Rate the last movie you saw

BrAinPaiNt;3484174 said:
Shut your dirty mouth.

I will send wayne brady to choke you.

But to be fair...I like zombie movies, even most of the under budgeted cheesy ones.

Zombie Movies RULE! Is Wayne Brady gonna have to Choke a B****?
I'd never seen Snakes on a Plane. So, when it came on t.v. around 9, I decided to watch it. It was o.k. I mean the premise was ridiculous, but I must say I died laughing when they replaced Samuel L. Jackson's line with "Get these monkey-fighting snakes off this Monday to Friday plane." :laugh2: 5/10
Crazy Heart -- 8 of 10.

Bridges deserved that Oscar. Duvall was good as always. Not a big fan of Maggie Gyllenhaal, and the Collin Farrell appearance was just random.
peplaw06;3484656 said:
Crazy Heart -- 8 of 10.

Bridges deserved that Oscar. Duvall was good as always. Not a big fan of Maggie Gyllenhaal, and the Collin Farrell appearance was just random.

Saw it right when I saw it was Jeff Bridges.

Honestly, idk why it's taken so long, but I can't think of a movie off the top of my head he's been in I didn't enjoy. I'm sure there is one, but the dude just makes movies that become classics.
The Last Picture Show
King Kong
The Big Lebowski
Iron Man
Crazy Heart

I looked at his filmography on wiki though, didn't know he made so many movies
Crown Royal;3484680 said:
The Last Picture Show
King Kong
The Big Lebowski
Iron Man
Crazy Heart

I looked at his filmography on wiki though, didn't know he made so many movies

Iron Man sucked, but I can't argue with the rest.
Salt 5/10

The potential was certainly there, but got lost in the execution.
ScipioCowboy;3484685 said:
Salt 5/10

The potential was certainly there, but got lost in the execution.
The potential? What potential? This movie screamed terrible.
nyc;3484157 said:
Saw maybe the last hour of Zombie Land. 1/10

Lame doesn't quite cover what that was. How in hell someone invested money to make that movie is beyond me!
why the last hour? it doesn't make sense in the last hour, its just them splitting up then coming to the rescue. seriously how the hell can you rate a movie without knowing the back story or character development?
The Bounty Hunter 7/10

I like Gerard Butler as an actor and think Jennifer Aniston is damn hot so I enjoyed the movie. :)
Kick-***: 7/10

I loved it. I wasn't expecting it to be that kind of movie but it had a Kill Bill sorta vibe to it.

The little girl was a BA. I hated Nic Cage but he died so its all good. And the chick who Kick *** hooks up with that is also in hot tub time machine is hot.

Much better movie than I expected.
CATCH17;3485034 said:
Kick-***: 7/10

I loved it. I wasn't expecting it to be that kind of movie but it had a Kill Bill sorta vibe to it.

The little girl was a BA. I hated Nic Cage but he died so its all good. And the chick who Kick *** hooks up with that is also in hot tub time machine is hot.

Much better movie than I expected.
thanks for the spoiler ****tard
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - 6/10.

It was slightly more adult oriented than I expected, but still it was a lackluster adventure movie with a lame plot. Probably a little too long as well (especially the Vegas part).
ChldsPlay;3485328 said:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - 6/10.

It was slightly more adult oriented than I expected, but still it was a lackluster adventure movie with a lame plot. Probably a little too long as well (especially the Vegas part).
Jeez, you will watch just about any crap movie out there.
rkell87;3485237 said:
thanks for the spoiler ****tard

You almost spoiled Inception for me :mad: Karma

The Rawhide Kid;3485250 said:
HAHA, I thought the same thing when I read it.

At least he didnt let everyone know Nic Cage dies via the poisoned burrito that the McLovin kid gave him

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