Rate the last movie you saw

The last airbender 2/10. The last airbender with rifftraks 4/10. This movie sucked. It's great if you are 10 years old though.
VietCowboy;3740121 said:
The last airbender 2/10. The last airbender with rifftraks 4/10. This movie sucked. It's great if you are 10 years old though.

Man on wire-a documentary has never been this exciting,it was shot just like a heist money and it is one of the best heist movies i have seen.
Boom;3723374 said:
TRON - 7/10

Re-watched it in preparation for Legacy. Instead of viewing the FX as dated, I was teleported back to when I was 11, where I was amazed at what I was seeing on the screen. Can't wait for the new film.

Killers - 5/10

I was a hostile viewer to this rom-com. Surprisingly, I didn't hate it. I even chuckled a few times.

I will post what I thought of it Weds 12/15.
VietCowboy;3740121 said:
The last airbender 2/10. The last airbender with rifftraks 4/10. This movie sucked. It's great if you are 10 years old though.

One question:Why?

I had a friend beg me for over a week to see it before it was out and I kept saying how bad it would be because if M.Knight.
Expendibles 7/10

The movie was pretty good for what it was. Just an action flick with some funny lines, moments that didn't really make much sense to even put them in the movie, and then lots and lots of killer explosions and people being blown apart by crazy gun fire.

Some of the CGI'd stuff in this movie made it somewhat distracting though. THere are a couple of times, at the end of the movie, when the CGI is completely distracting cause of how it shows up on screen.

But still it was worth watching just to see how they'd incorperate all these action stars and stuff.

I wish Willis had been in a bigger portion of the movie but it was it is I suppose.
MonsterD;3740671 said:
One question:Why?

I had a friend beg me for over a week to see it before it was out and I kept saying how bad it would be because if M.Knight.

The acting was horrible...sooooo wooden. Just as bad as The Happening. I don't know what he does with the actors on set but their delivery is HORRIBLE. Sounds like they're just reading a telepromptor..badly.
kmp77;3740698 said:
The acting was horrible...sooooo wooden. Just as bad as The Happening. I don't know what he does with the actors on set but their delivery is HORRIBLE. Sounds like they're just reading a telepromptor..badly.

Oh I meant why as in why see it, I assume this was not paying, but that is still a waste of time you could watch something else.
Went and saw the Tourist this afternoon, overall I thought it was a pretty good movie. 7.5/10
Once Upon a Time in the West

I thought Charles Bronson and Jason Robards (took me a while to recognize him) were great in this movie.

Definitely lived up to its rating on IMDB.
The Others

Staring Nicole Kidman. A truely spooky movie, almost Gothic. If you like a good ghost story, check out this movie!
**** 8 1/2/10
Narnia: Dawn Treader - 5/10. Wasn't a huge fan of the first. The second was much better and actually a solid movie. The 3rd I think is the worst thus far. There's just not really much of a story to this one at all. And what little that does constitute the story is just copying elements of the previous two. The characters haven't changed. They still struggle with the same kind of issues they've supposedly overcome in the past. I haven't read the series beyond LW&W but I get the feeling this chapter could be completely skipped except for the introduction of the character Eustace (who is much more of a natrual actor than the other main characters).
MonsterD;3740700 said:
Oh I meant why as in why see it, I assume this was not paying, but that is still a waste of time you could watch something else.

because I enjoy fantasy, and liked the cartoon. After 10 minutes of it, we decided to get riff traks so we could get through the movie. It made it bearable.
Black Swan with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Damn it freaked the crap out of me. Psychological thriller right up there with The Sixth Sense.

Many of you here wouldn't like it due to the sexual content and the lesbian scene between Kunis and Portman which you aren't sure was real or just imagined by Portman (however as my friend said last night afterward, who cares, lol).

It is only in limited release now but if you can see it, do so.
CanadianCowboysFan;3744386 said:
Black Swan with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Damn it freaked the crap out of me. Psychological thriller right up there with The Sixth Sense.

Many of you here wouldn't like it due to the sexual content and the lesbian scene between Kunis and Portman which you aren't sure was real or just imagined by Portman (however as my friend said last night afterward, who cares, lol).

It is only in limited release now but if you can see it, do so.

CanadianCowboysFan;3744386 said:
Black Swan with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Damn it freaked the crap out of me. Psychological thriller right up there with The Sixth Sense.

Many of you here wouldn't like it due to the sexual content and the lesbian scene between Kunis and Portman which you aren't sure was real or just imagined by Portman (however as my friend said last night afterward, who cares, lol).

It is only in limited release now but if you can see it, do so.

I don't know if I will like it or not (I suspect not based on the fact it's by Aronofsky), but the Kunis/Portman aspect is certainly NOT a reason I would dislike it. In fact, it may make me like it no matter what I think of the rest.
CanadianCowboysFan;3744386 said:
Black Swan with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Damn it freaked the crap out of me. Psychological thriller right up there with The Sixth Sense.

Many of you here wouldn't like it due to the sexual content and the lesbian scene between Kunis and Portman which you aren't sure was real or just imagined by Portman (however as my friend said last night afterward, who cares, lol).

It is only in limited release now but if you can see it, do so.
I was bored and annoyed pretty much throughout.


very good yet very strange movie. had some sluggish moments but overall enjoyed it.
ChldsPlay;3746149 said:
I don't know if I will like it or not (I suspect not based on the fact it's by Aronofsky), but the Kunis/Portman aspect is certainly NOT a reason I would dislike it. In fact, it may make me like it no matter what I think of the rest.

hehehehe, true enough

I said to my friend, so what that scene real or just in Portman's head, he said who cares, I said you are right ;)

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