So how did those other interviews you had last week go, Jason?
That whole Henderson deal baffles me. They wanted him back, they didn't want him back. He was staying, he was going. They want to keep all of their coaches, they don't want to keep their coaches. Pope is coming back, Pope's not coming back.
And Henderson finally leaves (good riddance!) and they interview an offensive guy to replace him? None of it makes sense to me.
I don't think Golden was interviewed for his spot. They always maintained it was for a "position" and never specified. Plus the whole deal with Mike Pope not being around clouded it.
Oh, it's "clouded" all right! And it can see why guys are saying "Thanks, but no thanks!"
What coach would want to come to the Cowboys for a 1 year gig. If the Cowboys, under Garrett's failed process, tanks again next year
the whole staff will be shown the door. Garrett will be lucky to drag up some "never was" high school coaches to handle the corner
backs this season. How the mighty have fallen since Romo saved the season in 2014.
That whole Henderson deal baffles me. They wanted him back, they didn't want him back. He was staying, he was going. They want to keep all of their coaches, they don't want to keep their coaches. Pope is coming back, Pope's not coming back.
And Henderson finally leaves (good riddance!) and they interview an offensive guy to replace him? None of it makes sense to me.
The Henderson deal is the the Cowboys wanted him back and Henderson was willing to come back if he did not receive a DC or other coaching upgrade position wise.
He received a position upgrade with another team so he is now gone.
Really? What "upgrade" would that be? He didn't get a defensive coordinator job, yet he still left.
He left to Atlanta for a defensive passing game coordinator position, I suppose that was an upgrade for him to leave.
Let's face it, he didn't get a defensive coordinator position, but he left anyway. Facts are facts.
Not that I'll miss the guy as I think he's done a lousy job, but I don't understand the whole 'song and dance' that surrounded him. Par for the course around here though.
I agree with your other thoughts but he took the defensive passing game coordinator position, apparently to Henderson, that was an upgrade, from the title, it is still a type of defensive coordinator position, that is a fact.
I think the Cowboys wanted to retain him but he wanted an upgrade, who knows cash could of been an issue along with career goals.
If it was a lateral move maybe he simply wanted out of Dallas.
I did not want him around so who really cares!
No, the only fact is that he's either a defensive coordinator or he's not. There's no grey area.
I didn't either, so we can at least agree on that point.
It is called literally defensive passing game coordinator position, yes, it is a defensive coordinator position but not the defensive coordinator position in the traditional sense.
I am unsure what Atlanta is doing with this title but regardless it is literally called the defensive passing game coordinator position.
I am not spending anymore time debating the name of this position which is self explanatory.
And you keep on telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Especially after doing such a fine job in making things clear!
The title says what the position is literally defensive passing game coordinator position, I am unsure how the title is not self-evident to you or why you want to debate the fact Henderson left to take this position.
Atlanta created this position for him, notice he is not titled defensive backs coach.
He told the Cowboys he would consider staying but wanted the option to take an upgrade for a DC or other coaching position he considers an upgrade.
Perhaps this defensive passing game coordinator position is an upgrade in cash or career path for him or maybe he wanted out of Dallas and used this an excuse to not seem like a slap in their face.
What difference does it make and why you are making this personal is foolish, in addition to why this is an even an issue.
Hey! You lied!
You said you weren't "spending anymore time", and then you did!