starter, Fox Sports even commented on how the Jets offense had suddenly turned explosive since Carter became the starter.
Cbz40 said:
I was not referring to your post Rocky..... ;) :)

Didn't think so, and for the record, I have no interest either way in QC, the football player. I do have sympathy for his considerable problems, however.

I DID want to point out some things I thought were important about the relationship between mental illness and drug abuse.
kartr said:
Quincy was written off on more than one occasion, first after playing at Georgia for
3 years and immediately coming to the pros with no lay-off. What ever his level
was, he was a football player having played with everyone who was in the 2001 draft and then in 2002 after winning more games than Hutch with fewer chances(7 games to 9) and then a 3rd time when they brought in Henson knowing that people would start to speculate that he was going to be replaced again who looked like the real deal, but who hadn't played in years.
That was the "the Hutch mistake' all over again. In fact, Hutch started more games than Henson in college.
The 'white guys' reference you made refers to the fact that people on this board now and the media earlier on were saying that Henson was the future without having seen him play. What else could they be basing his success on, if not his race? No human being alive can change jobs and start performing at the CEO level, why do you think Henson can. Carter is still being doubted as actually having the capacity do the job he has already done, take a team to the playoffs. Without knowing the Jets offense, he won enough games to get them to the playoffs, while Vinny who did know the offense, couldn't get them there. There's got to be a correlation between Carter being on two teams and going to the playoffs and the teams that didn't have him did not.
And don't tell me about the Jets dumming down their offense for Carter, because the Jets play a conservative offense anyway. Their goal was for Carter to manage the games and get a 'w', not to try and 'show up' Pennington, but strangely enough Santana Moss went from being the 33rd ranked receiver to the 5th ranked receiver while Carter was the starter, Fox Sports even commented on how the Jets offense had suddenly turned explosive since Carter became the starter.

CEO? I thought the application called for a CDL and the ability to drive a bus. No wonder we can't find a QB. We been hiring bus drivers when we should have been looking for CEOs.
kartr said:
Quincy was written off on more than one occasion, first after playing at Georgia for
3 years and immediately coming to the pros with no lay-off. What ever his level
was, he was a football player having played with everyone who was in the 2001 draft and then in 2002 after winning more games than Hutch with fewer chances(7 games to 9) and then a 3rd time when they brought in Henson knowing that people would start to speculate that he was going to be replaced again who looked like the real deal, but who hadn't played in years.
That was the "the Hutch mistake' all over again. In fact, Hutch started more games than Henson in college.
The 'white guys' reference you made refers to the fact that people on this board now and the media earlier on were saying that Henson was the future without having seen him play. What else could they be basing his success on, if not his race? No human being alive can change jobs and start performing at the CEO level, why do you think Henson can. Carter is still being doubted as actually having the capacity do the job he has already done, take a team to the playoffs. Without knowing the Jets offense, he won enough games to get them to the playoffs, while Vinny who did know the offense, couldn't get them there. There's got to be a correlation between Carter being on two teams and going to the playoffs and the teams that didn't have him did not.
And don't tell about the Jets dumming down their offense for Carter, because the Jets play a conservative offense anyway. Their goal was for Carter to manage the games and get a 'w', not to try and 'show up' Pennington, but strangely enough Santana Moss went from being the 33rd ranked receiver to the 5th ranked receiver while Carter was the starter, Fox Sports even commented on how the Jets offense had suddenly turned explosive since Carter became the starter.

Like I said, ridiculous, and that nonsense did not change a thing.

The Jets were so improved that they played Pennington with an injured shoulder, left Carter off the post season roster, and made ZERO attempt to re-sign him.

The fact that EVERY scouting service had Henson rated as a high prospect is why people think he will be a good QB, but than it's easier to blame it all on race instead of Carter's shortcomings and Henson's strengths.

Once again, ridiculous.
blindzebra said:


You say Carter deserved time to develop, and you are writing off Henson after 1 year and 40 minutes of football. Want to look at Quincy's first NFL game?

Then you say you would not stoop to name calling, when you just called him a poster boy. Using two white guys as an example, hmmm.

Beyond ridiculous.:rolleyes:

P.S. Your views are beyond ridiculous. I support mine with facts that can be looked up on any website(nfl.com,etc) and I'm writing off Henson just like the rest of the NFL did when they passed on him. Plus Kerry Collins and Brian Griese have been allowed a chance to overcome their drug problems and so should Quincy. All I want is a level playing field for all the players, not just the ones the you identify with.
Just my 2 cents, but the guy literally blew (no pun intended) the opportunity of a lifetime....to be The Starting Quarterback for the Greatest Sports Franchise in History....The DALLAS COWBOYS.

Now I was NEVER a fan of quINTcy, but that alone makes him a candidate for BONEhead of the Century Award.

Too many excuses for QC...still.
kartr said:
P.S. Your views are beyond ridiculous. I support mine with facts that can be looked up on any website(nfl.com,etc) and I'm writing off Henson just like the rest of the NFL did when they passed on him. Plus Kerry Collins and Brian Griese have been allowed a chance to overcome their drug problems and so should Quincy. All I want is a level playing field for all the players, not just the ones the you identify with.

Did Pennington take over the starting job or not?

Was Carter on the Jets post season roster or not?

Is he still a Jet or not?

Who passed on Henson? Two teams gave up draft picks for him. Several more attempted to trade for him. If he got released tomorrow 31 teams would try to sign him.

Which roster is Quincy on right now?

Hell even Hutchinson is on a roster, and got high praise from Lovie Smith a couple of weeks ago.
Who are these guys?

Player A.
G 7, GS 1, Att 18, Comp 10, Pct. 55.6, Yrd 78, Lg 16, TD 1, Int 1, Tkld 2/26, 20+ 0. 40+ 0, Rate 61.8

Player B.
G 2, GS 0, ATT 5, Comp 0, Pct. 0.0, Yds 0, Lg 0, TD 0, Int 2, Tkld 1/11, 20+ 0, 40+ 0, Rate 0.0

Not trying to say that one will be like the other, good or bad, but trying to make a point. You don't give up on QBs after one season.
Chief said:
I heard he was into sniffing monkey dung, ate the bark off of trees, smoked dried boogers, sprinkled toenails on is salad and ate spam sandwiches.

Spam Sandwiches?

thewivil said:
All the Cowboys fans who say they don't give a ****e about Quincy should feel ashamed of themselves. This guy wore a star for several years and played his heart out for this team.
I'm sorry, you don't have the right to project shame onto people and be their conscience. The role of Jiminy Cricket was played by an animated grasshopper.

Dwayne Goodrich played his heart out for this team. Should I feel "ashamed" that I'm angry at him for killing 2 people and fleeing the scene? I mean I really hate this about him.

Rafael Septien played his heart out for this team. Should I feel ashamed that I'm angry at him for becoming a child molestor? No joke, this disgusts me.

Lance Rentzel played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I'm angry he exposed himself to teenage girls? Disgust, disgust, disgust. Especially given the wife he had at home. He needed to have a little girl see his crank?

Robert Thomas played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I don't think he was very good? I mean he didn't commit a crime or have a real character flaw like the guys we're talking about. I still think he stole money if he cashed a game paycheck.

Chad Hutchinson played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I am glad he's on the Bears? I just don't care how hard he may have worked. I really don't.

I believe every player who has ever played has given it the best they had. None of them wanted to fail. Sometimes someone's best just isn't good enough. Sometimes they do something incredibly stupid to ruin a good thing. I should respect that? The hell I will.

Let me echo a previously stated thought...good riddance. To all of them. Maybe I'm crazy to want kids like Kevin Burnett who graduated college in 3 years and was a 2 time team captain for his college team. Maybe I'm crazy to look forward to seeing a kid play who at 9 years old was breaking down film of zone blitzes and has been a good example on and off the field. If they can't get the jobs doen then they don't deserve kid gloves treatment from me. I'm going to say exactly what I feel.

Just because they wore the Star I need to keep my opinions to myself? No, not in America. I'll say what I feel as long as I don't injure another person. I'll feel any damn way I please. If that puts your undies in a wad, then either yank 'em out or get thicker skin.
Hostile said:
I'm sorry, you don't have the right to project shame onto people and be their conscience. The role of Jiminy Cricket was played by an animated grasshopper.

Dwayne Goodrich played his heart out for this team. Should I feel "ashamed" that I'm angry at him for killing 2 people and fleeing the scene? I mean I really hate this about him.

Rafael Septien played his heart out for this team. Should I feel ashamed that I'm angry at him for becoming a child molestor? No joke, this disgusts me.

Lance Rentzel played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I'm angry he exposed himself to teenage girls? Disgust, disgust, disgust. Especially given the wife he had at home. He needed to have a little girl see his crank?

Robert Thomas played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I don't think he was very good? I mean he didn't commit a crime or have a real character flaw like the guys we're talking about. I still think he stole money if he cashed a game paycheck.

Chad Hutchinson played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I am glad he's on the Bears? I just don't care how hard he may have worked. I really don't.

I believe every player who has ever played has given it the best they had. None of them wanted to fail. Sometimes someone's best just isn't good enough. Sometimes they do something incredibly stupid to ruin a good thing. I should respect that? The hell I will.

Let me echo a previously stated thought...good riddance. To all of them. Maybe I'm crazy to want kids like Kevin Burnett who graduated college in 3 years and was a 2 time team captain for his college team. Maybe I'm crazy to look forward to seeing a kid play who at 9 years old was breaking down film of zone blitzes and has been a good example on and off the field. If they can't get the jobs doen then they don't deserve kid gloves treatment from me. I'm going to say exactly what I feel.

Just because they wore the Star I need to keep my opinions to myself? No, not in America. I'll say what I feel as long as I don't injure another person. I'll feel any damn way I please. If that puts your undies in a wad, then either yank 'em out or get thicker skin.

All I'm trying to say is people should look at themselves before they start slinging turds at others. If people here don't like to hear that, then I'm sorry. Deal with it. That's what I believe, and I'm going to stand by that no matter who tells me I'm wrong.

Also, there's a big difference between the people you mentioned that physically hurt others and Quincy. He hurt himself, and if the reason for that is a mental illness, then I pity him. I won't, however, be a hypocrite and chastise him over bad decisions he made when I've made a few myself.

I could care less if you or any other Joe Schmo on this board says he sucks; the fact is is that he's a person, and we should treat him like one. Calling him names and acting like he was a thug is out of line if he's suffering from a mental illness. You said it best, I can say whatever the hell I want as long as it's not adversely affecting another person.

There's nothing wrong with fans wanting to have people on their team with high morals, ethics and intelligence. But it's funny when those same fans don't show an ounce of that same quality they look for in their players.
thewivil said:
All I'm trying to say is people should look at themselves before they start slinging turds at others. If people here don't like to hear that, then I'm sorry. Deal with it. That's what I believe, and I'm going to stand by that no matter who tells me I'm wrong.

Also, there's a big difference between the people you mentioned that physically hurt others and Quincy. He hurt himself, and if the reason for that is a mental illness, then I pity him. I won't, however, be a hypocrite and chastise him over bad decisions he made when I've made a few myself.

I could care less if you or any other Joe Schmo on this board says he sucks; the fact is is that he's a person, and we should treat him like one. Calling him names and acting like he was a thug is out of line if he's suffering from a mental illness. You said it best, I can say whatever the hell I want as long as it's not adversely affecting another person.

There's nothing wrong with fans wanting to have people on their team with high morals, ethics and intelligence. But it's funny when those same fans don't show an ounce of that same quality they look for in their players.
Robert Thomas hurt others? Chad Hutchinson hurt others? Mark Stepnoski hurt others?

I must have slept that day.

The bottom line is really quite simple, you can't shame me into anything, especially not speaking my mind when I feel compelled to do so.

I'll say it yet again, this phenomenon is amazing. No other player that I have ever seen has a defense like this one guy. I swear I can say whatever I want about any other player in History and no one really gets upset.

BTW, I have never ragged on Q for his drugs habits, mental disorders, mental ability, lisp, or any other personal topic that has arisen. All I have ever said was that he just wasn't very good. You wouldn't believe the crap I took for that.

I've been way harder on Robert Thomas and no one ever griped at me for it. Not once, not ever.

Truly amazing.
thewivil said:
All I'm trying to say is people should look at themselves before they start slinging turds at others. If people here don't like to hear that, then I'm sorry. Deal with it. That's what I believe, and I'm going to stand by that no matter who tells me I'm wrong.

Also, there's a big difference between the people you mentioned that physically hurt others and Quincy. He hurt himself, and if the reason for that is a mental illness, then I pity him. I won't, however, be a hypocrite and chastise him over bad decisions he made when I've made a few myself.

I could care less if you or any other Joe Schmo on this board says he sucks; the fact is is that he's a person, and we should treat him like one. Calling him names and acting like he was a thug is out of line if he's suffering from a mental illness. You said it best, I can say whatever the hell I want as long as it's not adversely affecting another person.

There's nothing wrong with fans wanting to have people on their team with high morals, ethics and intelligence. But it's funny when those same fans don't show an ounce of that same quality they look for in their players.

Moral of this story is, keep your own house in order. These other people have the right to feel about QC as they please. He has opened himself up to the criticisam. You have no proof that he is mentally impaired. This is a public forum and people are going to voice there opinions. If you can't do that, then what's the point of having it? Your opinion is now known, right or wrong. That would not have happened if we followed the line of thinking you seem to be suggesting.
Hostile said:
Robert Thomas hurt others? Chad Hutchinson hurt others? Mark Stepnoski hurt others?

I must have slept that day.

The bottom line is really quite simple, you can't shame me into anything, especially not speaking my mind when I feel compelled to do so.

I'll say it yet again, this phenomenon is amazing. No other player that I have ever seen has a defense like this one guy. I swear I can say whatever I want about any other player in History and no one really gets upset.

BTW, I have never ragged on Q for his drugs habits, mental disorders, mental ability, lisp, or any other personal topic that has arisen. All I have ever said was that he just wasn't very good. You wouldn't believe the crap I took for that.

I've been way harder on Robert Thomas and no one ever griped at me for it. Not once, not ever.

Truly amazing.

I figured you would have been able to deduce that I wasn't including Thomas, Hutch or Stepnoski.

The entire point I've been trying to make all day is that Quincy could have a serious mental illness and that should be taken into account before people bash him for making poor judgements. If it ever comes to light that he is in perfect mental health, then him doing the drugs is an all-together-different matter. But the fact is we don't know, but I believe people should be given the benefit of the doubt before they are judged.

And I am with you on thinking that Quincy wasn't a very good quarterback. I argued many times with my coworker about Quincy's talent. He thought he could be a Pro Bowl QB, and I always said that he was no better than a second stringer at best. But again, that's neither here nor there.

I wasn't trying to incite any kind of flame war today. I was merely saying that some of us shouldn't be hypocrites. That's all. Maybe I'm just more sensitive to these kinds of situations because I've had close friends who are bipolar and family who have had bouts with drug addiction.

I now know that people here don't take to kindly to being told they are wrong, but then again, neither did Mussolini.
Hostile said:
I'm sorry, you don't have the right to project shame onto people and be their conscience. The role of Jiminy Cricket was played by an animated grasshopper.

Dwayne Goodrich played his heart out for this team. Should I feel "ashamed" that I'm angry at him for killing 2 people and fleeing the scene? I mean I really hate this about him.

Rafael Septien played his heart out for this team. Should I feel ashamed that I'm angry at him for becoming a child molestor? No joke, this disgusts me.

Lance Rentzel played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I'm angry he exposed himself to teenage girls? Disgust, disgust, disgust. Especially given the wife he had at home. He needed to have a little girl see his crank?

Robert Thomas played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I don't think he was very good? I mean he didn't commit a crime or have a real character flaw like the guys we're talking about. I still think he stole money if he cashed a game paycheck.

Chad Hutchinson played his heart out for this team. Should I be ashamed that I am glad he's on the Bears? I just don't care how hard he may have worked. I really don't.

I believe every player who has ever played has given it the best they had. None of them wanted to fail. Sometimes someone's best just isn't good enough. Sometimes they do something incredibly stupid to ruin a good thing. I should respect that? The hell I will.

Let me echo a previously stated thought...good riddance. To all of them. Maybe I'm crazy to want kids like Kevin Burnett who graduated college in 3 years and was a 2 time team captain for his college team. Maybe I'm crazy to look forward to seeing a kid play who at 9 years old was breaking down film of zone blitzes and has been a good example on and off the field. If they can't get the jobs doen then they don't deserve kid gloves treatment from me. I'm going to say exactly what I feel.

Just because they wore the Star I need to keep my opinions to myself? No, not in America. I'll say what I feel as long as I don't injure another person. I'll feel any damn way I please. If that puts your undies in a wad, then either yank 'em out or get thicker skin.

This post is right on the money. :money:
kartr said:
P.S. Your views are beyond ridiculous. I support mine with facts that can be looked up on any website(nfl.com,etc) and I'm writing off Henson just like the rest of the NFL did when they passed on him. Plus Kerry Collins and Brian Griese have been allowed a chance to overcome their drug problems and so should Quincy. All I want is a level playing field for all the players, not just the ones the you identify with.

Collins and Griese were alcoholics, not drug heads...also, both have more talent than Q-bonger

who wrote off Henson other than you? Numerous teams tried to trade for him...every team attended his workouts...nobody "gave up" on him, he passed the word after he left for baseball that he wasnt going to play football

you have gotta be the biggest Q homer ever...this guy hasnt been worth a crap since day one in the NFL and he's jobless today in a league filled with teams who need QB's...

thats7 said:
I've read here over and over about Quincy's drug problem. Some say he was hitting the pipe, others say it was cocaine. Is their any truth to what it was, exactly, he couldn't live with out? Is there any official press release, conference and/or a document that backs up any accusation. Any indication of an NFL drug rehab? I would like to know what this guy had a problem with. Does anyone know? Educate me. Excuse my ignorance on this topic, but I'd like to know the truth if it's out there and one of you folks knows. I do not want to start another Quincy bash-fest thread. Please...if you have some solid information post, if not at least stick to the topic.
FYI............. I didn't like Quincy as our starting quarterback.

It's none of my, yours or anyone elses business.
kartr said:
Quincy was written off on more than one occasion, first after playing at Georgia for
3 years and immediately coming to the pros with no lay-off. What ever his level
was, he was a football player having played with everyone who was in the 2001 draft and then in 2002 after winning more games than Hutch with fewer chances(7 games to 9) and then a 3rd time when they brought in Henson knowing that people would start to speculate that he was going to be replaced again who looked like the real deal, but who hadn't played in years.
That was the "the Hutch mistake' all over again. In fact, Hutch started more games than Henson in college.
The 'white guys' reference you made refers to the fact that people on this board now and the media earlier on were saying that Henson was the future without having seen him play. What else could they be basing his success on, if not his race? No human being alive can change jobs and start performing at the CEO level, why do you think Henson can. Carter is still being doubted as actually having the capacity do the job he has already done, take a team to the playoffs. Without knowing the Jets offense, he won enough games to get them to the playoffs, while Vinny who did know the offense, couldn't get them there. There's got to be a correlation between Carter being on two teams and going to the playoffs and the teams that didn't have him did not.
And don't tell me about the Jets dumming down their offense for Carter, because the Jets play a conservative offense anyway. Their goal was for Carter to manage the games and get a 'w', not to try and 'show up' Pennington, but strangely enough Santana Moss went from being the 33rd ranked receiver to the 5th ranked receiver while Carter was the starter, Fox Sports even commented on how the Jets offense had suddenly turned explosive since Carter became the starter.

You touched on it.

And nobody touches it.


Bring it on.

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