Rate the last movie you saw

ChldsPlay;3722291 said:
Maybe you should look at the post directly after mine, and the one a few spots after yours. You love movies the critics adore (maybe you just love critics?) and have made Oscar favorites for years. The movies that the masses usually aren't very fond of and have complained about for years.

We get it, you have poor taste in movies, music, and cars. I'm surprised you're a Cowboys fan with how awful your tastes seem to run.
Wow, an appeal to popularity followed by slamming me for enjoying a movie because it's universally adored by critics?

Can you say hypocrite? It's like you don't even realize what you're typing; you're just in some mad dash to spew whatever words first come to your empty head.
Great rivalries in history

Sox v. Yankees
Ali v. Frasier
Sylvester v. Tweety Bird
Coyote v. Road Runner
ChldsPlay v. Theo
theogt;3722331 said:
Wow, an appeal to popularity followed by slamming me for enjoying a movie because it's universally adored by critics?

Can you say hypocrite? It's like you don't even realize what you're typing; you're just in some mad dash to spew whatever words first come to your empty head.

It's because you pretty much have no opinion of your own and you like seem to like a movie if it's liked by critics, and dislike it if it's not. As if in your entire life you've never differed from their collective thoughts. It's like they're the Borg and you've been assimilated.

I don't appeal to popularity. You act like I'm alone in my opinion and that it's absurd to have such an opinion. I'm just pointing out the fact that is just ignorant (perhaps stupid?). I'm not some crazy wackjob all on my own with thoughts no rational person would have like loving Battlefield Earth or something. I can explain my reasoning for liking and disliking a film (more than I can say for you most of the time). I'm not going to degrade anyone for liking the movie, but I thought it was terrible, boring, uninteresting drivel, and I'm obviously not alone in that assertion. It's okay to have a different opinion on something, particularly forms of entertainment. It's okay to agree with the critics, it's also okay to disagree with them. It's slightly disturbing however to ALWAYS agree or disagree.
Ozzu;3722856 said:
It's great. And the last scene could not be more perfect.
Thank you! I was beginning to think I was the only one on this board who loved the movie. :eek::


It's a pretty good action flick. There is nothing special about it but it was solid, worth watching, and I enjoyed it. Plus I enjoy the Rock, much more, in the form of a colder type of person anyway. I'm a fan of him more as a bad guy than a good guy and he's some what a bad guy in this film, to some degree.
Ozzu;3722856 said:
It's great. And the last scene could not be more perfect.

And drinking another man's milkshake is unforgivable!!! :mad: :mad:

The Rock looked huge in Faster, he had to put in at least 10 pounds of muscle since his last movie.
you only live twice


hated the one death scene involving the one girl but overall enjoyed it.
kmp77;3723049 said:
And drinking another man's milkshake is unforgivable!!! :mad: :mad:

Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching? And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake! I drink it up!
TRON - 7/10

Re-watched it in preparation for Legacy. Instead of viewing the FX as dated, I was teleported back to when I was 11, where I was amazed at what I was seeing on the screen. Can't wait for the new film.

Killers - 5/10

I was a hostile viewer to this rom-com. Surprisingly, I didn't hate it. I even chuckled a few times.
rkell87;3722561 said:
this thread is worth visiting just for the banter between you two

A show with Theo and Chldsplay reviewing movies together would be must-watch TV.
Chief;3724140 said:
A show with Theo and Chldsplay reviewing movies together would be must-watch TV.

I think it would make Theo's dream come true, joining the ranks of his idols and all.
Chief;3724140 said:
A show with Theo and Chldsplay reviewing movies together would be must-watch TV.
We're talking larger than Siskel & Ebert ever were!
Champions of Justice mexican wrestling movie, they're "good" in that really bad 1950 monster movie way

[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PJFo0-WVxr4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PJFo0-WVxr4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

I don't know how anyone can watch that and not give this movie 10/10 :laugh1:
ChldsPlay;3724161 said:
I think it would make Theo's dream come true, joining the ranks of his idols and all.
Getting to laugh at you in your face would be a delight.

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