Gasland. Documentary on the natural gas drilling.
Depending on your viewpoint it will leave you thinking.
It made me very angry. Normally stuff doesnt bother me, but this made me very angry. I have two of these wells very close to me and they are in the process of putting 20 wells up at the sports complex where my son and in the future..maybe...if I am still here my daughter will play soccer/little league.
I have been skeptical of these things and never have spent the time to get further into them because I am a lazy american.
I am really angry after watching this and my wife has had health prolems that started with some symptoms that are what many are complaining about in this doc, one of the effects people have had is to have swelling and pain in their body for no reason. My wife has been to dozens of doctors in the past 8 months and can not find a reason for swelling in random parts of her body and constant pain.
Dont know if it is a reason or not, I just know this makes me really p'od. I have two small children who drink water all the time and play outside all the time. A few years ago when those wells went up on about three different occasions I got instructions to have my water sampled and I thought that was odd, the third time or second dont remember I sent a sample, never got it back.
now after watching this and what has been going on all over this country I wonder if they were monitoring water in the area....
anyway, the doc is good, but if your a southern pro energy republican dont waste your time your going to just tow the company line and shoot down everything you see as not the norm or whatever.
for anyone else it is a good doc and makes you ask questions in the end.