Rate the last movie you saw


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VietCowboy;3439026 said:
Invictus 6.5/10 for Matt Damon. I liked it since I generally enjoy Clint Eastwood, but the lighting wasn't great in a lot of scene and obviously very predictable sports movie.

i saw that last night, & i agree with you on some parts of it.


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Gasland. Documentary on the natural gas drilling.

Depending on your viewpoint it will leave you thinking.

It made me very angry. Normally stuff doesnt bother me, but this made me very angry. I have two of these wells very close to me and they are in the process of putting 20 wells up at the sports complex where my son and in the future..maybe...if I am still here my daughter will play soccer/little league.

I have been skeptical of these things and never have spent the time to get further into them because I am a lazy american.

I am really angry after watching this and my wife has had health prolems that started with some symptoms that are what many are complaining about in this doc, one of the effects people have had is to have swelling and pain in their body for no reason. My wife has been to dozens of doctors in the past 8 months and can not find a reason for swelling in random parts of her body and constant pain.

Dont know if it is a reason or not, I just know this makes me really p'od. I have two small children who drink water all the time and play outside all the time. A few years ago when those wells went up on about three different occasions I got instructions to have my water sampled and I thought that was odd, the third time or second dont remember I sent a sample, never got it back.

now after watching this and what has been going on all over this country I wonder if they were monitoring water in the area....

anyway, the doc is good, but if your a southern pro energy republican dont waste your time your going to just tow the company line and shoot down everything you see as not the norm or whatever.

for anyone else it is a good doc and makes you ask questions in the end.


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The Big Lebowski 8/10

Ordinarily, it doesn't take me 12 years to see a movie.


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The Big Lebowski is one of my all-time favorites.

I just watched Youth in Revolt the other night. 9/10

Michael Cera is freaking hilarious! His subtle,dry,sarcastic humor is freaking awesome. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this movie.


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Rynie;3443347 said:
The Big Lebowski is one of my all-time favorites.

I just watched Youth in Revolt the other night. 9/10

Michael Cera is freaking hilarious! His subtle,dry,sarcastic humor is freaking awesome. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this movie.

Are you talking Michael Cera in this particular movie, or Michael Cera in general? Because IMO, he's awful in pretty much everything (haven't seen Youth in Revolt yet, and his new one looks interesting).


Pixel Pusher
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Crazy Heart - 4/5
Loved the movie, and I think it's a shame Maggie Gyllenhall will never be as popular as some of those "pretty" young actresses that don't have half her acting ability. But let them have Twilight, I'm much happier to see her in films like this.

Jeff Bridges and Phillip Seymore Hoffman are my two favorite actors right now, I could watch anything either of them does.

Ong Bak 2 - 2/5

There's no plot whatsoever really. It's just an excuse to link together a bunch of action scenes. I like my fighting movies as much as the next guy, but I mean come on!


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Book of Eli - 8 -

Denzel is aweomse as always. Mila Kunis w/highlights looking so hot in a post apoclyptic America was distracting for good and bad reason. Theres a twist where at 1st youre like "I dont even...." and then youre like "Yea, you know what not bad". There didnt feel like theres a ton at stake in the movie but its secretly intelligent while still being cool

Perfect Getaway - 7 -

Real good dalogue and smart writing. Theres a twist thats kind of a kick in the sack. The last 20 minutes were kind of lame. Timothy Olyphant is always cool and probably underrated

Shutter Island - 6/10

I dont even.....


Less is more
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Youth In Revolt - 6.5/10

Pretty funny concept but the characters and dialogue were just too hip and ended up getting annoying. It felt like it wanted to be "Juno" but just kept coming up short.

Shutter Island - 6.5/10

I like Leonardo Dicaprio a lot. I think Martin Scorsesse is wildly overrated. Shutter Island did nothing to change my opinion about either of them. At least 30 min too long, rather predictable, and a few too many steps removed from believability.


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TheCount;3443569 said:
Crazy Heart - 4/5
Loved the movie, and I think it's a shame Maggie Gyllenhall will never be as popular as some of those "pretty" young actresses that don't have half her acting ability. But let them have Twilight, I'm much happier to see her in films like this.

Jeff Bridges and Phillip Seymore Hoffman are my two favorite actors right now, I could watch anything either of them does.

Ong Bak 2 - 2/5

There's no plot whatsoever really. It's just an excuse to link together a bunch of action scenes. I like my fighting movies as much as the next guy, but I mean come on!

True, but you have to admit that 45 minute fight scene at the end totally raised the bar for martial arts movies. Tony Jaa is rediculous!


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ChldsPlay;3443543 said:
Are you talking Michael Cera in this particular movie, or Michael Cera in general? Because IMO, he's awful in pretty much everything (haven't seen Youth in Revolt yet, and his new one looks interesting).

To me, he's funny in EVERYTHING. I understand if you don't like him. He's just on point with my weird sense of humor. *smiley face*


Rising Star
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Knight and Day - 6.5/10 - Thought it was ok, a bit over the top and kind of cheesy but not too bad.


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very, very nice movie even though i don't understand rugby at all.


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bbgun;3438529 said:
2012 7/10

Great CGI, but good lord did it drag on. Some of the dialogue belonged in a made-for-tv movie.

Just watched it.

The CGI wasn't even that grand, IMO.

Decent movie but kind of redundant.

Realistically, how many times could Cusack narrowly escape death?

What was there? Three last second plane departures and the whole "unjamming" scene at the end.

Pretty ****ing ridiculous.


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Hoofbite;3444026 said:
Just watched it.

The CGI wasn't even that grand, IMO.

Decent movie but kind of redundant.

Realistically, how many times could Cusack narrowly escape death?

What was there? Three last second plane departures and the whole "unjamming" scene at the end.

Pretty ****ing ridiculous.
along with driving while the ground is falling and driving through a sky scraper, and out running magma.


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Bob Sacamano;3438547 said:
Avatar 1/10

They forgot to tell people to suspend all belief before watching. Seriously, floating mountains? Yet a chopper needs propulsion to get up there? What's keeping the mountains suspended?

It's Pocahantas meets Fern Gully with a sprinkle of circle of life, the Lion King thrown in for good measure.

Impressive CGI, how they gave all the animals vaginas to breathe out of..

LOL. Bob seriously? It's a movie and you think they need to actually remind people to suspend belief for a movie?

I haven't seen it, cause it just doesn't look like I'd be interested in it honestly, but I would think the first time you saw the trailer for it and saw Blue people that you'd have known to suspend all belief.



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Funny People - 6/10

Adam Sandler was good in it, hes underrated as a real actor. But Seth Rogen sucks as usual, not sure why hes the lead in all these movies. And I agree w/ everyone who says this was too long

Spoiler in white: So Leslie Mann changes her mind about Adam Sandler as a husband b/c he didnt cry at her stupid kids boring song and he got a text?

Speaking of which, do these movies always have to be a platform for Apatows family?


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MarionBarberThe4th;3444391 said:
Funny People - 6/10

Adam Sandler was good in it, hes underrated as a real actor. But Seth Rogen sucks as usual, not sure why hes the lead in all these movies. And I agree w/ everyone who says this was too long

Spoiler in white: So Leslie Mann changes her mind about Adam Sandler as a husband b/c he didnt cry at her stupid kids boring song and he got a text?

Speaking of which, do these movies always have to be a platform for Apatows family?

Every single one (except maybe Funny People) of Apatow's movies are overrated, though Funny People had a chance to be pretty good until the 2nd half completely ruined everything the first half had built up.


Pixel Pusher
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The Best Kid (Like the Japanese, I refuse to call it The Karate Kid since the movie is about Kung **, not Karate) - 2/5

I didn't find it all that interesting really although I did like Jackie Chan in it. They tried to make these kids look like they were in the matrix or something at the end there, which was absolutely pointless.