Rate the last movie you saw

rkell87;3722561 said:
this thread is worth visiting just for the banter between you two
The thread should be renamed the chldsplay vs. theo insult-a-thon. going on 3000 posts and they've got half of them. You never know what's going to set one of them off, but it's going to happen every page.
Grown Ups - 4/10. Not a very funny comedy. The jokes are basically very deliberately set up one liners, most of which aren't even chuckle worthy. A more apt title would have been "Has Beens."


One of the worst B-movies ever. If not for the action (which is good in some parts), I would've given it a 0/10.
Public Enemies - 8/10

If you like gangster flicks, you'll like this. Good action scenes, and a good story, even though it's predictable, because it really happened that way. Great music too.
Skyline - 5/10

No wonder this movie was so cheap, it takes place entirely in a condo...and on the roof. That's it! The alien effects were actually good though. I don't know why they went wth the actors they did because you don't give a flying monkey poo about them or if they survive. And the ending is one of the most rediculous over the top endings EVER!! It's basically a sy fi channel movie with good effects.
Valhallah Rising - 8/10
Wife actually found this one on Netflix Stream Instantly, not at all what I was expecting. There's very little dialog but some awesome fighting and a lot of atmospheric build up. It's about a Viking slave who is forced to fight by various Viking Clans as a way to earn money. He has never lost and doesn't say a word throughout the entire movie. He escapes at some point, accompanied by a boy slave and eventually comes across Christian Vikings who want to take him to find and fight to recapture Jerusalem. They don't quite make it there. I definitely recommend this one.

Get Him To The Greek - 5/10

The only person I really found funny in this was Sean Combs (Puff Daddy). I thought it was a painfully average movie, to be honest and can't believe it was as hyped as it was. I don't find Jonah Hill funny really. What really pissed me off was how stupid and dumb the "rock star" songs were in the movie. I get what they were trying to do with it by making fun of the simplicity of rock music or whatever but no one on earth could become a rock star singing that nonsense.
The Next Three Days - 6/10. Pretty generic movie. Extremely unrealistic with typically horrible actions and responses by the police and other security personel. The worst part is at the end. The movie spends very little time on the actual case involved, and the question of guilt/innocence was still somewhat up in the air, but they felt the need to tack on a scene that pretty much cleared it up, which is a lot less interesting.
The Pillars of the Earth

Pretty decent historical-based drama.


A Korean revenge film that starts off a little slow but starts to pick and gets very interesting.
Maikeru-sama;3729185 said:

A Korean revenge film that starts off a little slow but starts to pick and gets very interesting.

:laugh2: You call that "interesting"? That is certainly one way to look at it, but I would kind of lean a little toward "disturbing" myself! Awesome fight scene, though.
Joe Rod;3734847 said:
:laugh2: You call that "interesting"? That is certainly one way to look at it, but I would kind of lean a little toward "disturbing" myself! Awesome fight scene, though.

no kidding,the ending was brilliant and disturbing .
All Good Things: 6.5 / 10

It's based on a true story about Robert Durst. If you have interest in that crazy story, it's definitely a movie worth seeing. The movie itself does stand on it's own, but it's not an great movie. It would probably be a much better book.

There was one thing I was really surprised to see, but I won't spill the beans about that; you will just have to see it for yourself. :)
girl with the dragon tattoo 6/10 nowhere near as good as the book but still pretty good.
and to make it a hat-trick of foreign language films i've watched recently (baader meinhof complex is in german - about the extremist left wing "urban guerilla" group in the late 60's early 70's - and girl with the dragon tattoo is in swedish though i believe theres talk of a hollywood remake) the indian film
3 idiots 9/10 first 10 minutes or so i was wondering why the hell i was watching it but was it gets going its amazing. would definately recomend it
Faster - 7/10 only cause there was little dialogue but what dialogue there was where clues as to the whole story which the movie had a decent one to it
"Rampage" 5/10

Low budget, and it showed.


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