Rate the last movie you saw

DallasEast;3464903 said:
Zombieland 7/10.

I was howling while Woody Harrelson was riding the rollercoaster. :laugh2:

The most important rule in my opinion? #2 Double tap.

Hey. You may as well be sure, right? :p:

Love this movie and I think it is extremely underrated.

If you haven't seen Zombieland you're missing out IMO.

Woody Harrelson, unlike Nic Cage, is an awesome actor.
CATCH17;3464964 said:
Love this movie and I think it is extremely underrated.

If you haven't seen Zombieland you're missing out IMO.

Woody Harrelson, unlike Nic Cage, is an awesome actor.

I don't see how it could be underrated, there was a lot of talk about how funny it was before it came out.

I actually felt it was overrated after seeing it, it was definitely good (especially the Bill Murray cameo), but it sort of became this whole typical teenage romance movie with zombie thrown in.

I tend to agree that it's about a 7 out of 10, which I guess is higher than what I'd give a token teenage romance movie, so I guess mission accomplished.
Salt - 7/10. A mildly entertaining action flick. Decent action, but terribly predictable and a bit too unrealistic in some parts.
Boom;3463562 said:
Have you seen Heist starring Gene Hackman? You should like it if you enjoy robbery films.

That's a good one. "Everybody needs money. That's why they call it money!"

My family and I went on a big heist film kick recently. Some of the best:
"Rififi" - it's French with subtitles, but it's spectacular.
"The Italian Job" (the original) - Not a great movie, but has the best ending of any movie ever.
"The Sting", of course.
"Quick Change" - my favorite movie that nobody saw.
"The Thomas Crown Affair" - the new one is better than the old one.
Salt 6/10. Bad shaky camera, gave me a headache the rest of the night. Thank goodness it was cheap (bought some movies on Amazon for $10 vouchers to go see it)

Very typical USA vs. Russia movie.
Inception - 10/10

Everything that needs to be said about it has already been said, but I'm having a hard time seeing why people are having so much trouble with the ending or why they need to see it twice to understand it, I thought Nolan did a great job giving the audience everything they needed to understand the somewhat complicated aspects of the film.

The best part for me is that at the end I thought I'd have loved to see all these guys do another "job". All the characters were great.

Salt - 7/10

Pretty predictable but I did enjoy it once I got over that. I read that originally the Salt was supposed to be played by Tom Cruise, but Cruise passed on it because he thought it was too similar to his Mission Impossible character... he then went on to do Knight and Day, which was a pretty terrible movie. A lot of the film is completely unbelieveable though, especially the fact that she doesn't kill a single American.

Daybreakers - 5/10

Didn't like it. From the shot where they show Ethan Hawke has no reflection in his car mirror, I started to hate the movie and it didn't get any better. As far as I'm concerned once you pick one angle to tackle the whole "Vampire Mythos" from, whether it be realistic or fantastical, you have to stick with it. You can't tell me can't see his reflection and then tell me he's void of all the other fantastical things associated with vampires. I didn't really care what happened to any of the characters in the movie either.
ChldsPlay;3466064 said:
Salt - 7/10. A mildly entertaining action flick. Decent action, but terribly predictable and a bit too unrealistic in some parts.

I'm glad to say that I've never seen an Angelina Jolie flick where she was an action hero.

I've never seen Wanted. Lara Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Not going to see this.
See Wanted. It was good.

The rest are crap. There's zero chance I'd see Salt.

I thought it was a good movie but not one of the all-time greats. I went to see it with my mother and my niece and my mother said she didn't understand it and therefore didn't like it. After I explained the concept, I told her if you expected the director to spoon feed you, then you probably wouldn't like it but if you expected to have to think a little then it was a pretty good movie.

Btw, the preview for the movie "The Town" was played before the movie and that looks very interesting.
theogt;3468196 said:
See Wanted. It was good.

The rest are crap. There's zero chance I'd see Salt.

Seriously, you liked Wanted? That can't be, because I like Wanted. You need to retract that statement right now!

Mr. & Mrs. Smith was decent for Jolie as well.
TheCount;3468043 said:
Inception - 10/10

Everything that needs to be said about it has already been said, but I'm having a hard time seeing why people are having so much trouble with the ending or why they need to see it twice to understand it, I thought Nolan did a great job giving the audience everything they needed to understand the somewhat complicated aspects of the film.

The best part for me is that at the end I thought I'd have loved to see all these guys do another "job". All the characters were great.

Glad this one is looking so good, I will need to catch it soon.

Grown ups - 5/10 I thought it was funny in some parts, but you saw all of the funny stuff in the trailers. Spade's delivery was pretty bad. Chris Rock was terrible as well.
theogt;3468196 said:
See Wanted. It was good.

The rest are crap. There's zero chance I'd see Salt.

I thought Wanted was pretty awful as well, Angelina was especially bad in it in my opinion.
inception 9/10

movies are about expectations and this was built up too much but still an awesome movie.

waiting 10/10

work in a restaurant and its amazing how close it comes to all the restaurant stereotypes and doesnt overexagerate anything but the messing with food thing
Cop Out - 3/10

Tracy Morgan was awful in this. Sean William Scott had the only funny scenes.

They should have made Sean William Scott the wacky cop. And if you still have to have the black/white thing replace Bruce Willis w/ Sam Jackson.
MarionBarberThe4th;3469369 said:
Cop Out - 3/10

Tracy Morgan was awful in this. Sean William Scott had the only funny scenes.

They should have made Sean William Scott the wacky cop. And if you still have to have the black/white thing replace Bruce Willis w/ Sam Jackson.

Changing the actors wouldn't have helped. Kevin Smith should have rewritten it.
ChldsPlay;3469695 said:
Changing the actors wouldn't have helped. Kevin Smith should have rewritten it.

Agreed, it was a terrible script. But the improv from Scott was so funny and fresh, I couldnt wait for his next line. Meanwhile Tracy Morgan was just yelling and drooling over himself.

Even w/ its flaws if they made it a 3 musketeers thing, or gave SWS one of the leads it could have been solid

And re-write the whole 3rd act. They introduced a pointless character and had unnecessary action.

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