Question re: Dak and greed


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If agents were made to charge a fee instead of a percentage it would be just plain funny how fast contracts were getting signed...


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Well, if we're all going by what we're hearing, that they're offering north of 33mil/year for five years, but he wants a shorter contract, so he can jump into free agency, that seems greedy to me.
That said, I'm all for giving him a shorter contract. If he proves himself worth more - great, pay him accordingly. If he doesn't prove himself to be worth more, it's one less year we're stuck with his contract.
I don't trust any media reports, so I don't feel right judging on them. They have been proven unreliable too many times. But even if accurate on the $33 million, what is the guaranteed money? Wentz and Goff got over $100 million guaranteed for signing a 4 year extension, so is Dak being offered more for signing a 5 year deal?


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Never heard of it! I have a childhood friend that truly, truly believes the Earth is flat.

And hollow.

My wife is a former geophysicist and she gives old boy the worst stink-eye when he brings that stuff up, but there is no convincing him whatsoever. The world is flat and hollow.
I believe the hollow part, that's where all the stuff I've lost has fallen. I think there's this bigass parking lot down there with no cars but plenty of keys.


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Never heard of it! I have a childhood friend that truly, truly believes the Earth is flat.

And hollow.

My wife is a former geophysicist and she gives old boy the worst stink-eye when he brings that stuff up, but there is no convincing him whatsoever. The world is flat and hollow.
Flat and hollow? Like a pita with no filling?


Captain Catfish
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You're right that he way outplayed his previous contract, but the previous contract was only about his draft position and really is irrelevant to his current negotiation. I don't blame him for wanting to get what he feels is fair, but I would blame him if I were to find that part of his goal is to make up for not getting paid more the last 4 years. I don't think that's really part of his motivation though.
Agree with everything you say except the last sentence.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I don't trust any media reports, so I don't feel right judging on them. They have been proven unreliable too many times. But even if accurate on the $33 million, what is the guaranteed money? Wentz and Goff got over $100 million guaranteed for signing a 4 year extension, so is Dak being offered more for signing a 5 year deal?
Good question, but if I'm replying to the OP's question, and basing my opinion on all we've heard, I say yes, he's being greedy. IMO, if you're being offered an exorbitant amount of money to play football, on top of an exorbitant amount of money in endorsement deals for playing football, and you play hardball for more money, that's greedy. Even if you're more talented than the guys who may be paid more than you are (which I don't believe he is) I see no way to call it anything other than greed.

Nobody "deserves" as much money as so many of these players are getting, and neither do the owners. It's all greed.


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(... picking up the discussion again premised on the smarter people all accepting the point that the Dak contract, in principle and informally, has been agreed upon, and the only reason it's not yet been formally signed is that there remains the looming possibility that a Mahomes contract could get done before July 15, get announced, and that it would re-set the market in a way that Dak and his agent would seriously regret if they'd signed prematurely and without even having to... and then, too, we don't often think about it, but the same thing could conceivably work in reverse, and the Joneses could regret having made too much of a commitment based on some underwhelming new Mahomes contract... )

Are you saying Dak and Mahomes are in the same category of QB?

Um. I'm not even sure why you'd ask that. There is nothing inherent in saying what I said... ie... that a new Mahomes contract would instantly re-set the scale of the QB market... that, in turn, means they are "in the same category."

I cant see any QB being signed long term to a huge contract while there is uncertainty over the season, future revenues and the salary cap.

Let's agree with that sentiment, if only for the sake of argument, but in general I would agree anyhow.

What's Dak got to lose by waiting until 7/15 just to make sure?

Nonsense. He has nothing to lose by waiting, whereas there is at least the potential that he could lose something if Mahomes and KC reach some deal.

Quote me... I came up with this one myself... it's not rocket science molecular virology. :D


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Well, if we're all going by what we're hearing, that they're offering north of 33mil/year for five years, but he wants a shorter contract, so he can jump into free agency, that seems greedy to me.
That said, I'm all for giving him a shorter contract. If he proves himself worth more - great, pay him accordingly. If he doesn't prove himself to be worth more, it's one less year we're stuck with his contract.

I’m honestly beginning to wonder if it’s really just “to hit free agency sooner” or if he’s wised to how the cowboys are structuring their deals lately like to zeke and Amari, where they can walk away midway through with little to no penalty


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Good question, but if I'm replying to the OP's question, and basing my opinion on all we've heard, I say yes, he's being greedy. IMO, if you're being offered an exorbitant amount of money to play football, on top of an exorbitant amount of money in endorsement deals, for playing football, and you play hardball for more money, that's greedy. Even if you're more talented than the guys who may be paid more than you are (which I don't believe he is) I see no way to call it anything other than greed.

Nobody "deserves" as much money as so many of these players are getting, and neither do the owners. It's all greed.
When our sports began to reflect our society of capitalism, we lashed out yet people will discuss Bezos', Buffet's or Gates' wealth without blaming them. Michael Jordan became a billionaire because of sports.

We hold our sports people to some ridiculous standard when all they're doing is trying carve out some of that American dream for themselves. People will pay to see them do what they do, others have been making money off that for years, I don't care if they make all of the money.

Do I think a player getting paid in excess of 2M to play one game of football is crazy? Yep, until I think of the small number of men that can do that and there aren't even 32 of them in the NFL.


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Those that say Prescott is being greedy are the same type of people that say that if they won the lottery they would keep working. Even the people that have said that and won continue to work for about month until it sinks in that they can do all the things they always wanted to do but didn't have the money so they quit and enjoy life. It's also easy to judge others when it comes to their money and hold them up to standards they would in reality ignore if it was them.
You don't know a darn thing about me or "the same type of people" as me. Who the hell are you? My opinion that Dak is behaving in a greedy manner is just as valid as your's or anyone else's on this Dallas Cowboys board. Knock that stuff off!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
When our sports began to reflect our society of capitalism, we lashed out yet people will discuss Bezos', Buffet's or Gates' wealth without blaming them. Michael Jordan became a billionaire because of sports.

We hold our sports people to some ridiculous standard when all they're doing is trying carve out some of that American dream for themselves. People will pay to see them do what they do, others have been making money off that for years, I don't care if they make all of the money.

Do I think a player getting paid in excess of 2M to play one game of football is crazy? Yep, until I think of the small number of men that can do that and there aren't even 32 of them in the NFL.
Maybe my point of view is affected by my personal experiences. I've had a lot of people offer money for my paintings, but more often than not I either keep them or give them away. My Emmitt Smith painting, for example. Someone offered me $1000 for it, before it was even autographed, but I said no, without a second thought. I painted a picture of a '57 Chevy on an 8' sheet of plywood, for my brother in law. He called me a few weeks after, saying he could get me $1500 for it. I told him if he wanted to sell it, that's fine, but he should keep the money, because it's his property.

Using my talent (which is debatable) to make money is distasteful to me, and while I certainly don't put that anywhere near the scale of what professional athletes do, the premise is the same to me. Sure, they deserve to get paid for their training and effort, but how much do they really deserve?


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Good question, but if I'm replying to the OP's question, and basing my opinion on all we've heard, I say yes, he's being greedy. IMO, if you're being offered an exorbitant amount of money to play football, on top of an exorbitant amount of money in endorsement deals for playing football, and you play hardball for more money, that's greedy. Even if you're more talented than the guys who may be paid more than you are (which I don't believe he is) I see no way to call it anything other than greed.

Nobody "deserves" as much money as so many of these players are getting, and neither do the owners. It's all greed.
I guess we will have to disagree on this point.

Everyone from low paying manual laborers to highly paid athletes want to get paid at a level they feel is fair within the context of the market and the job they do. Would we expect a guy doing a job that normally pays $200-220K/year to accept a $170K/year salary simply because even at $170K he is making a lot more than a fast food worker? I don't think so, and I don't think it should be expected with an athlete either.

To be clear, I'm not saying Jerry is lowballing Dak, just saying that a player shouldn't be expected to take less than he thinks is fair because he is going to make a lot of money either way. For that matter, the team is going to make a lot of money either way as well, so why would it just be on the player to compromise?

As for endorsements, I don't think that has any place in the discussion. A player doesn't do endorsements so he can give his team a cheaper contract, he does them to make money above and beyond what his contract pays.


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I guess we will have to disagree on this point.

Everyone from low paying manual laborers to highly paid athletes want to get paid at a level they feel is fair within the context of the market and the job they do. Would we expect a guy doing a job that normally pays $200-220K/year to accept a $170K/year salary simply because even at $170K he is making a lot more than a fast food worker? I don't think so, and I don't think it should be expected with an athlete either.

To be clear, I'm not saying Jerry is lowballing Dak, just saying that a player shouldn't be expected to take less than he thinks is fair because he is going to make a lot of money either way. For that matter, the team is going to make a lot of money either way as well, so why would it just be on the player to compromise?

As for endorsements, I don't think that has any place in the discussion. A player doesn't do endorsements so he can give his team a cheaper contract, he does them to make money above and beyond what his contract pays.

The only thing I will say here is I believe the endorsement opportunities being the QB1 of the Dallas Cowboys does offer more money than, say Cleveland.


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Dak earned his first contract in the NFL with his draft position- that should have no bearing on current negotiations.

Dak earned 50 million in endorsement contracts with his good play and being on the Cowboys.

Those two equal out IMO because he came into a great situation that afforded him that opportunity and he took advantage of it.

I don't think he is worth 35 million to the team, I don't think it is greed - I think it is a pride and respect thing that today's athlete seems to hold in higher regard than the money itself.


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I don't trust any media reports, so I don't feel right judging on them. They have been proven unreliable too many times. But even if accurate on the $33 million, what is the guaranteed money? Wentz and Goff got over $100 million guaranteed for signing a 4 year extension, so is Dak being offered more for signing a 5 year deal?
That's still a partial picture. The line in the sand, isn't the guaranteed that goes down even if he can't play another play at any point. He was offered top shelf levels for any player currently in the NFL.


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I guess we will have to disagree on this point.

Everyone from low paying manual laborers to highly paid athletes want to get paid at a level they feel is fair within the context of the market and the job they do. Would we expect a guy doing a job that normally pays $200-220K/year to accept a $170K/year salary simply because even at $170K he is making a lot more than a fast food worker? I don't think so, and I don't think it should be expected with an athlete either.

To be clear, I'm not saying Jerry is lowballing Dak, just saying that a player shouldn't be expected to take less than he thinks is fair because he is going to make a lot of money either way. For that matter, the team is going to make a lot of money either way as well, so why would it just be on the player to compromise?

As for endorsements, I don't think that has any place in the discussion. A player doesn't do endorsements so he can give his team a cheaper contract, he does them to make money above and beyond what his contract pays.

Endorsements are highly goes to individual worth due to employment.