"The War of The Romo"...Tony Romo a gonner

blindzebra said:
Nice post, but people who have this hindsight about Leftwich forget one thing, the butterfly effect it would cause.

We take Leftwich we have a glaring need at CB, we most likely need to draft a CB instead of trading down with Buffalo, so we might not get Jones at our pick and say goodbye to Spears.

We also have a lot more cap space tied up with our franchise QB, so which FA that we signed this year don't we have because the money was not there?

Add Letfwich and we lose Newman, Jones, Spears and one of Ferguson, Rivera or Henry.

Leftwich or no RB?

Leftwich or no 3-4?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.:D

Didn't analyse this so I'll take your word. If that is true then I'll take Bledsoe and what appears to be the beginning of a dominating defense. Some seasoning and tinkering and this my be the real deal.
Thank god Parcells calls the shots.

Maybe Romo is better than Henson. Thats what it is looking like.....
Hostile said:
Why is it so hard for people to believe that the team is not divided on QB?

I'm sorry but I just do not believe Jerry hates Romo any more than I think Bill hates Henson. I think they are excited about both prospects and have high hopes for them.

One has to be rated ahead of the other.That's the way the game is played. It could change all season. I'm not joking. I think it could change more than once.

The bottom line is until otherwise pried from his cold dead hands Drew Bledsoe is the QB. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, and all that jazz.

Who cares which one is the backup? I really mean that and I have a horse in this race. I don't care if Henson is #2 or #3 as long as the team believes he is making progress and everything I've read suggests they believe that about both of them. It's a win/win situation.

It's fine to have a favorite player for a position but there's too much grassy knoll and hate for the other guy going on here. Root for both of them, but be realistic. Bledsoe's the guy barring something really strange happening.

Bledsoe the starter

Backup is important and Romo won the job. Its humorous to me all calling for Henson this time last year backing up fast - talking "of future" and its Bledsoe now!
Nors said:
Bledsoe the starter

Backup is important and Romo won the job. Its humorous to me all calling for Henson this time last year backing up fast - talking "of future" and its Bledsoe now!

A wise old cowboy once told me that a pat on the back is only 18 inches away from a hard kick in the ***.

Gloat all you want NORs. Most of us actually are Cowboy fans before being a fan of a player or players before the team.
Wolverine said:
A wise old cowboy once told me that a pat on the back is only 18 inches away from a hard kick in the ***.

Gloat all you want NORs. Most of us actually are Cowboy fans before being a fan of a player or players before the team.

Wolverine - don't go there - Sad that your boy Henson has flamed 2 years into experiment.

I could not be happier that Romo has handled #2 and stepped up for the Cowboys. Dare me criticise or question a QB who is no where ready to run a NFL offense.
Nors said:
Wolverine - don't go there - Sad that your boy Henson has flamed 2 years into experiment.

I could not be happier that Romo has handled #2 and stepped up for the Cowboys. Dare me criticise or question a QB who is no where ready to run a NFL offense.

I am happy with Romo doing good to. And yeah you are happy with Romo to but the problem with you is I believe you are just as happy seeing Henson struggle and have problems just so you can run around and do your I told you so. It is obvious.
You are overly sensitive on Henson - and how this is going its very understandable. This is only football. Romo deserves the kudo's - he slayed the "pedigre" Dragon.
Nors said:
You are overly sensitive on Henson - and how this is going its very understandable. This is only football. Romo deserves the kudo's - he slayed the "pedigre" Dragon.

I can't help but think you would rather be a Eagle fan then to pull for Henson. JMO.
Nors said:
You are overly sensitive on Henson - and how this is going its very understandable. This is only football. Romo deserves the kudo's - he slayed the "pedigre" Dragon.
He hasn't and won't ever slay the 'pedigree' dragon, Nors.

That one will be with us until human nature starts to value individual effort over all else.

But he did slay the Testaverde Dragon...something even more ancient. :D
LaTunaNostra said:
He hasn't and won't ever slay the 'pedigree' dragon, Nors.

That one will be with us until human nature starts to value individual effort over all else.

But he did slay the Testaverde Dragon...something even more ancient. :D

Deep in the Romo labrynth..... Romo is researching and plotting how best to slay a Bledsoasaurus.....

Taking many breaks to hit golf balls into his practice net....
Wolverine said:
I can't help but think you would rather be a Eagle fan then to pull for Henson. JMO.

When Henson shows me something - I'll pull for him.
Nors said:
Deep in the Romo labrynth..... Romo is researching and plotting how best to slay a Bledsoasaurus.....

Taking many breaks to hit golf balls into his practice net....
Oh my gosh, you really think that's a possibility, don't you?

Tony isn't slaying any Bledsosaurus, Nors.

He'll have to go thru the Tunasaurus first.

And that, no one has the 'moxie' for. :)
Nors said:
When Henson shows me something - I'll pull for him.

What's wrong with pulling for him to show you something? ;)

Both QB's fighting for a job tooth & nail, making Parcell lose his hair making a decision only makes the team stronger at the QB position. Which in turn only make our team closer to where we would like to be.
LaTunaNostra said:
Oh my gosh, you really think that's a possibility, don't you?

Tony isn't slaying any Bledsosaurus, Nors.

He'll have to go thru the Tunasaurus first.

And that, no one has the 'moxie' for. :)

As I rewatch game - its very apparant Tuna is holding back his playbook. It was all run, screen and then pass. Watch that Bledsoe TD drive to end half. He passed aggresively and that set up JJ and the run - JJ TD

That is more of what we will see. Glenn/Bledsoe clicking BIG
Nors said:
As I rewatch game - its very apparant Tuna is holding back his playbook. It was all run, screen and then pass. Watch that Bledsoe TD drive to end half. He passed aggresively and that set up JJ and the run - JJ TD

That is more of what we will see. Glenn/Bledsoe clicking BIG
There'd better be.

I can't tell how much of this candy arse preseason O is regular with-holding stuff, and how much a serious attempt to "retrain" Drew.

But if Terry''s gonna be sacrificed to force DB to look underneath, screw Tuna.
Fernando Fernandez said:
(insomnia induced post)

plain and simple...Bill loves him, Jerry hates him.

Darn you, Jerry Jones!

If you saw the game you will see Jerry walk over to the sidelines to Parcells, Romo, Sean payton and another assistant I believe in the fourth quarter. Jerry slaps Parcells on the back and mutters something at him (probably "Get my boy Henson in there!").

Jones never once even acknowledges Tony Romo!

IF it had been Henson, Jerry would have gone over there and schmoozed with him, patted his butt and slapped him on the back, telling him what a great job he was doing.

In regards to the pre-game show, which I did not hear but I read about...For Jerry Jones to say how great Henson looks and speaks insignificantly about Romo's talents that tells me that the writing is on the wall...Romo is on his way out to another team!

The fool wants to keep Henson and wants Tony out because it's making HIS BOY Henson look bad, which in turn makes Jerry Jones look like an idiot.

Getting rid of Romo will tear up the team.

Geez! Give me a break!

(insomnia induced post)

This is all supposition on your part. You're seeing what you want to see. You don't know what was said on the sidelines. As far as not acknowledging Romo, how many other people on the sidelines were there that JJ didn't acknowledge on his was to BP. Are they all gone too? I don't think JJ hates Romo at all and I'll be shocked if he is "gone" as you put it.

Jerry was responding to a question in the pre-game interview. Did he lie? You say you didn't hear or see the interview so your probably feeding off of some interpretations that other people have put on what JJ said.
Looks to me like Parcells' original idea is working out fine. He said he got the undrafted Romo so he could develop him into a QB he could get a draft pick out of while he develops his long range project and it looks to me like he is heading in the right direction.

How is this any kind of problem?
What I don't like is Spagnola saying how Romo has likely won the job... doesn't he remember how sensitive his readers are about the QB position? :p:
Nors said:
When Henson shows me something - I'll pull for him.

Interesting you don't pull for everyone on the team. :confused:

I think the rest of us pull for EVERYONE on the team.

I really believe that if you came across a lamp and rubbed it and some big fat genie came out and gave you the chance to choose one of the 2 choices below....

You could be right about things so you could do your I told you so crap. But the Cowboys will go 4-12.


You could be wrong about things and the Cowboys win the Super Bowl.

I think you would take the 1st choice of being right so you could say I told you so.
EGG said:
What I don't like is Spagnola saying how Romo has likely won the job... doesn't he remember how sensitive his readers are about the QB position? :p:

I laughed at your post at first, but come to think of it I did hear the "Mickster" say somehting to the effect that Romo pretty much has won the backup QB slot.

Is the idea that Tony Romo will be the the backup Qb GROWING on the "Mickster"?

Does the "Mickster" finally realize that his comments about Romo fell SHORT of the truth?

When will the "Mickster" STAND TALL at the press conference and badger Parcells about Romo at backup Qb?

Tune in tomorrow...same (Henson's)bat time...same (Henson's)bat channel!


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