
Do a lot of circular conversations? We were talking about this season, so far, Dak hasn't been "top 10" or even "top 5" like some of the homers have made him out to be. We are also talking about a dynamic week to week rating while you are talking about a static rating where Dak is always in the Top 10, no mater what. And just because it hurts your feelings that Dak is being ranked, because of his woes, that wouldn't stop a league wide ranking from happening. The ranking had Dak ranked as NR last week because of his injury. Only a homer would rank him #8 as soon as he comes back, but only had some questionable games so far this season. My opinion of Dak has gone up and down at various stages of his career. In 2016 I thought him and wentz were going to be the future big names in the league, but he doesn't fall in that Tier. Right now I don't think he is the future of the Dallas Cowboys, he isn't in his prime anymore and now he is getting injured a lot. I can be honest about my opinion of the guy. I don't hate Dak but then again at least I don't have a man crush either.