Rate the last movie you saw


Cowboys 24/7/365
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There is an end of credits scene with Thanos saying something like "Well I guess I will have to do it myself"
I think Jammer and I saw a different movie. lol. Or what you call an "end of credits scene" actually appears during the running of the end credits. An "end of credits scene" occurs after all end credits have ran. For example, the first Avengers movie showed the group eating at a Shawarma diner after the final end credit runs. This YouTube video shows the example I just described beginning at the :28 mark:

See? No more end credits after the Shawarma scene. ;)


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No rating, just because I hadn't seen any of the previous Marvel movies. I had nothing to really compare it to other than the Marvel Universe traveling show at NRG stadium.

Overall, I liked it. I still think 3d is a waste of money.


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No rating, just because I hadn't seen any of the previous Marvel movies. I had nothing to really compare it to other than the Marvel Universe traveling show at NRG stadium.

Overall, I liked it. I still think 3d is a waste of money.

Never seen the Iron Man, Captain Marvel movies? The Thor movies were ok, you didn't miss much there. 1st Avengers was really good.


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Never seen the Iron Man, Captain Marvel movies? The Thor movies were ok, you didn't miss much there. 1st Avengers was really good.

Nope. Haven't seen much of anything except animated movies for the last few years. I've wanted to, but I have time constraints.


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I think Jammer and I saw a different movie. lol. Or what you call an "end of credits scene" actually appears during the running of the end credits. An "end of credits scene" occurs after all end credits have ran. For example, the first Avengers movie showed the group eating at a Shawarma diner after the final end credit runs. This YouTube video shows the example I just described beginning at the :28 mark:

See? No more end credits after the Shawarma scene. ;)

Okay, I guess it was more mid credits. I was wrong about the end of credits part. I believe the Schwarma scene in the first one was just Whedon's sense of humor showing through which is why he is such a great writer and director.
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No rating, just because I hadn't seen any of the previous Marvel movies. I had nothing to really compare it to other than the Marvel Universe traveling show at NRG stadium.

Overall, I liked it. I still think 3d is a waste of money.

Yes, for most movies 3D is a waste of money. I prefer the none 3D movies because the 3D movies tend to give me a headache and they are more expensive but I had to see this one in 3D due to that as the only thing available when we got to the theater. It was either that or wait a couple of hours until the next regular feature.

BTW,I assume you are seeing animated movies due to children which I applaud you for but it would be worth your time to catch up on the other Marvel movies. Things would definitely make more sense to you in the Avengers 2.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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The Curse of Bigfoot (1976). Hard hitter...

Really got into the meat of things quickly and didn't let you go til it was done. It puts you into the position that maybe, yes: Bigfoot truly is a Native American mummy that comes back to life for no reason yet, at the same time mind you, also questions everything you hold dear politically and monetarily and, might I say... Sensuously? This movie should be given the second chance it deserves and the public needs to get clued in on what superior movie making and story-telling is all about. It's right here- In cold, hard American.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Yes, for most movies 3D is a waste of money. I prefer the none 3D movies because the 3D movies tend to give me a headache and they are more expensive but I had to see this one in 3D due to that as the only thing available when we got to the theater. It was either that or wait a couple of hours until the next regular feature.

BTW,I assume you are seeing animated movies due to children which I applaud you for but it would be worth your time to catch up on the other Marvel movies. Things would definitely make more sense to you in the Avengers 2.
Only movie I watched in 3D was Gravity. I am very glad I brought my airplane bags...


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Yes, for most movies 3D is a waste of money. I prefer the none 3D movies because the 3D movies tend to give me a headache and they are more expensive but I had to see this one in 3D due to that as the only thing available when we got to the theater. It was either that or wait a couple of hours until the next regular feature.

BTW,I assume you are seeing animated movies due to children which I applaud you for but it would be worth your time to catch up on the other Marvel movies. Things would definitely make more sense to you in the Avengers 2.

I'm hoping to catch Thor tonight. They're showing a bunch of Marvel movies on FX. I missed Avengers I.


This is a house of learned doctors
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Avengers 2: 7 out of 10. It was pretty good, but it was flawed imo.

(Spoilers, don't read if you haven't watched!!!!)

The Bad: Ultron was fairly lacking vs. what I was expecting. Ultron himself never made me feel that the outcome was in doubt, just that perhaps the Avengers could possibly get in their own way and come up short because of it. The movie itself seemed somewhat of a way to grab the necessary characters and push everything into the direction of the Infinity War series. Also, everything seemed to be forgiven really quick between Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver and Stark considering the whole childhood of hate thing that they had going. Same with the Avengers so quickly forgiving them. Could have been done better in my opinion.

The Good: The action scenes alone were worth the price of admission. Hulk-Buster vs. Hulk was amazing. Captain America has gotten progressively better with the shield in every movie. His teaming up with Thor on using the shield was very well done. The Steve Rogers vs Tony Stark philosophical differences really did set up Civil War well while not derailing the movie itself. It was also nice to get a little more into Hawkeye's story. Some really funny parts were sprinkled in.


Village Idiot
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Age of Ultron: 6/10. I felt they tried to touch on too many themes, of which they were only able to scratch the surface of. A large majority of the plot could have been really deep an meaningful, but it came off as really superficial. I didn't like the Hawkeye farm plot, I didn't really find Ultron very menacing, I didn't like Vision, and I felt like the story got bogged down right around the time Thor went to the water to find the meaning of his visions.

Cool fight scenes and CGI though.


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Age of Ultron: 6/10. I felt they tried to touch on too many themes, of which they were only able to scratch the surface of. A large majority of the plot could have been really deep an meaningful, but it came off as really superficial. I didn't like the Hawkeye farm plot, I didn't really find Ultron very menacing, I didn't like Vision, and I felt like the story got bogged down right around the time Thor went to the water to find the meaning of his visions.

Cool fight scenes and CGI though.

I thought the CGI was inconsistent. At times it looked great and then at some points it looked pretty bad.

I heard a good portion of the movie was cut for the final release. I wonder if some of the missing pieces would have better developed the story and plot. Perhaps a director's cut will be released on blu-ray at some point.

I thought it was a good movie, but it wasn't great.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Been a long time since I have seen this one. Still a good movie that is underrated and many have not heard of before.


Just Dez It
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It Follows - 6.75/10 - Not scary, but was still creepy and kept up the suspense. It didn't have much character development and the retro synthesizer music brought back the old cheesy horror feeling, but overall I found it enjoyable.

Avengers 2 - 7/10 - Action packed and full of funny quips. I heard it had to be trimmed down a bit and I could tell. It jumped around a bit. I didn't need the love story and the villain showdown was anti-climactic. Otherwise, it was all good. Knowing the future slate of Marvel films removes any concern for the main character's safety.


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The Sting - 4 out of 5 - I liked Newman and Redford's chemistry in Butch Cassidy and in The Sting it wasn't any different. I've been meaning to watch it for a while now. The newest episode of Community continually referenced it so I paused the episode, watched The Sting, and then finished Community. Good movie.


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Age of Ultron: 6/10. I felt they tried to touch on too many themes, of which they were only able to scratch the surface of. A large majority of the plot could have been really deep an meaningful, but it came off as really superficial. I didn't like the Hawkeye farm plot, I didn't really find Ultron very menacing, I didn't like Vision, and I felt like the story got bogged down right around the time Thor went to the water to find the meaning of his visions.

Cool fight scenes and CGI though.

yeah the lack of major consequences really killed the Ultron villain. A lot of it had to due with the fact that relationship between Tony and Ultron would never be as good as the relationship between Hank Pym the Ant-man and Ultron.

i think this episode of cartoon series did a better of presenting the villain better than the movie.

I give the movies 7/10 still fun but like you said it was really superficial. I get that the first Avengers wasn't a very complex story but it was told incredibly well while Avengers 2 tried a more complex approach but told the story clumsy.


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Mad Max: 7/10. Not much here as far as the story goes, and it seemed like Theron's character was the main character more than Hardy, but it was entertaining enough. Lots of crazy action throughout.


Hold The Door!
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Mad Max: 7/10. Not much here as far as the story goes, and it seemed like Theron's character was the main character more than Hardy, but it was entertaining enough. Lots of crazy action throughout.

you can tell that from the add poster, & the trailer.
attract women viewers.... men are going to see it anyway...


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Eye of the needle. I thought the book was so so, same for the movie. Not one of better Ken Follett books

Fly Boys. Lesser known movie that I like. Young American men join the French during WWI before the USA enters the war. The young men fly Bi-Planes with the French against the Germans.

Critical Condition... Cheesy 80s comedy with Richard Pryor trapped in a hospital pretending to be a doctor. If you like Pryor you will like this one although is not the Toy or one of his movies with Gene Wilder