"Period Point Blank" Expect The Trade To Happen Today


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TOOMBS;2017464 said:
Seriously guys, give the original poster a break. I know exactly what he was trying to do and to tell you the truth, I did the exact same thing because I share a lot in common with the OP.

You see, I am also a long-winded egomaniac who enjoys creating the illusion that I am a friggin football genius. I also have a small but loyal group of followers that love to keep me constantly fluffed and I am always looking for ways to impress them even more. I like to make pointless threads in which I refer to myself in the third person in the title and allude to the fact that I am "the" mad scientist of footbal with yet another wild idea that just might be crazy enough to work. The sole purpose of making threads like this is to throw sort of a bold, yet forgettable, claim out there far in advance and if it pans out, GREAT... if not, Shhhh! *Tip for those that want to give this a try* Bookmark every prediction thread you make (oh trust me, if Isaiah Stanback gets even one hand off next year, I will be bumping that beauty), and NEVER make a prediction in another person's thread. Also grandstand a little bit when you do it to create the mistique that you are sort of a big deal....

More tips! If you really want to pull this off right (making people think that you are an important football person) you need to pretend that you are highly connected in the professional football industry. Start saying things like, "my sources tell me", "this is inside info", "the other day my scout buddies were asking me what I thought about a prospect". Yeah that's right, the last one is genius because not only do I outright say that I have scout buddies, but I imply that they come to me for advice! Sure, some people will see through this and make fun of you, but there are some out there that will just eat that crap up..... try it! *VERY IMPORTANT* If anyone asks you for any verifiable info about your sources, just tell them that you cannot betray the trust of your friends (the pretend scouts). This also implies that you know CRAZY info that could get people fired (you can even play it up like you know who Deepthroat is too.....extra points).

So back to the point. I did the same thing as the original poster, but I said it would happen on Monday. I am taking a risk on not looking so good on this but I like my odds to impress my little followers by being right in a vague way (you know, like those psychics who work the crowd by saying, "Someone on this side of the room is named John and has lost a loved one.") I took the inevitable event of Pacman coming to Dallas, and then listened to football reporters with "real" inside sources and when they said that Pacman will be traded to Dallas sometime between Friday and Monday, I jumped on Monday (haha I mean, my sources told me Monday!). It's kind of a no lose. If I nail it, I'm a genius and if not, then WHEN IT DOES within a day or two, I can still say, "Ohhhhhh, I was so close".


With all do respect, you sir are an idiot, if I may be as bold as you.Your thought process may hold true for some, but you have peed on the wrong tree to mark your territory.There are a lot of respected posters on this board and none more so than Hos.... The only thing you have in common with the original op is you are both in this thread.He has more football knowledge in his left kidney than you and your Jr. Varsity followers.If I were you I would sniff any tree you think Hos has peed on, you could at least smell the knowledge that passed through his kidneys.Jeebus, my avatar is smarter than some people 'round here.


The Duke
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STAR GAZER;2017615 said:
I just think some people need to misbehave somewhere that poor behavior is acceptable. I know most of us here wouldn't tolerate that sort of thing.

You're far more considerate than I am Hos.
Hell, I've got more detractors than anyone here. A whole thread dedicated to it on another forum. Brilliant prose in it too. I at least respect him for having the courage to say what he thinks to my face. Some haven't got that kind of sack.

Like I said too, I thought it was funny. I even PMed him to tell him so he knows it isn't a joke.


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Hostile;2017658 said:
Hell, I've got more detractors than anyone here. A whole thread dedicated to it on another forum. Brilliant prose in it too. I at least respect him for having the courage to say what he thinks to my face. Some haven't got that kind of sack.

Like I said too, I thought it was funny. I even PMed him to tell him so he knows it isn't a joke.

A perfect example, HOS takes the high road.


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Maxmadden;2017662 said:
A perfect example, HOS takes the high road.

Yeah but if he thought for a minute the guy was kicker , the road would be so low, Jerry-land would look like speck from up here.That's a true story.


The Duke
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ndanger;2017665 said:
Yeah but if he thought for a minute the guy was kicker , the road would be so low, Jerry-land would look like speck from up here.That's a true story.
I am a prime candidate for a relapse.


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Hostile;2017658 said:
Hell, I've got more detractors than anyone here. A whole thread dedicated to it on another forum. Brilliant prose in it too. I at least respect him for having the courage to say what he thinks to my face. Some haven't got that kind of sack.

Like I said too, I thought it was funny. I even PMed him to tell him so he knows it isn't a joke.

Stick to the original message knucklehead. You wanna talk about detractors start a freaking farm forum and spout your farming bravado there. I mean after all you call yourself "administrator" I've seen your kind. My followers are watchin' you pal. :mad: :mad:


The Duke
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ndanger;2017675 said:
Stick to the original message knucklehead. You wanna talk about detractors start a freaking farm forum and spout your farming bravado there. I mean after all you call yourself "administrator" I've seen your kind. My followers are watchin' you pal. :mad: :mad:
Hey, she thinks my tractor's sexy, it really turns her on.


El Serrano
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I have met Hos personally and consider him a scholar and a gentleman. His knowledge of football is unquestionable, and he doesn't let rumors overwhelm his perspectives on the Cowboys. So he missed by a couple of days on this one; not that big of a deal. Keep doing what you're doing Hos.


The Duke
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el_chevo;2017732 said:
I have met Hos personally and consider him a scholar and a gentleman. His knowledge of football is unquestionable, and he doesn't let rumors overwhelm his perspectives on the Cowboys. So he missed by a couple of days on this one; not that big of a deal. Keep doing what you're doing Hos.
Thank you sir.

A lot of smiling people here in the Old Pueblo now that Lute is back. This will make you smile, my oldest is taking Spanish at Tucson High next year and she wants to go back to Mexico on vacations after she learns some.


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Hostile;2017711 said:
Hey, she thinks my tractor's sexy, it really turns her on.

Oh, well that's ok then. Why didn't you just say that in the first place.Goofy farmers. Jeebus.


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Those questioning Hostile on this need to chill out. He's many things, but a knee-jerker is not one of them. If he says it will happen soon, then it almost certainly will.

Oh, and bonus points for the obscure Kenny Chesney reference


Virtus Mille Scuta
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TOOMBS;2017464 said:
Seriously guys, give the original poster a break. I know exactly what he was trying to do and to tell you the truth, I did the exact same thing because I share a lot in common with the OP.

You see, I am also a long-winded egomaniac who enjoys creating the illusion that I am a friggin football genius. I also have a small but loyal group of followers that love to keep me constantly fluffed and I am always looking for ways to impress them even more. I like to make pointless threads in which I refer to myself in the third person in the title and allude to the fact that I am "the" mad scientist of footbal with yet another wild idea that just might be crazy enough to work. The sole purpose of making threads like this is to throw sort of a bold, yet forgettable, claim out there far in advance and if it pans out, GREAT... if not, Shhhh! *Tip for those that want to give this a try* Bookmark every prediction thread you make (oh trust me, if Isaiah Stanback gets even one hand off next year, I will be bumping that beauty), and NEVER make a prediction in another person's thread. Also grandstand a little bit when you do it to create the mistique that you are sort of a big deal....

More tips! If you really want to pull this off right (making people think that you are an important football person) you need to pretend that you are highly connected in the professional football industry. Start saying things like, "my sources tell me", "this is inside info", "the other day my scout buddies were asking me what I thought about a prospect". Yeah that's right, the last one is genius because not only do I outright say that I have scout buddies, but I imply that they come to me for advice! Sure, some people will see through this and make fun of you, but there are some out there that will just eat that crap up..... try it! *VERY IMPORTANT* If anyone asks you for any verifiable info about your sources, just tell them that you cannot betray the trust of your friends (the pretend scouts). This also implies that you know CRAZY info that could get people fired (you can even play it up like you know who Deepthroat is too.....extra points).

So back to the point. I did the same thing as the original poster, but I said it would happen on Monday. I am taking a risk on not looking so good on this but I like my odds to impress my little followers by being right in a vague way (you know, like those psychics who work the crowd by saying, "Someone on this side of the room is named John and has lost a loved one.") I took the inevitable event of Pacman coming to Dallas, and then listened to football reporters with "real" inside sources and when they said that Pacman will be traded to Dallas sometime between Friday and Monday, I jumped on Monday (haha I mean, my sources told me Monday!). It's kind of a no lose. If I nail it, I'm a genius and if not, then WHEN IT DOES within a day or two, I can still say, "Ohhhhhh, I was so close".


LOL :lmao:

Very funny and entertaining.... more so if it was suppose to make Hostile ...well... Hostile ... the dude is as thicked skinned as the back end of an ole pachyderm


Red, White and Brew...
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HeavyHitta31;2017778 said:
Those questioning Hostile on this need to chill out. He's many things, but a knee-jerker is not one of them.

I totally agree, Hostile may be a jerker, but he is no knee-jerker.....:p:


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Hostile;2017541 said:
It was brilliant though huh? I loved that. Outstanding post. I'll be sitting on an ice bucket today if anyone is looking for me. Buckshot stings a bit.

I would like to point out that I never said "sources" were telling me or anything like that. It was what I was expecting. The title doesn't make that too clear but the body of the original post does.

I was going to tell you not to let that post bother you, but after reading your replies, I figured you handle this stuff a lot better than me. ;)


Dem Boyz
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CATCH17;2015502 said:
I hope it happens on the weekend so it wont be the head story on all the National media shows/papers

Just dont turn on your TV if you have that much of a problem, since we all here know yo hate jones btu then again your gonna be 1 of the 1's to run and buy a jones jersey when the gy has a pro-bowl year with the boys !


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
TOOMBS said:
Hey guys..... I am the biggest cowboy fan on Earth, but if you can't see that Merriman is the most dominant linebacker in the game then you are just a blind homer...

Also, if you don't think Ware has ever done steroids.....you are just naive. I would guess that 80% of all NFL players have done a cycle at least once in their life, and probably 99% of all linebackers.


That says all anyone needs to hear on whether to take your seriously or not.


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wasnt spagnola saying just few days ago that dmn was blowing hot air on this and that he had nothing around valley ranch about this?

lol shows u just how much he doesnt know about the team he covers. and this is with him having access inside valley ranch daily. very sad for his credibility


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Hey guys! Let me start out by apologizing to Hostile. You were very cool about my satirical attack on you that was pretty uncalled for. You didn't deserve it and I have no reason to have harbored such a dislike for you. I appreciate your PM to me and your good sense of humor. I believe that I began disliking you, Hostile, from something you said to someone else that I perceived as rather rude..... I apologize for taking note of your posts and using them against you in the manner that I did as it was rather disrespectful and pretty out there with just the smallest basis in reality. You seem like a nice guy in the aftermath of what I said and I would like to take it back and again, apologize.

To my old friend Zrinkill.... you are a psycho and since you like to bring up old posts, I shall post your crazysauce PM you sent me about a year ago. I believe your psycho PM was in response to a thread that discussed a player with a history of smoking Pot (perhaps Ricky Williams) in which you said that he should be in prison forever and I responded by telling you that it was YOU and not Ricky Williams that is the reason America sucks because people like you want to put everyone in jail for victimless crimes and you need to grow up.... your PM was exactly this;

PM Content Deleted

Just thought I would post since you like to bring up old stuff and thought everyone should know that you are psycho.

Sorry to Hostile, and sorry for derail. My last post in thread :)


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
TOOMBS;2017886 said:
Hey guys! Let me start out by apologizing to Hostile. You were very cool about my satirical attack on you that was pretty uncalled for. You didn't deserve it and I have no reason to have harbored such a dislike for you. I appreciate your PM to me and your good sense of humor. I believe that I began disliking you, Hostile, from something you said to someone else that I perceived as rather rude..... I apologize for taking note of your posts and using them against you in the manner that I did as it was rather disrespectful and pretty out there with just the smallest basis in reality. You seem like a nice guy in the aftermath of what I said and I would like to take it back and again, apologize.

To my old friend Zrinkill.... you are a psycho and since you like to bring up old posts, I shall post your crazysauce PM you sent me about a year ago. I believe your psycho PM was in response to a thread that discussed a player with a history of smoking Pot (perhaps Ricky Williams) in which you said that he should be in prison forever and I responded by telling you that it was YOU and not Ricky Williams that is the reason America sucks because people like you want to put everyone in jail for victimless crimes and you need to grow up.... your PM was exactly this;

PM Content Deleted

Just thought I would post since you like to bring up old stuff and thought everyone should know that you are psycho.

Sorry to Hostile, and sorry for derail. My last post in thread :)

It's time......


Kane Ala
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If Jerry can get Pacman into the fold soon then he can start working on him through Hill and the rest of that team. He will need to be baby sat and have multi-dimensional intervention. I think the sooner the better. It will be great to have him in class but it will work out fine for him to be reinstated later. He need at few weeks though.