QB Carter calls getting cut by Alouettes 'a joke'

Alexander said:
So, what are you saying? He is the QB version of Freddie Mitchell?
Yep, there's a conspiracy to keep him out of the league, too. Despite his all-world stats, all 32 teams have met up at the league meetings and decided they're going to conspire against him.
Alexander said:
So, what are you saying? He is the QB version of Freddie Mitchell?

Maybe so, but I do know it is an easy out to claim mental illness for what ever goes wrong in live. I don't think Carter handles pressure well, after all he leaves college before he is ready for the NFL in large part because of another top prospect at Georgia and would get upset as Dallas would bring in other QB's to compete. Now he goes to the CFL under the impression he does not have to compete for the job it was going to be handed to him. All in all I think he is a mentally weak man but not mentally ill.
Alexander said:
He seriously has mental issues. He believes he is better than he is. And it isn't denial, he really believes he is elite. He really has problems.

Well, if you had fans sending you emails and telling you how great you are and what a leader you are, and that you are the only one since Aikman to take the Cowboys to the playoffs, that you saved the Jets to make the playoffs, blah, blah, blah...you might think you are great also! I mean come on, we have a sampling of that kind of stuff from posters here at this forum! :cool: Can you imagine what he thinks? The adoration that Crankcase gets is really not helping him out at all! He cannot recognize his own limitations with every one of his fans spewing all that garbage about "how great you are"...!

5Stars said:
Well, if you had fans sending you emails and telling you how great you are and what a leader you are, and that you are the only one since Aikman to take the Cowboys to the playoffs, that you saved the Jets to make the playoffs, blah, blah, blah...you might think you are great also! I mean come on, we have a sampling of that kind of stuff from posters here at this forum! :cool: Can you imagine what he thinks? The adoration that Crankcase gets is really not helping him out at all! He cannot recognize his own limitations with every one of his fans spewing all that garbage about "how great you are"...!


It's frightening and sad. It really is.
Alexander said:
It's frightening and sad. It really is.

Sad is when no one will hire you and your living on the streets, not making it in professional sports happens all the time.
Alexander said:
It's frightening and sad. It really is.

It is sad...because it's things like this that keep happening to some people to the point that they just totally give up on their life and do something really drastic to themselves! :eek: I hope Carter never reaches that point in time!!
Doomsday101 said:
Sad is when no one will hire you and your living on the streets, not making it in professional sports happens all the time.

He might be on the streets very soon if he keeps it up.
Alexander said:
It's frightening and sad. It really is.

You hit the nail on the head, Alex... Crankcase truly does feel like he's an elite QB who just hasn't gotten the chance to show his greatness.

It's hard to watch. It's like watching the class idiot get up in the talent show and make a complete moron out of themselves... and then come off stage and think they did great.

It's embarassing. What I wonder is how his fans can actually agree with him that he's great. It's beyond me, but some people actually think he's a good QB.
AsthmaField said:
You hit the nail on the head, Alex... Crankcase truly does feel like he's an elite QB who just hasn't gotten the chance to show his greatness.

It's hard to watch. It's like watching the class idiot get up in the talent show and make a complete moron out of themselves... and then come off stage and think they did great.

It's embarassing. What I wonder is how his fans can actually agree with him that he's great. It's beyond me, but some people actually think he's a good QB.
So you're saying that Crankcase is like "The Gong Show" quarterback?
Alexander said:
He might be on the streets very soon if he keeps it up.

No he might have to get an 8 to 5 job like the vast majority of Americans do. I'm sorry a guy not reaching his dream in sports happens all the time so you go out and get a job. The University of George gave him a scholarship which is a lot more than many young people get and now he can put that free college education to use.
Alexander said:
He seriously has mental issues. He believes he is better than he is. And it isn't denial, he really believes he is elite. He really has problems.

And it carries over to his fans....
Doomsday101 said:
No he might have to get an 8 to 5 job like the vast majority of Americans do. I'm sorry a guy not reaching his dream in sports happens all the time so you go out and get a job. The University of George gave him a scholarship which is a lot more than many young people get and now he can put that free college education to use.
What if he can't handle the pressure of an 8 to 5 job? There is a hell of a lot of pressure in the real world work force as well and Crankcase's problem is he can't handle pressure.
Is it pressure or is it paranoia that is QC's biggest problem?

I guess it could be both but he seemed paranoid when there was any change that his job was not just going to be handed to him, if there was a chance someone else could beat him out.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Is it pressure or is it paranoia that is QC's biggest problem?

I guess it could be both but he seemed paranoid when there was any change that his job was not just going to be handed to him, if there was a chance someone else could beat him out.

Well, marijuana makes you paranoid, doesn't it?
JackMagist said:
What if he can't handle the pressure of an 8 to 5 job? There is a hell of a lot of pressure in the real world work force as well and Crankcase's problem is he can't handle pressure.

Too bad that is life, each one of us have to deal with it at least QC made some big money (at least compared to the average 20 something kid) to start a life with. I'm not going to sit here and feel sorry for the guy, he got more breaks than most get in life.
Doomsday101 said:
Too bad that is life, each one of us have to deal with it at least QC made some big money (at least compared to the average 20 something kid) to start a life with. I'm not going to sit here and feel sorry for the guy, he got more breaks than most get in life.
No argument with any of that. I was just wondering how long his money will last if he can't make it in the real world. He wouldn't be the first to fall form such a high perch to land on the street. And I doubt he will make it on the lecture tour.
Alexander said:
Well, marijuana makes you paranoid, doesn't it?
Nope, that's cocaine.

You just opened a can 'o crickets. (Sorry Trick)
Hostile said:
Nope, that's cocaine.

You just opened a can 'o crickets. (Sorry Trick)

Actually Mary Jane does make many people paranoid, at least when they are using it.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Actually Mary Jane does make many people paranoid, at least when they are using it.
What that the landlord will smell it and evict them?

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