Question for the Patriots haters

Please change your meds.

And get a decent spellcheck.

My entire point is something you can't handle (Jack Nickelson's "You can't handle the truth!!!") - cheating is everywhere in football and every other sport. You are leading the charge of this illusion that hardly anyone cheats except the Patriots and it's ALL they do. Sorry to spoil your fantasy, but once Lance's teammates testified against him, I accepted he doped....the difference between you and me is I'm waiting for all the fact-finding to finish.

So was the fact-finding finished in Spy-gate?

My entire point is, your simply trying to downplay the Patriots cheating on the fact that other teams have 'cheated'. By that logic, one should never arrested criminal because other people have committed crimes.

And brining up this fact that teams have violated rules in the past does not have anything to do with the issue of waiting for all the fact-finding. Your allegedly waiting for the 'fact-finding to finish' also presumed that Jimmy Johnson did the same thing as BB in Spy-gate, which was simply wrong.
How is waiting for all the facts to come in soft?

Lord have mercy if you go to a kangaroo court trial like the one you are conducting.

You must hate the US justice system.
I would like to respond as a Patriot lover, not hater. We all know this is blown out of proportion. It is OK, I am used to it. Every week it is something. And it will not change the loyalty Pats fans have. I live in Florida now, and there are so many Pats fans you cannot count them. Against the Hawks, if we win which I put the odds at 50/50, then it will be something like the Patriot players had their nails so long we could not see. It truly would not surprise me.

There was a time when your team was hated for winning. How dumb is that??? As a true fan of football I never joined that group. We have not won a SB since 2005. That is 10 years ago. And I hope our players are as angry as me and win. I am just so sick of this nonsense. Go kick some butt guys.

As Belichick said I have learned more about football balls in the last week than I have had in the last 40 years. First thought for me was why doesn't the NFL put the balls out for play, not the teams. That really surprised me. What are they so cheap they cannot pay for them??? Bottom line all QB's say yes those feel good, and do you honestly think that does not happen with all teams?? But hey, it is the Patriots. We have not won a SB in 10 years, get over it. I do not think there is a more important SB that we win than this one, and our players are just as angry as me.

I cannot change the loss you had, bitter one. But the Pats had nothing to do with your loss. Maybe someone can figure out how to blame us. Tiresome to say the least. I hope the league smartens up and realizes this is all becoming rather ridiculous. Simple solution, the league, not the team gives the ball to the teams. But one thing I do know, Belichick had no knowledge of this and Brady said to the equipment people, yea this feels right. But if I read what I did, the balls are checked before the game starts. Weather, I do not know. But Brady is a good and honest man. And many people are jealous of him because of the life he has -- again I say that is just pure "green with envy" and get a life.

Hope you like those.
No, this isn'uestion of "If a first offense warrants a letter of reprimand, what should a 2nd offense get?" I've already asked that 1,000 times and no one answered. Rather, my question (that I'm sure no one will answer) is this:

If the league was investigating some sort of alleged malfeasance on the part of the Dallas Cowboys, how comfortable would y'all be if that investigation was spear-headed by a 20-year Washington Commanders executive with a history of professing how much he hates Jerry Jones and the Cowboys franchise?

Would y'all be comfortable with that? No, I didn't think so.

Sorry but I have little respect for someone who is a fan of two teams. I'd honestly prefer a Eagles/Giants/Commanders fan over a Cowboys and X team fan. I'm not lying. As much as I hate the Eagles/Giants/Commanders, I can respect their fans because they're as loyal as I am. And this has been strengthened since I moved to Seattle 5 months ago and met a bunch of pseudo fans. These are people who admit to not knowing the rules of football but still root for the Seahawks because they're from here.

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