QB Carter calls getting cut by Alouettes 'a joke'

What I find interesting is that those who are in full protection mode for Carter are in fact the worst thing for a person like Quincy.

Carter has never shown the ability to accept blame for his actions.

Carter has shown a history of expecting entitlement.

By constantly making excuses for him, you are enabling his self destructive ways.
blindzebra said:
What I find interesting is that those who are in full protection mode for Carter are in fact the worst thing for a person like Quincy.

Carter has never shown the ability to accept blame for his actions.

Carter has shown a history of expecting entitlement.

By constantly making excuses for him, you are enabling his self destructive ways.

You, Sir...have earned 5 Beautiful Stars! Truer words have never been spoken!! They call those kind of people "enablers"...and they are enabling Crankcase to continue his charades as a football QB...

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin
Hostile said:
Crankcase needs to become a used car salesman. People buy everything he says.
I've always said that Quincy missed his calling as a televangelist. He's got a ready-made flock ready to fill out their checks right now. He'd make Jim Bakker look like an amateur.
Chocolate Lab said:
I've always said that Quincy missed his calling as a televangelist. He's got a ready-made flock ready to fill out their checks right now. He'd make Jim Bakker look like an amateur.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh, man! Something about that is just wrong and funny at the same time!
Billy Bullocks said:
How do so many of you make a mockery of someone who obvious has some deep rooted problems. Drug addiction isn't only a choice, it's a disease, much like alcoholism. I can't believe some of you laugh at this kid's misfortune.

To my knowledge, Carter has only been connected to marijuana, which is only addictive to a small percentage of heavy users. If he is a drug addict it's therefore likely by his own choice, which given the amazing opportunities he's been blessed with, is disgusting to a lot of us. Carter has made his own bed but some people want to give him a pass for his bad behavior and vastly overstate his level of talent. Hopefully this latest slap in the face will be enough to silence the entire Carter discussion for good, one can only hope.

But make no mistake: if Carter pulls himself together now and makes a positive contribution to society in whatever way he can we will all be happy about that. But that's up to him, not Cowboys fans or society in general.
Calicowboy said:
I dont know about calling it a disease, but depending on how long one has been addicted, it will take more than self control to kick it. I'm not talking about the "Casual user", I'm talking about addicts.

Like I said, I dated couple of them, convinced they kicked the habit. I also know my uncle who is was alchoholic ( actually couple of them), who kicked the habit. I drink every week, once or twice, like many on this board probably. Thats casual not someone who binges or drinks 3-4 drinks every day etc., or gets drunk silly even once a week.

Drug addicts can stay sober for couple weeks or even few weeks, then they will get into binges. Its not about how many times you do it, but how much you do it, when you do it, makes you an addict mostly. Medication is not going to cure you, unless that is a supplement to stop the craving.
Hostile said:
The 4 weeks leading up to TC is irrelevant to this decision?

I don't buy that. Football teams evaluate players even without Camps. See the TE we just cut, Gill, for evidence.

Please, you aren't stupid so don't try and argue they evaluated him from April 4 to May 24 even though there was no training camp and he probably wasn't even in Montreal.
CanadianCowboysFan said:
Please, you aren't stupid so don't try and argue they evaluated him from April 4 to May 24 even though there was no training camp and he probably wasn't even in Montreal.

Yep, intelligent people realize that Carter was publicity plot all allong :D
RCowboyFan said:
Yep, intelligent people realize that Carter was publicity plot all allong :D

It was boring the first time you wrote that, now for the 50th time it just puts everyone to sleep.

If you read what I wrote correctly, you will note I stated that any time a name NFL player is cut from the CFL it is big news, not that the Alouettes signed and cut him for publicitiy reasons.
CanadianCowboysFan said:
It was boring the first time you wrote that, now for the 50th time it just puts everyone to sleep.

If you read what I wrote correctly, you will note I stated that any time a name NFL player is cut from the CFL it is big news, not that the Alouettes signed and cut him for publicitiy reasons.

Yeah, well, you excuses for him are pretty amusing though. So now you are spinning that he was cut other than for publicity reasons now? Make up your mind now. Oh yeah, I forgot, I can't read :rolleyes:
RCowboyFan said:
I can't read :rolleyes:

Have you looked into a "Phonics Monkey?"

RCowboyFan said:
Yeah, well, you excuses for him are pretty amusing though. So now you are spinning that he was cut other than for publicity reasons now? Make up your mind now. Oh yeah, I forgot, I can't read :rolleyes:

Not likely. Throw out enough excuses and maybe your audience will find one they think is plausible. In the meantime continue to bob and weave.:laugh1:
RCowboyFan said:
Yeah, well, you excuses for him are pretty amusing though. So now you are spinning that he was cut other than for publicity reasons now? Make up your mind now. Oh yeah, I forgot, I can't read :rolleyes:

Speaking of spin, when did I write he was cut for publicity reasons? I wrote whenever a name player is cut in the CFL, it is big news.
CanadianCowboysFan said:
Please, you aren't stupid so don't try and argue they evaluated him from April 4 to May 24 even though there was no training camp and he probably wasn't even in Montreal.
Uh, teams do it all the damned time CCF. You're telling me Gill was cut without being evaluated?

Please tell me you're not saying that. I'll avoid throwing a comment about how stupid you are like you did for me.

I'll say it one more time. CFL teams are allowed 18 American born players. If he wasn't clearly one of the best 18 based on their team needs, how much time did they owe him?

Straighten me out if you can, but I think you're peeing into a heavy wind. Turn around, it's drier.
I'm sure Carter will get a chance. Hopefully he is putting in the work right now
"You want Fries with that burger" ok one more time but this time like you mean it :lmao2:
Mash said:
Did he?

2 weeks was a fair chance?

Some of you guys......

I'm not making excuses for Carter.......Living up here...I seen the writing on the wall.....

IMHO he wasnt given a fair chance.....but thats the Als decision...they have a experienced backup now behind their aging starter.

Just imagine if Henson got cut for a vet here........how many of you would defend him in saying Bill never gave him a fair chance?

Carter has put himself in this position....so he has no one to blame except himself.....but IMHO he does have NFL talent and would of succeeded in the CFL.
C r e d i b i l i t y
RCowboyFan said:
Drug addicts can stay sober for couple weeks or even few weeks, then they will get into binges. Its not about how many times you do it, but how much you do it, when you do it, makes you an addict mostly. Medication is not going to cure you, unless that is a supplement to stop the craving.

I've had many run ins with drug addicts and still do almost on a weekly basis. Some I see every week, with a greater rate of decline than others. I agree with you RCF true addicts have a compromised homeostasis. Needing their "hit", just to feel normal. It's sad, because a lot of them, require medication (A legal dose of a narcotic/ Methadone) just to function in society.

I've have not seen anyone come completely clean from a drug addiction, atlhough they say they have.
Doomsday101 said:
I'm sure Carter will get a chance. Hopefully he is putting in the work right now
"You want Fries with that burger" ok one more time but this time like you mean it :lmao2:
That would mean Troy Hambrick got promoted :D

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