Rate the Ache/Pain


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Pain is only revelant when your suffering from it& its easy to push the intensity of it out of your mind once your no longer enjoying its benefitso_O

I guess it would've had to have been when I came to after having that left ankle lag bolted & plated,it was after midnight & when the flaky N.A. at the hospital eyes lit up& started watering over after he'd checked my chart at the foot of the bed where it said Demerol,,, he shot me up with a horse needle of something, I hope it was plain saline solution & that S.O.B was gone/ split the scene/went home,,,man alive ! that pain was rolling in just like the rising tide, each 'wave' coming in stronger levels of intensity than the last one,,,that's definitely the most memorable session I can fondly recall, but heck man ! even running a 1/2" long wood splinter up under your finger nail while chaining down a backhoe for transport could probably be rated pretty high on the intensity chart for some,,,it's that whole threshold casing-liner of a persono_O
That's why they used bamboo chutes under the fingernails as a very effective method of torture.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
prayin' for ya.
mix apple cidar vinegar w/8oz of water....drink it thru out the day....do that every day til it passes.
it worked for me.
make sure the apple cidar vinegar says mothered on the lable.
dont drink it all at once...make it last thru out the day.
do it each day til it passes.

hah I sure hope I don't have one growing. I said you!

They say make sure you eat carbs and not just high protein meats. They said eating mostly meats can cause that stones. :eek: So I always ensure I have starches and vegetables when I eat.


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I lost control of my Harley trying to make turn on a sharp corner doing 70mph. Flew off the bike and hit the road really hard. Got road rash and cuts. The real pain didn't happen until the next day. It felt like I fell out of a 10 storie building. I couldn't move for a week

I would say the pain level was definitely a 10


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hah I sure hope I don't have one growing. I said you!

They say make sure you eat carbs and not just high protein meats. They said eating mostly meats can cause that stones. :eek: So I always ensure I have starches and vegetables when I eat.
oh....I misread your original comment.
I dont want ANYONE to get 1.
Ive increased my water intake because of my experience.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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hah I sure hope I don't have one growing. I said you!

They say make sure you eat carbs and not just high protein meats. They said eating mostly meats can cause that stones. :eek: So I always ensure I have starches and vegetables when I eat.
Copy on that! I'll try to eat something on most days,,,sometimes it might be 3 saltines& a 5th. of Beam,,,but I'll wiggle that bean of concurrence with 'my pal' @YosemiteSam on that debilitating factor of non calorimetric intake ,,,for sure:thumbup:

* I can still vertically arm pull 10 yards straight up a 'hose' rope with minimal leg help,,,that leanness in a persons casing-liner carries it's own rating,,, wouldn't you agree ,,, MR. Rockwell YOSEMITE SAM?o_O



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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
On a scale of 1-10, what is the worst ache or injury pain you ever had? I don't mean illnesses such as cancer, cardiac, etc, those are all terrible in a different way. I mean true pain. How would you rank the common ones?

Last night, I experienced the worst I ever had - dental(toothache). Some time ago, I cracked a molar but kept putting it off to get fixed. I am pretty experienced in toughing out dental aches. Back in College, I took a ball on a bad hop just below my orbital. I broke that bone along with four upper teeth. It was the worst possible pain, or so I thought at the time......pain level 8.

I have also torn my rotator cuff, pain was maybe a level 5. I have never injured my back but hear it can be debilitating in a lot of cases. I have scratched my cornea, that was pretty painful in different ways, pain level 5.

Anyways, back to last night. My tooth has been going through stages of pretty bad to all right over the course of days, manageable and living off ibuprofin. It came to a head last night about midnight, my whole right side of mouth hurt, top-jaw hinge-bottom. I hit pain level 10 with no looking back, it had me in a fetal position on the brink of tears. There was no magic pill to get any relief.

Luckily, I made an appt a few days ago for Thursday(today) but still had 14 hours to wait for it. I got no sleep last night and none today, got back a few hours ago. My tooth had an exposed nerve on top and had a root canal done. Two of the three canals were extremely infected. It was so bad, I can't get the crown until next week.

I will never put off seeing a dentist again. The wife could have lectured me with the told you so but she was a trooper :laugh:

That got me thinking of what were the worst aches out there to go through. I would rank dental at #1 for that experience alone, backaches being not far behind even though I have never experienced a bad one.

Other common types would be ear, migraines, etc etc.
I had a complete ankle reconstruction when I was 18. They took a muscle from my leg, drilled three holes in my ankle, tied it together and put three pins to hold it together. When I woke up my ankle was elavated and it was dripping blood into a bed pan. The pain got more intense as I regained consciousness. Worst pain I have ever felt. Thank God for that morphine pump!!


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On a scale of 1-10, what is the worst ache or injury pain you ever had? I don't mean illnesses such as cancer, cardiac, etc, those are all terrible in a different way. I mean true pain. How would you rank the common ones?

Last night, I experienced the worst I ever had - dental(toothache). Some time ago, I cracked a molar but kept putting it off to get fixed. I am pretty experienced in toughing out dental aches. Back in College, I took a ball on a bad hop just below my orbital. I broke that bone along with four upper teeth. It was the worst possible pain, or so I thought at the time......pain level 8.

I have also torn my rotator cuff, pain was maybe a level 5. I have never injured my back but hear it can be debilitating in a lot of cases. I have scratched my cornea, that was pretty painful in different ways, pain level 5.

Anyways, back to last night. My tooth has been going through stages of pretty bad to all right over the course of days, manageable and living off ibuprofin. It came to a head last night about midnight, my whole right side of mouth hurt, top-jaw hinge-bottom. I hit pain level 10 with no looking back, it had me in a fetal position on the brink of tears. There was no magic pill to get any relief.

Luckily, I made an appt a few days ago for Thursday(today) but still had 14 hours to wait for it. I got no sleep last night and none today, got back a few hours ago. My tooth had an exposed nerve on top and had a root canal done. Two of the three canals were extremely infected. It was so bad, I can't get the crown until next week.

I will never put off seeing a dentist again. The wife could have lectured me with the told you so but she was a trooper :laugh:

That got me thinking of what were the worst aches out there to go through. I would rank dental at #1 for that experience alone, backaches being not far behind even though I have never experienced a bad one.

Other common types would be ear, migraines, etc etc.

That's an easy one for me, kidney stones an easy 10. I had 2 bouts within 6 weeks a few years back. The 2nd bout, I taking 3 Tylenol 4 every 2 hours, I go to the hospital and the triage nurse looked at me like I was just looking for opioids, the admitting receptionist looked at my face and said "oh honey", you need emergency medical attention now. She goes and gets me the ER Nurse in charge, she gets me in and gets immediate authorization and gets me on morphine...what relief. I told her how much Tylenol I took..." she said, that won't tackle kidney stone pain" ... I had stone blockages in both kidneys requiring a surgical procedure.


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I have had tooth infections I'd put at an 8.

When I was hit by a vehicle and suffered a concussion, the headache was easily a 9, the worst part is I was vomiting all night, anything I tried for pain was just puked up...


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I have had tooth infections I'd put at an 8.

When I was hit by a vehicle and suffered a concussion, the headache was easily a 9, the worst part is I was vomiting all night, anything I tried for pain was just puked up...
Ive had a few tooth infections Id call one a 9 and a couple others 7's