Rate the last movie you saw

Duane;3616819 said:
Finally watched Inglorious Bastids and was impressed with the acting and storyline but was expecting more action from a Tarantino film. 8/10

I loved it! Brad Pitt was hilarious with his country accent of "Italian"
VietCowboy;3617099 said:
I loved it! Brad Pitt was hilarious with his country accent of "Italian"

I hated that over the top fake accent...it was funny for about one second then it got extremely old IMO.
BrAinPaiNt;3617104 said:
I hated that over the top fake accent...it was funny for about one second then it got extremely old IMO.

I found the movie half enjoyable and half annoying (read stupid) as hell.
Sherlock Holmes 9/10 - Awesome. And I loved the "House" paralells.

Robert Downey jr. should(have) play(ed) the Joker.

This should be a big franchise instead of crappy-face Jonny Depp Pirates
theogt;3620161 said:
No one will ever play the Joker again after Ledger's performance.

I dunno. Several different actors have played James Bond, or Ebenezer Scrooge, or Hamlet exceedingly well.
The Blind Side: 8/10. I finally watched this movie and it was as good as advertised. May have been Bullock's best performance since "All About Steve" ...just kidding, folks!! ;)
theogt;3620161 said:
No one will ever play the Joker again after Ledger's performance.

Of course someone will, Batman will probably be around long after we're dead in some form or fashion and the Joker is an integral part of the franchise.

Hell, Mark Hamill redefined the Joker with his voice acting in the animated series and Ledger still came along and made it his own.

Someone else will make it their own and Joker will live on, but probably not in this immediate franchise. Then again if the Joker does show up again, I have complete faith in Nolan to make it work.
bbgun;3620168 said:
I dunno. Several different actors have played James Bond, or Ebenezer Scrooge, or Hamlet exceedingly well.

He is one of those guys who takes stubborn to a whole new level once he decides something is the best. No point in arguing with him. :cool:

Hostile is like that about John Wayne movies. :muttley:
BehindEnemyLinez;3620371 said:
The Blind Side: 8/10. I finally watched this movie and it was as good as advertised. May have been Bullock's best performance since "All About Steve" ...just kidding, folks!! ;)

lol, exactly. I thought she was terrifically average in the movie, personally.
I just read the book "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (reviewed here) and thought it was good enough to actually want to see the movie I heard was made.

Well, the film is in Swedish with English translations at the bottom. (I hate that, I read a book to read it, I do not watch a movie to read it)

Well, it seems Hollywood is making an English adaption of the film for release. They are changing the story to make it, and I quote. "More international".

I would like to review that film now.


Stop screwing up good stories. If it is good, people will like it the way it is. No need to alter an already good story with trash. :bang2:

******* 3-D. I'm not sure what to give it. It's basically the same as the previous two with some exceptions with 3-D. Some of the stuff they do I like (usually when they mess around with other people), but the stuff that's just really gross usually isn't that great IMO. So, however you feel about the first two is probably how you'll feel about this one.

There was far too much male genetalia in this one for my tastes, even when compared to the first two. There are just some things you don't want flying out of the screen at you. Bob should have a good time though.

Heard it sucked and it didn't disappoint.

Terrible movie. Absolutely has to win a few Razzies.

nyc;3620919 said:
I just read the book "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (reviewed here) and thought it was good enough to actually want to see the movie I heard was made.

Well, the film is in Swedish with English translations at the bottom. (I hate that, I read a book to read it, I do not watch a movie to read it)

Well, it seems Hollywood is making an English adaption of the film for release. They are changing the story to make it, and I quote. "More international".

I would like to review that film now.


Stop screwing up good stories. If it is good, people will like it the way it is. No need to alter an already good story with trash. :bang2:


It's just Hollywood trying to be creative. Biting off a well-developed story/movie.

You should know this already. James Cameron totally spoofed Fern Gully with Avatar.
nyc;3620919 said:
I just read the book "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (reviewed here) and thought it was good enough to actually want to see the movie I heard was made.

Well, the film is in Swedish with English translations at the bottom. (I hate that, I read a book to read it, I do not watch a movie to read it)

Well, it seems Hollywood is making an English adaption of the film for release. They are changing the story to make it, and I quote. "More international".

I would like to review that film now.


Stop screwing up good stories. If it is good, people will like it the way it is. No need to alter an already good story with trash. :bang2:


The Swedish version is a great movie. I'm not sure if there is a dubbed version, but you should give it a chance. It's pretty graphic too. I'm waiting for the Fire movie to come out. Should be good.

FYI, I still think Fight Club is one of the best book to movie adaptation, and this one is up there too.
Solomon Kane -- 2/10

It looked interesting, but ultimately was very boring.

Anyways, it's based on the character created by the writer who created Conan the Barbarian in the '30s. Howard something.