QB Carter calls getting cut by Alouettes 'a joke'

CanadianCowboysFan said:
Speaking of spin, when did I write he was cut for publicity reasons? I wrote whenever a name player is cut in the CFL, it is big news.

I have no idea why he was cut, in fact, I don't give a crap why he was cut. He was injured a couple of days ago, all the highlights I saw he was hitting all of his passes. It is an odd situation as due to bad weather, the Alouettes are practicing indoors. However, he left camp due to an injury and then was cut the next day.

Matthews would obviously say he was cut as he was the worst of the QBs because when Carter was signed last month, it was a huge deal for the Alouettes. Cutting a big name (for the CFL) is always a big thing.

Even though Popp might be the GM, Matthews runs the organization, just like he has when he coached the Mullet in Toronto, here in Vancouver and in Edmonton.

When he signed with the Alouettes, he knew it was to be for the backup. Yet just after signing him, the team also brought in Nealon Greene who has experience in Canada. Why they did that, who knows.

Don Matthews is a born liar, always has been.

Well, I guess combined with all the posts I posted above that you posted, I guess you were not implying, that Carter wasn't cut for his performance reasons? I guess you know Don Matthews pretty well personally huh? Now go aheadl, tell me I am spinning or that you didn't specifically say, Carter situation is purely publicity stunt :cool:
Doomsday101 said:
Yeah but don't tell QC the pressure may be too much for him to bear. :lmao2:
He's probably quit and say that position was promised to him :laugh2:
Billy Bullocks said:
How do so many of you make a mockery of someone who obvious has some deep rooted problems. Drug addiction isn't only a choice, it's a disease, much like alcoholism. I can't believe some of you laugh at this kid's misfortune.

Carter says he didn't do cocaine.

He claims he did marijuana.

Marijuana is not physically addicting.

The addict excuse doesn't fly. Sorry.
Calicowboy said:
I've had many run ins with drug addicts and still do almost on a weekly basis. Some I see every week, with a greater rate of decline than others. I agree with you RCF true addicts have a compromised homeostasis. Needing their "hit", just to feel normal. It's sad, because a lot of them, require medication (A legal dose of a narcotic/ Methadone) just to function in society.

I've have not seen anyone come completely clean from a drug addiction, atlhough they say they have.

I can't say personally I have seen any either, but alchoholics I have. But from my experience, I know its not just body type or simple genes etc. Its definetly something mental or pshycological. Something in their background or upbringing or surroundings etc. want them to escape reality, that drives them to drugs, even if it is fleeting amount of time. Well at least thats my experience anyway. I also know or used to know people who are casual users who have quit completely though.
Alexander said:
Carter says he didn't do cocaine.

He claims he did marijuana.

Marijuana is not physically addicting.

The addict excuse doesn't fly. Sorry.

I agree, If what he was doing was smoking weed while there can be a mental addiction to it it is not on the same level as Herion or Cocaine.
Doomsday101 said:
I agree, If what he was doing was smoking weed while there can be a mental addiction to it it is not on the same level as Herion or Cocaine.

Then that makes him mentally weak.

Which is what I think most "haters" have said at one time or another.
Alexander said:
Then that makes him mentally weak.

Which is what I think most "haters" have said at one time or another.

No doubt about it. I think his skill level are a bit below average but the best weapon any QB can have is that space between their ears. Some got it some don't
Talking about drugs...a few months back I tried to smoke some hash, but, I could'nt get the corned beef lit! :eek: So, my buddie says to me, "let's shoot up some weed instead"...well, we tried that, but those damn seeds would not fit through the needle! :confused:

So, we tried sniffing some Coke and damn near drowned!

Getting hooked on drugs is hard...unless you REALLY, REALLY want to...
5Stars said:
Talking about drugs...a few months back I tried to smoke some hash, but, I could'nt get the corned beef lit! :eek: So, my buddie says to me, "let's shoot up some weed instead"...well, we tried that, but those damn seeds would not fit through the needle! :confused:

So, we tried sniffing some Coke and damn near drowned!

Getting hooked on drugs is hard...unless you REALLY, REALLY want to...


Reminds me of a comic I once heard. "Now your telling me this guy smuggled this coke into the country by putting it up his ars and now you want me to put it up my nose?" :laugh1:
5Stars said:
Talking about drugs...a few months back I tried to smoke some hash, but, I could'nt get the corned beef lit! :eek: So, my buddie says to me, "let's shoot up some weed instead"...well, we tried that, but those damn seeds would not fit through the needle! :confused:

So, we tried sniffing some Coke and damn near drowned!

Getting hooked on drugs is hard...unless you REALLY, REALLY want to...

:lmao2: :lmao: :bow:
Alexander said:
Then that makes him mentally weak.

Which is what I think most "haters" have said at one time or another.

Unfortunately, many of us are mentally weak in that regard. I know what you mean though, I have no use for those who commit suicide as I see that as that chicken way out. Turning to drugs to solve your problems is also the chicken way out.

Most of us would give our right *** to be as talented as Carter (because face it, you don't start a full season with America's Team and not have some talent). Yet he pissed it away.
My guess is Carter wasn't on the same page as the others. The coach, GM and other QBs talked about the importance of learning the offense and making the right reads while Carter was talking about being inside and able to throw long. Maybe he didn't understand the offense and/or make the right reads. Maybe his physical skills weren't the problem.

Just a thought.
It is always someone's else fault with Quincy.

Has anyone posted the article lately? I think its called something along the lines of the bizarre world of quincy carter.
junk said:
It is always someone's else fault with Quincy.

Has anyone posted the article lately? I think its called something along the lines of the bizarre world of quincy carter.

You know, even when I thought Quincy had issues, I thought that Article was bit of hack job. Now, knowing what we know, I guess it wasn't that much of hack job at all.
junk said:
It is always someone's else fault with Quincy.

Has anyone posted the article lately? I think its called something along the lines of the bizarre world of quincy carter.

I remember that from a few year back...but, this is a post that I have saved! It is total genious! I don't remember who posted it, but...

To the tune of "Casey at the Bat"

The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Dallas offense that day,
The score stood seventeen to fourteen with two minutes left to play,
And when Johnson dropped an errant pass, and Glenn dropped one, too,
Quincy's fans cried "Conspiracy!", while his critics could do naught but boo,

The crowd steadily dwindled, but those who remained,
Prayed for a miracle, a freak thunderstorm with rain,
They thought, "If only Troy or Roger were here to take control,"
They had no faith in the offense with Quincy running the show,

But Troy was in Foxboro, watching the Pats play in the snow,
Roger was running his business and watching his money grow,
So upon the remaining crowd, the pall of despair descended,
For there seemed little chance of scoring so long as the other team defended,

But Jones broke a long run, and the crowd gave a sigh,
Then Keyshawn snagged an out, though it was thrown a little high,
And when the offense huddled, and the refs had spotted the ball,
The Cowboys were past the fifty, to the amazement of all,

Then from the remaining partisans, there rose tumultous cheers,
It rumbled through Texas Stadium, and roared in Quincy's ears,
It made his spirit soar, and it made his heart pound,
He took his place among the other greats that had also heard this sound,

Now his faced looked calm, and as he bent to take the snap,
He saw the cornerbacks playing tight, and tackles playing the gap,
He saw the linebackers playing man under, and the safeties in cover two,
He saw Glenn in the slot, and he knew what he had to do,

Quincy gave a hard count, and the center snapped on three,
A quick playaction to Jones, and Glenn was running free,
Quincy wound his mighty arm and let the football fly,
It sailed over Glenn's head, about five feet too high,

"Kill him! Kill Terry Glenn," cried Quincy's loyal fan base,
And they likely would have killed him but for the look on Quincy's face,
With a quick pat to his own chest and a friendly slap to Glenn's head,
Quincy took the blame even though his critics were seeing red,

With a deprecating smile of humility, Quincy's visage beamed,
And his fans knew he was not at fault, but had taken one for the team,
And as he stepped back under center, with Keyshawn to his right,
His fans remained certain that there would be a victory party that night,

The center hiked the ball, and Quincy dropped back,
Keyshawn split the seam, and exploded through the crack,
He was streaking down the field, the corner was far behind,
But Quincy dumped it in the flat to Anderson, the only receiver he could find,

"Coslet!" screeched Quincy's loyal fans, too angered to clearly see,
That Mo was in the booth because Coslet was fired in Oh-Three,
But Quincy raised his hands for quiet, and his fans applauded his aplomb,
They knew that on third and nine, Quincy would finally launch a bomb,

Quincy lined up in the shotgun, with Glenn and Johnson split wide,
Witten was lined up on Quincy's left, and Jones was at his side,
The ball was snapped on a silent count as soon as the ref blew his whistle,
Glenn and Johnson streaked downfield, and Quincy launched a missile,

Oh, somewhere in the state of Texas, there must be a happy crowd,
Somewhere fans are cheering, somewhere they are proud,
Somewhere a team has a victory, and well-earned accolades are accepted,
But that somewhere isn't Dallas, because Quincy's pass was intercepted.
