Disgruntled? LOL. As opposed to homer fans who bury their heads in the sand and think the Cowboys are pretty much flawless in how they operate the team?
The Cowboys did a very nice job in signing Thornton. He's a big upgrade at the 1 Tech IMO. I also really like the Morris signing. I actually was fine with bringing Claiborne back. I think signing Looney was a very smart move that gives the Cowboys some flexibility if maybe they wanted to move Leary for a pick. Looney is also a little insurance at C. So in those areas, the Cowboys did fine.
But I saw this team play year and even with Hardy on the team and Lawrence really stepping up, the pass rush was fairly mediocre to poor. Then the owner/GM comes out and suggests that the inability to get to the QB is a big problem and something that has to be fixed. And to date, it's not been addressed other than taking a chance on a relatively unknown kid from the Raiders (who I hope pans out and frankly didn't think was a bad signing at all). I look at this critically and believe you can't fix the pass rush by just plucking guys off waivers and camp cut lists. So when people say, "Why you mad bro? We can get pass rushers after the draft" that's such bizarre thinking to me because it ignores a reality................. that good, impactful pass rushers don't grow on trees and typically aren't sitting on the cut list in June and July.
So yeah, I think the Cowboys have mismanaged free agency to date with regards to the pass rush. I think they have to get lucky in the draft and take someone like Bosa or Spence or maybe Charles Tapper and hope that kid has a meaningful impact as a rookie. Because I don't think they are going to find what they need in the bargain bin after June 1 cuts (unless of course they do a 180 on Hardy and bring him back, which I guess could be a possibility if he's floating out there long enough).
Call it disgruntled, bitter, mean, sad, depressed, whatever you want. It's just how I see the situation right now.
And since you will ask, I would have been all over Mario Williams or Robert Ayers. Both would have had a positive impact in the pass rush department and both signed contracts that wouldn't crush our cap in future years. I would have stayed away from Vernon too much money.