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How Much Money Is WWE Paying Shane McMahon To Wrestle The Undertaker?
By Andrew Ravens
Posted on March 2, 2016


WWE released their Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement on Wednesday. In the report, the company released how much Shane McMahon is being paid for his return to the company.

Shane B. McMahon is the son of Vincent McMahon and brother of Stephanie McMahon. Shane McMahon is a former executive officer and performer with the Company. In 2016, Shane McMahon returned as a performer for the Company. While no agreement has been reached at this time, the Company anticipates that Shane McMahon will receive in excess of $120,000 for these services which will be disclosed in next year’s proxy statement.

The report also revealed how much the company’s top executives were paid in 2015:

* Vince McMahon – Chairman & Chief Executive Officer: $3.3 million

* Michelle Wilson – Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer: $4.5 million

* George Barrios – Chief Strategy & Financial Officer: $4.5 million

* Paul Levesque – EVP, Talent, Live Events & Creative: $3.1 million

* Kevin Dunn – Executive Producer & Chief Global Television Production: $4.7 million

If Shane's return is a one off and is gone after WrestleMania this whole setup is going to be a giant letdown.
Report: Neville suffered a broken ankle and shin bone on Raw
By Sean Rueter@s1rude on Mar 15, 2016, 10:15a

It looked bad, and according to Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio that's because it was.

Neville has reportedly joined WWE's extensive injured list. Meltzer says that he broke both his ankle and tibia (shin) on the slide-gone-wrong (which you can see if the match footage above at approximately the :10 mark) that occurred while working with Chris Jericho on the Mar. 14 Raw.

Amazingly, the Brit executes several moves after the injury occurs - including a kick with his bad leg - but all three performers called an audible to end the match with Neville in obvious pain.

Provided the injury diagnosis Meltzer's reporting is final, recovery time is typically in the four-to-six month time frame. Depending on the severity of the breaks, and if there's ligament damage in addition to the bone fractures, it could be longer.

There's never a good time for something like this, of course, but it seems especially unfortunate as the Slammy Award winning, longest-reigning NXT champ in history was in the midst of a run of great matches and increased television time over the last several weeks.

Read more plus video: http://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/20...-suffered-a-broken-ankle-and-shin-bone-on-raw
In celebration of Stan Hansen's induction into the WWE HOF, I offer this YouTube video of him body-slamming Andre-the-Giant...

I've seen all the Andre body-slams and I think this is the best. Andre was lighter then than later vs. Hogan at WrestleMania, but it's still one heck of a body-slam.

WWE Raw ratings (April 4, 2016): Post WrestleMania 32 show draws just 4 million viewers
By Geno Mrosko@cagesideseats on Apr 5, 2016, 5:10p


Well, this is hugely disappointing for WWE.

Last night's (April 4, 2016) episode of Monday Night Raw was expected to see a big jump in viewers thanks to the fact that it came just one night after WrestleMania 32, the biggest show in the history of the company. After all, the past two years have seen viewership totals above 5 million.

This year, they barely got above 4.

The show garnered 4.09 million viewers for all three hours, up from 3.76 million last week but nowhere near the level they surely expected considering the show. The hourly breakdown once again saw a gradual drop throughout the evening.

Hour one: 4.28 million
Hour two: 4.17 million
Hour three: 3.81 million

There's no way to spin it: those are bad numbers for WWE relative to the past. Perhaps it's time to readjust expectations?

WWE Raw ratings (April 4, 2016): Post WrestleMania 32 show draws just 4 million viewers
By Geno Mrosko@cagesideseats on Apr 5, 2016, 5:10p

View attachment 88

Well, this is hugely disappointing for WWE.

Last night's (April 4, 2016) episode of Monday Night Raw was expected to see a big jump in viewers thanks to the fact that it came just one night after WrestleMania 32, the biggest show in the history of the company. After all, the past two years have seen viewership totals above 5 million.

This year, they barely got above 4.

The show garnered 4.09 million viewers for all three hours, up from 3.76 million last week but nowhere near the level they surely expected considering the show. The hourly breakdown once again saw a gradual drop throughout the evening.

Hour one: 4.28 million
Hour two: 4.17 million
Hour three: 3.81 million

There's no way to spin it: those are bad numbers for WWE relative to the past. Perhaps it's time to readjust expectations?


Maybe it's time to get out of the stock.
WWE Raw ratings (April 4, 2016): Post WrestleMania 32 show draws just 4 million viewers
By Geno Mrosko@cagesideseats on Apr 5, 2016, 5:10p

View attachment 88

Well, this is hugely disappointing for WWE.

Last night's (April 4, 2016) episode of Monday Night Raw was expected to see a big jump in viewers thanks to the fact that it came just one night after WrestleMania 32, the biggest show in the history of the company. After all, the past two years have seen viewership totals above 5 million.

This year, they barely got above 4.

The show garnered 4.09 million viewers for all three hours, up from 3.76 million last week but nowhere near the level they surely expected considering the show. The hourly breakdown once again saw a gradual drop throughout the evening.

Hour one: 4.28 million
Hour two: 4.17 million
Hour three: 3.81 million

There's no way to spin it: those are bad numbers for WWE relative to the past. Perhaps it's time to readjust expectations?


But by all means, continue to give your customers what they don't want by forcing Roman Reigns down their throats. After all, that's what all successful companies do, right? Give your consumer a product they're not looking for.
But by all means, continue to give your customers what they don't want by forcing Roman Reigns down their throats. After all, that's what all successful companies do, right? Give your consumer a product they're not looking for.
Did you hear the boos on Raw? Lordy he is a unpopular champ. No matter how WWE tries to spin it or pipe in applause that isn't ever going to change.

I'm not a big fan of Seth Rollins, but I would rather he be the champ and I think he will once he comes back.
But by all means, continue to give your customers what they don't want by forcing Roman Reigns down their throats. After all, that's what all successful companies do, right? Give your consumer a product they're not looking for.

There's a lot more to it than that.

They need to get rid of The Authority and just scrap the 'evil ownership' all together. It worked awesome in the Attitude Era, but it has grown stale for a long time now. And even more importantly, Vince was a great performer and far better than Stephanie and HHH.

I think the 3-hour RAW is an issue because now you're filling it with performers who are not worth the airtime.

In general, it's something that Vince has always struggled with. He wants the product to be very corporate and to be very regimented, but pro wrestling doesn't work at its best that way. It happened right before the Attitude Era and then Vince was forced to change things otherwise WCW would win out.

I agree that they've force fed Reigns down the fans' throats. I think now they are trying to do what they did with the Rock in 'turn him heel so they will have something to boo about.' It's not a bad idea, but unlike the Rock, I have to question if Reigns can be an effective heel.

Did you hear the boos on Raw? Lordy he is a unpopular champ. No matter how WWE tries to spin it or pipe in applause that isn't ever going to change.

I'm not a big fan of Seth Rollins, but I would rather he be the champ and I think he will once he comes back.

Yeah, and I also heard them manipulate the audio during Wrestlemania. That's what they've resorted to, rather than listening to their ticket-buying audience. If it wasn't family run, they'd all be fired.
There's a lot more to it than that.

They need to get rid of The Authority and just scrap the 'evil ownership' all together. It worked awesome in the Attitude Era, but it has grown stale for a long time now. And even more importantly, Vince was a great performer and far better than Stephanie and HHH.

I think the 3-hour RAW is an issue because now you're filling it with performers who are not worth the airtime.

In general, it's something that Vince has always struggled with. He wants the product to be very corporate and to be very regimented, but pro wrestling doesn't work at its best that way. It happened right before the Attitude Era and then Vince was forced to change things otherwise WCW would win out.

I agree that they've force fed Reigns down the fans' throats. I think now they are trying to do what they did with the Rock in 'turn him heel so they will have something to boo about.' It's not a bad idea, but unlike the Rock, I have to question if Reigns can be an effective heel.


I agree with you on pretty much everything you've said, although the 3- hour RAW doesn't bother me quite as much. What does bother me is a lousy creative team that fails at its' job. Too much time spent on the Authority nonsense and everything Roman Reigns and virtually nothing on anyone else. Everyone and everything else is an afterthought. I see plenty of talented performers getting lost in the shuffle for repeats of the same guys and their storylines. I'm watching the show! Did I really need a recap of what I just saw?!?!?!

I also think they should turn Reigns heel already, not sure you go back that far, but to me its 'Die Rocky Die!' All over again and they just stubbornly refuse to go with it. Too much ego and not enough brains involved all too often.
I agree with you on pretty much everything you've said, although the 3- hour RAW doesn't bother me quite as much. What does bother me is a lousy creative team that fails at its' job. Too much time spent on the Authority nonsense and everything Roman Reigns and virtually nothing on anyone else. Everyone and everything else is an afterthought. I see plenty of talented performers getting lost in the shuffle for repeats of the same guys and their storylines. I'm watching the show! Did I really need a recap of what I just saw?!?!?!

I also think they should turn Reigns heel already, not sure you go back that far, but to me its 'Die Rocky Die!' All over again and they just stubbornly refuse to go with it. Too much ego and not enough brains involved all too often.

3 Hour Raw presents problems because you need the talent to fill up that time. Wrestling is a bit unique in that if a segment bombs people don't quite forget it and the shorter the bombed segment goes, it's exponentially more beneficial to the program. So with 3 hours you're going to fill it with performers that aren't good enough and you'll have to keep them out there for the segment instead of cutting it off because you need to fill those 3 hours.

The other issue is that it's hard to follow what's going on from week-to-week because you have too many storylines and characters. That's why NXT works...it has much less storylines and performers and it's easier for the fans to know what's going on.

I tend to not blame the writers. WWE goes thru a lot of writers and has been using writers for quite some time. Listening to the writers talk once they leave the WWE they usually discuss Vince's role in the company and how he re-writes their work anyway.

I'm not a big fan of using TV writers to write a show and I think there's a better way to use TV writers for wrestling (they should be pitch men for the wrestlers instead of actually writing for the wrestlers). But, I do find it hard to believe that for all of these years with all of these TV writers that they can't find 1 sharp writer that can really write wrestling. Or at least one that is pretty darn good.

So when I hear ex-writers complain about Vince, that tells me that he is indeed the problem.

And I do know that around 1990-1994 Vince was booking everything for the WWF as they took that booking role away from Pat Patterson and 1990 to 1994 was when the WWF was at its worst. Vince has never struck me as a great wrestling mind. In fact, I think he's one of the worst wrestling minds out there. However, he's by far the greatest promoter of wrestling that ever lived and no other promoter was in the same galaxy as Vince. I think that's the crux with Vince...keeping him out of the creative side and sticking to promotion of the product. But unless his hand is absolutely forced, he's always going to be the final say in creative.

3 Hour Raw presents problems because you need the talent to fill up that time. Wrestling is a bit unique in that if a segment bombs people don't quite forget it and the shorter the bombed segment goes, it's exponentially more beneficial to the program. So with 3 hours you're going to fill it with performers that aren't good enough and you'll have to keep them out there for the segment instead of cutting it off because you need to fill those 3 hours.

The other issue is that it's hard to follow what's going on from week-to-week because you have too many storylines and characters. That's why NXT works...it has much less storylines and performers and it's easier for the fans to know what's going on.

I tend to not blame the writers. WWE goes thru a lot of writers and has been using writers for quite some time. Listening to the writers talk once they leave the WWE they usually discuss Vince's role in the company and how he re-writes their work anyway.

I'm not a big fan of using TV writers to write a show and I think there's a better way to use TV writers for wrestling (they should be pitch men for the wrestlers instead of actually writing for the wrestlers). But, I do find it hard to believe that for all of these years with all of these TV writers that they can't find 1 sharp writer that can really write wrestling. Or at least one that is pretty darn good.

So when I hear ex-writers complain about Vince, that tells me that he is indeed the problem.

And I do know that around 1990-1994 Vince was booking everything for the WWF as they took that booking role away from Pat Patterson and 1990 to 1994 was when the WWF was at its worst. Vince has never struck me as a great wrestling mind. In fact, I think he's one of the worst wrestling minds out there. However, he's by far the greatest promoter of wrestling that ever lived and no other promoter was in the same galaxy as Vince. I think that's the crux with Vince...keeping him out of the creative side and sticking to promotion of the product. But unless his hand is absolutely forced, he's always going to be the final say in creative.


That sounds an awful lot like the guy whose stadium Vince just used. Good at one part of his job and not so good at the other.
That sounds an awful lot like the guy whose stadium Vince just used. Good at one part of his job and not so good at the other.

Jerry doesn't make all of the decisions. It's a decision by committee with Jerry unless the committee can't come to a decision. Then Jerry will make the decision. Vince lets the committee make the decision and then either overrides the decision or heavily edits the decision so much that the decision doesn't look like it once did. And that's not getting into Vince taking away what pro wrestling is all about...creating heat. It would be like Jerry forcing the Cowboys to never block and tackle and wondering why they're no longer good.

I think the 3-hour RAW is an issue because now you're filling it with performers who are not worth the airtime.

It's only made worst when you take away names like Bryan, Orton, Punk, Neville, Harper, Cesaro (now finally back), Cena, Kane, Rollins.......

Then you add in unnecessary replays from earlier in the night or what happened minutes ago right before commercials. Additionally you add in commercials in the middle of almost all matches.

I made it easy and less stressful by just recording the whole thing. Now I can get thru Raw in about an hour every Tuesday morning.
It's only made worst when you take away names like Bryan, Orton, Punk, Neville, Harper, Cesaro (now finally back), Cena, Kane, Rollins.......

Then you add in unnecessary replays from earlier in the night or what happened minutes ago right before commercials. Additionally you add in commercials in the middle of almost all matches.

I made it easy and less stressful by just recording the whole thing. Now I can get thru Raw in about an hour every Tuesday morning.

That's it in a nutshell... They do not have the talent base to do a quality 3 hour show week in and week out.
It's only made worst when you take away names like Bryan, Orton, Punk, Neville, Harper, Cesaro (now finally back), Cena, Kane, Rollins.......

Then you add in unnecessary replays from earlier in the night or what happened minutes ago right before commercials. Additionally you add in commercials in the middle of almost all matches.

I made it easy and less stressful by just recording the whole thing. Now I can get thru Raw in about an hour every Tuesday morning.

I made it easy by stop watching a long time ago. :)

I think it's very hard to find the talent to consistently fill a 3-hour show because of the format of the show where everybody has to have a storyline.

And even if the talent is there, the writing is so muddled that as a fan you forget or don't know what is going on with each character. Is Cesaro a heel or a face? I thought Harper was out of the Wyatt family? Why is Orton a heel, again?

You keep getting those questions and it's easy to tune out.

That's it in a nutshell... They do not have the talent base to do a quality 3 hour show week in and week out.

I disagree. I think the talent base is there in terms of the performers. I just see the writers faking get to give attention to far too many talents. How many Ryder's or Sandows or Swaggers or Nevilles or Social Outcasts are getting lost in the shuffle because of poor decisions being made outside the ring? I see plenty.

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