Rate the last movie you saw

Cowboys&LakersFan;4380909 said:
Relax didn't say he was the best ever, but the best right now.

I finally gave up on him after Zohan, when I probably should have stopped at Little Nicky. Happy Gilmore is still the movie I've laughed the hardest at the theater.
Boom;4382817 said:
I finally gave up on him after Zohan, when I probably should have stopped at Little Nicky. Happy Gilmore is still the movie I've laughed the hardest at the theater.

The older Sandler is a much better dramatic actor than comedy actor. See Reign Over Me and Punch Drunk Love.
kmp77;4381815 said:
You win. Dumbest post on Cowboyszone :lmao2: :lmao2: Best ever huh?


Can you not read I didn't say greatest ever I said best right now IMO. Btw dumbest post goes to the guy in my sig claiming Flacco > Romo
kmp77;4382819 said:
The older Sandler is a much better dramatic actor than comedy actor. See Reign Over Me and Punch Drunk Love.

I would recommend skipping Punch Drunk Love (though it is a decent example of Sandler's dramatic work). Reign Over Me was his best performance though IMO, and I don't think he's had a funny movie since Happy Gilmore, and I don't find that as funny as I used to. Grown Ups was one of the least funny comedies I've seen in recent years.
ChldsPlay;4382831 said:
I would recommend skipping Punch Drunk Love (though it is a decent example of Sandler's dramatic work). Reign Over Me was his best performance though IMO, and I don't think he's had a funny movie since Happy Gilmore, and I don't find that as funny as I used to. Grown Ups was one of the least funny comedies I've seen in recent years.

I remember listening to his comedy tapes in high school. Those are/were classic. As far as his movies, the only ones I thought were good were: Reign Over Me, Billy Madison, Punch Drunk Love, Wedding Singer, Funny People and Happy Gilmore. Gilmore is classic though :) He's fallen off as he's gotten older. I guess goofy humor is ok when you're young but hard to pull it off when you get older.
Anzio: 5.5-10

All war movies start out at a 5 for me, so take my rating as you will. It was a great flub of strategy in WW2, which was in fact a gross mis-reaction to another flub in Salerno. Robert Mitchum starred, Peter Falk co-starred, it was $5.99 at HEB, I bought it.

The only reason it gets a .5 out of me is because I picked up a good two word phrase for my novel. It also reminded me of another war movie with Peter Falk that I ended up referencing for one of my character's emotional withdrawal in a firefight, as the character recalls his own viewing of the movie, Castle Keep.
kmp77;4382849 said:
I remember listening to his comedy tapes in high school. Those are/were classic. As far as his movies, the only ones I thought were good were: Reign Over Me, Billy Madison, Punch Drunk Love, Wedding Singer, Funny People and Happy Gilmore. Gilmore is classic though :) He's fallen off as he's gotten older. I guess goofy humor is ok when you're young but hard to pull it off when you get older.

I liked 50 First Dates, but that might have had something to do with his co-star. With is production company and writing credits, the guy must be ridiculously rich.
Red Tails. 10/10. Best movie I've seen. Captured just about everything and wrapped it in a light-hearted enough package for older folks to see the message/history and kids to learn a valuable lesson about tolerance and history as well.
Cowboy Junkie;4389372 said:
Money Ball 5/10

I love baseball but frankly I do not get all the love for this movie

I want to see it, but how does it end?? It's not like the A's ever won the world series.
rynochop;4389400 said:
I want to see it, but how does it end?? It's not like the A's ever won the world series.

Same as it did in real life? It's based on a specific season, not like they had a lot of room to change major things like how far they ended up going.

Underworld: Awakening - 5/10. Pretty much what you'd expect, maybe a little shorter than previous installments, but I may be wrong on that. Nothing special, very little story, decent action, very little light.
Red Tails: 7.5/10

Don't believe the hype -- this wasn't a "black movie"; this was an action movie, a war movie.

Like the old 30s-40s movies, the good guys and the bad guys are clearly laid out; there are no moral dilemmas to muddy the situation.

There was too much CGI for my taste, but where are you gonna find a hundred B-17s and Me-262s these days?
fgoodwin;4389434 said:
Red Tails: 7.5/10

Don't believe the hype -- this wasn't a "black movie"; this was an action movie, a war movie.

Like the old 30s-40s movies, the good guys and the bad guys are clearly laid out; there are no moral dilemmas to muddy the situation.

There was too much CGI for my taste, but where are you gonna find a hundred B-17s and Me-262s these days?

And P-51s.
rynochop;4389400 said:
I want to see it, but how does it end?? It's not like the A's ever won the world series.

Beane was offered the Redsox GM for a lot of money. he turned it down .
the A's that year won 20 straight games lost in first round of playoffs.

a few things about the movie.

all budget must have went to Mr Pitt because there was not much else.

steriods was rampant through that team and no mention of it.

A's had a very good team left and it was portrayed in the movie that it was a bunch of other team rejects, when they had a very good team. Chavez. J.Dye. Tejada , then pitchers. Hudson, Zito, Mulder and Billy Koch was closer.

as for the whole money ball stat thing, The Yankees were already doing this for years. OBO and getting pitch counts up was the back bone of the Yankees sucess in the 90s.

the redsox owner stated at the end of the movie now this is not word for word but something to the effect that Bean started something new and any one not on board will be in trouble, he also said teams should start trimming payrolll big time next year and we all know Sox never trimmed payroll they spent more after 2001 than ever
rynochop;4389400 said:
I want to see it, but how does it end?? It's not like the A's ever won the world series.

It ended with the Red Socks winning it. LOL. Part of that movie was pointless. The whole point of the movie was their winning streak. Whoopdie doo. And the As haven't done anything since.
fgoodwin;4389434 said:
Red Tails: 7.5/10

Don't believe the hype -- this wasn't a "black movie"; this was an action movie, a war movie.

Like the old 30s-40s movies, the good guys and the bad guys are clearly laid out; there are no moral dilemmas to muddy the situation.

There was too much CGI for my taste, but where are you gonna find a hundred B-17s and Me-262s these days?

Which hype? I saw a few review snippets that expressed that it was exactly what the trailer suggested, cheesy and cliched to the extreme. The trailer had more terrible one-liner type dialogue than any one movie should have, and it's less than 3 minutes.
ChldsPlay;4390259 said:
Which hype? I saw a few review snippets that expressed that it was exactly what the trailer suggested, cheesy and cliched to the extreme. The trailer had more terrible one-liner type dialogue than any one movie should have, and it's less than 3 minutes.

I was wondering the same. Heard nothing suggesting it was a "black movie" or anything of the sort.

I saw Red Tails last night. I recommend it. I don't think it is a great movie. Has several flaws, but it is an enjoyable movie. Not every movie has to be Oscar worthy for me to enjoy it.
Contraband 7/10.

Typical Marky Mark action thriller. Boston accents in New Orleans? Huh?
viman96;4378560 said:
Ip Man was great! Definitely one of my favorite Martial Arts movie of all time!

Loved Ip Man. It's up there with Fist of Legend in my favorites. Ip Man 2, not so much.

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