QB Carter calls getting cut by Alouettes 'a joke'

DLCassidy said:
Highlights do not, by definition, show missed passes.:laugh1: So it's routine for the CFL to sign former NFL players and then cut them saying they didn't measure up? Interesting marketing plan.

Pure Genious right there! :D
Eddie said:
Wait until Montreal gets its hands on Ricky Williams. :laugh1:

Ricky may not be interested in the CFL anymore. He had hoped to play Cheech to Carter's Chong. Now those plans are "up in smoke".
CanadianCowboysFan said:
I know Carter being cut is making his detractors giddy, but it does seem he got a bit of a raw deal with Matthews.

Again, how is it a raw deal? You are going off your supposition that Matthews is a sleaze. He very well could be, but aside from some crisp looking drills in practice, what else do you have that suggests a raw deal. If he actually played in some live games to speak from, you could suggest this.

Funny though, Popp said well he has enough talent, I hope he gets picked up by another CFL team. Certainly doesn't sound like someone who claims the QB is terrible.

I think any GM or coach would say the same politically thing after they make a shocking roster cut. You wish him well. What did you expect him to say "I hope he ends up destitute, I didn't like his bleeping attitude."?
Yeagermeister said:
I'm not sure how to spell the name but he was a Flintstones character that always had bad luck.......if i remember correctly.

Correct sir...........Shleprock. Perfect euphamism for Qunicy. In his eyes anyway.
DLCassidy said:
Highlights do not, by definition, show missed passes.:laugh1: So it's routine for the CFL to sign former NFL players and then cut them saying they didn't measure up? Interesting marketing plan.

While partially true (I've seen highlights of missed passes), at least I saw those, you haven't so I'm at least one up on you.

I'm sure Carter did something to piss Popp and Matthews off, his leaving camp after an injury was not a good move, but it is quite pitiful to see some of you falling over yourselves to crap on Carter, after all he is the only QB to be the starter in a playoff game for us since 1999. He at least deserves respect for that much.
How do so many of you make a mockery of someone who obvious has some deep rooted problems. Drug addiction isn't only a choice, it's a disease, much like alcoholism. I can't believe some of you laugh at this kid's misfortune.
Crankcase needs to become a used car salesman. People buy everything he says.

"Promised the backup job." They actually believe this. It happened.

April 4, 2006 to May 24, 2006 is somehow 2 weeks evaluation time. No matter how long I stare at my calendar, that doesn't add up.

"Throwing indoors." Didn't seem to screw up 4 other guys, but it's somehow unfair to Crankcase.
CanadianCowboysFan said:
While partially true (I've seen highlights of missed passes), at least I saw those, you haven't so I'm at least one up on you.

I'm sure Carter did something to piss Popp and Matthews off, his leaving camp after an injury was not a good move, but it is quite pitiful to see some of you falling over yourselves to crap on Carter, after all he is the only QB to be the starter in a playoff game for us since 1999. He at least deserves respect for that much.
That playoff LOSS is the greatest soap of all time. It cleans up everything I guess.
CFL training camps did not start until last week so the fact he signed at the beginning of April is pretty irrelevant.

Back in early April when he signed, I remember it basically being said by the team that he would be the backup.

The indoor thing is a red herring, I'll grant you that much.
Billy Bullocks said:
How do so many of you make a mockery of someone who obvious has some deep rooted problems. Drug addiction isn't only a choice, it's a disease, much like alcoholism. I can't believe some of you laugh at this kid's misfortune.

His misfortune is sad....

the notion that he has been mistreated - is hilarious.
Billy Bullocks said:
How do so many of you make a mockery of someone who obvious has some deep rooted problems. Drug addiction isn't only a choice, it's a disease, much like alcoholism. I can't believe some of you laugh at this kid's misfortune.

Disease my foot. I have an uncle who was alchoholic who overcame his, without any drugs to cure his "illness", and he didn't get any new found religiion either. I have dated and known Drug addicts. I am pretty sure none of them were doing that due to "Illness" or disease. Its all about self control and mental makeup. Some are more weak than others perhaps.

This disease is an excuse just like people who like to blame their weight on Genes instead of their diet and self control etc.:rolleyes:

Kid's Misfortune? I guess him having three different chances to make it, is a misfortune? Yeah, I wish I had those misfortunes:cool:
CanadianCowboysFan said:
CFL training camps did not start until last week so the fact he signed at the beginning of April is pretty irrelevant.

Back in early April when he signed, I remember it basically being said by the team that he would be the backup.

The indoor thing is a red herring, I'll grant you that much.
The 4 weeks leading up to TC is irrelevant to this decision?

I don't buy that. Football teams evaluate players even without Camps. See the TE we just cut, Gill, for evidence.
Hostile said:
The 4 weeks leading up to TC is irrelevant to this decision?

I don't buy that. Football teams evaluate players even without Camps. See the TE we just cut, Gill, for evidence.

Well Bill and Jerry wanted some publicity :laugh1:
CanadianCowboysFan said:
While partially true (I've seen highlights of missed passes), at least I saw those, you haven't so I'm at least one up on you.

I'm sure Carter did something to piss Popp and Matthews off, his leaving camp after an injury was not a good move, but it is quite pitiful to see some of you falling over yourselves to crap on Carter, after all he is the only QB to be the starter in a playoff game for us since 1999. He at least deserves respect for that much.

How are we crapping on him? He got cut by a CFL team. Hello? The coach said he performed the worst. You're the one trying to spin this. "The coach is a liar", "Carter got a raw deal", "he must have pissed off the coach", "cutting a former NFL player always creates a stir" yada yada yada. Please. Carter apologists have more excuses than Carter has joints err pills.
Hostile said:
That playoff LOSS is the greatest soap of all time. It cleans up everything I guess.

I've said it a thousand times... I watched every snap of every game we played that year, and Crankcase was along for the ride. We won in spite of Quincy and he QB skills. We didn't win because of him. Anyone with eyes and a thimblefull of football smarts could tell that with a better QB playing that year, we would've won more and gone further. Heck, Parcells knew it which is why he got rid of Crankcase the very next preseason.

Bill probably would've kept Crankcase on as the backup to Vinny, but Parcells knew he wouldn't quietly be a backup to anyone. He would've caused dissention and so got cut.
RCowboyFan said:
Disease my foot. I have an uncle who was alchoholic who overcame his, without any drugs to cure his "illness", and he didn't get any new found religiion either. I have dated and known Drug addicts. I am pretty sure none of them were doing that due to "Illness" or disease. Its all about self control and mental makeup. Some are more weak than others perhaps.

This disease is an excuse just like people who like to blame their weight on Genes instead of their diet and self control etc.:rolleyes:

Kid's Misfortune? I guess him having three different chances to make it, is a misfortune? Yeah, I wish I had those misfortunes:cool:

I dont know about calling it a disease, but depending on how long one has been addicted, it will take more than self control to kick it. I'm not talking about the "Casual user", I'm talking about addicts.
RCowboyFan said:
Disease my foot. I have an uncle who was alchoholic who overcame his, without any drugs to cure his "illness", and he didn't get any new found religiion either. I have dated and known Drug addicts. I am pretty sure none of them were doing that due to "Illness" or disease. Its all about self control and mental makeup. Some are more weak than others perhaps.

This disease is an excuse just like people who like to blame their weight on Genes instead of their diet and self control etc.:rolleyes:

Kid's Misfortune? I guess him having three different chances to make it, is a misfortune? Yeah, I wish I had those misfortunes:cool:

Well said.

Misfortune is a poor choice of words.

A kid born with no legs has misfortune. An athlete blowing chance after chance to make millions playing a game is just stupid.
Chief said:
Well said.

Misfortune is a poor choice of words.

A kid born with no legs has misfortune. An athlete blowing chance after chance to make millions playing a game is just stupid.
Billy Bullocks said:
How do so many of you make a mockery of someone who obvious has some deep rooted problems. Drug addiction isn't only a choice, it's a disease, much like alcoholism. I can't believe some of you laugh at this kid's misfortune.

Honestly, I don't think anyone is really laughing at Crankcase's misfortune...it's more of a...um...counter attack on the posters that think that Crankcase REALLY HAS TALENT! That has been shoved down everyones throat every since Crankcase came to the Cowboys!

So, I don't see any real hostility towards Crank...I just see a time where the posters that have had to listen to Crank's fans brag him up all these years and are STILL to this very minute...coddling him, giving back a little of a different kind of love! :cool:

It's is an amazing phenomenon, these Crankcase ventures...but, I am also willing to bet that his supporters are supporting maybe 20% football related issues, and the other 80% something else.

Because it sure is not his talent at QB that brings out the best in Crankcase everytime his name comes up! :cool:

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