Rate the last movie you saw


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Space Warriors - About a bunch of kids going to Space Camp and I kept thinking that the movie was called Space Camp and was on years before where this one is just a few years old and I kept thinking that one of the kids had a robot and that the kids went into space. Had to look it up and there as an older movie called Space Camp so I was not losing my marbles. This one, Space Warriors, was newer and a little different it also had the feel of a made for TV or straight to video feel. Not very good but maybe young ones would like it.

Space Camp - after watching the above I had to go and find the Space Camp movie on Youtube. It was a better movie than the one above even though it was older and still kind of cheesy. However it had a young Lea Thompson and Kelly Preston in it. You could tell this one was an at the theater release and not just a straight to video or tv made.


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The Walking Deceased 6.5/10...parody of The Walking Dead, Zombieland, and Warm Bodies. Sometimes hysterical, always stupid, campy and worth a watch.


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One of the most boring movies ever watched. Acting (other than Clooney) was horrible. Terrible script. Disney has a long history of making cheezy movies, and this ranks right up there with them.


Village Idiot
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Mad Max: Fury Road. 7/10. I don't really get the great reviews. I thought it was OK. No plot, no dialogue. The sets and cars were awesome, but as a movie, I didn't find it all that appealing.

Jurassic World: 8/10. It was entertaining and exactly what I expected. I like Chris Pratt (no homo), and thought that role was perfect for him. Nothing mind blowing or revolutionary.

Nightcrawler: 7/10. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a good creep.


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Avengers: age of ultron: 7/10 (and I'm a HUGE) comic fan
Just as expected. Kind of ho/hum
No real wow
I hope the next one is better

Ex-machina: 6/10 and that's a stretch because I'm a sci fi fan
Decent movie
Kept waiting for the unexpected to happen and it never did

Jupiter ascending: 5/10
Put your brain on stand by


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Avengers: age of ultron: 7/10 (and I'm a HUGE) comic fan
Just as expected. Kind of ho/hum
No real wow
I hope the next one is better

Ex-machina: 6/10 and that's a stretch because I'm a sci fi fan
Decent movie
Kept waiting for the unexpected to happen and it never did

Jupiter ascending: 5/10
Put your brain on stand by

That about sums it up.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Hard Candy - Very hard to watch initially due to the subject matter and both the main actors do a good job in the movie.
A photographer pedophile trolls the chat rooms and gets a helpless and innocent 14 year old girl to meet him at a coffee shop and later to go home with him.
She does not turn out to be so innocent or helpless as we are lead to believe. Still hard to watch but I think they did a good job of the movie over all for a lower budget movie.


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Jurassic World 8.5/10

Fun movie, it's not breaking new ground but it's still entertaining. I want my own pack of raptors now.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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The formula which made Jurassic Park great is still alive in this latest rendition:
  • Ambitious/naïve people create dinosaurs.
  • Curious people want to see dinosaurs up close.
  • Dinosaurs eat as many ambitious, naïve, curious people as they can.
Chris Pratt was perfect casting as the hero. Vincent D'Onofrio was a good choice as the shady enterprising military villain wanting to use the dinosaurs for devious means. Irrfan Khan assumes Richard Attenborough's role as the rich visionary who makes dinosaur creation possible. The two actors playing the brothers did a good job of dealing with the terror of not getting eaten. I believe the two kids from the original movie acted much more fearful than these two though. To me, the actress playing Claire did her best work when the dinosaurs became a threat she no longer controlled. It may be only me but she seemed pretty wooden as the unfeeling aunt at the beginning of the movie and too overly caring at the movie's end. The only character's fate I felt "bad" for was Claire's assistant. That was just wrong. :)

The latest central dinosaur is well-worth buying tickets to see this movie. The raptors always deliver equal parts scare and fun. And T-Rex is old faithful. I think this latest film does the movie franchise proud.


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Avengers: age of ultron: 7/10 (and I'm a HUGE) comic fan
Just as expected. Kind of ho/hum
No real wow
I hope the next one is better

Ex-machina: 6/10 and that's a stretch because I'm a sci fi fan
Decent movie
Kept waiting for the unexpected to happen and it never did

I said it before and I will say it again. The comic book movies need fan input. They are losing site of what it should be.

Zero wow factor. Agreed. But in a super hero movie that is inexcusable. How do you ***** that up??

Ex-machina. Still have to see it.


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The formula which made Jurassic Park great is still alive in this latest rendition:
  • Ambitious/naïve people create dinosaurs.
  • Curious people want to see dinosaurs up close.
  • Dinosaurs eat as many ambitious, naïve, curious people as they can.
Chris Pratt was perfect casting as the hero. Vincent D'Onofrio was a good choice as the shady enterprising military villain wanting to use the dinosaurs for devious means. Irrfan Khan assumes Richard Attenborough's role as the rich visionary who makes dinosaur creation possible. The two actors playing the brothers did a good job of dealing with the terror of not getting eaten. I believe the two kids from the original movie acted much more fearful than these two though. To me, the actress playing Claire did her best work when the dinosaurs became a threat she no longer controlled. It may be only me but she seemed pretty wooden as the unfeeling aunt at the beginning of the movie and too overly caring at the movie's end. The only character's fate I felt "bad" for was Claire's assistant. That was just wrong. :)

The latest central dinosaur is well-worth buying tickets to see this movie. The raptors always deliver equal parts scare and fun. And T-Rex is old faithful. I think this latest film does the movie franchise proud.

Pretty fair assessment overall. It was kinda of funny that throughout the whole movie, Claire had her heels on. Running thru the jungle, running from dinosaurs, ducking and dodging dinosaurs and never broke or lost a heel. Amazing!

Her assistant had it coming, she was always on her cell phone, that's just annoying...lol.


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Terminator: Genisys - 6/10. There's a lot I liked about this movie (a lot of tie backs to the first 2 movies, decent action, and of course having Arnold back). However, there's some pretty big flaws. The main one is that the story just doesn't make any sense (of course when you really think about it, none of them are on strong ground logically speaking). They just don't really explain the mechanics of what's going on with regards to time. I don't know if this is just because they're throwing crap against the wall and never had it thought out much, or if they just didn't spend enough effort making it clear. The acting is okay, though I think Clarke is capable of better. I didn't hate Courtney as much as I expected to (and usually do). J.K. Simmons is kind of wasted, but entertaining when there. The humor was sparse, and usually left to Arnold. The last thing that really bugged me was the helicopter scene (the whole thing, not how it ended), which was just completely ridiculous and unnecessary. It was an okay movie that didn't make much sense. I probably enjoyed it more than Jurassic World, but that was at least coherent, even if just as dumb.


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Terminator: Genisys - 6/10. There's a lot I liked about this movie (a lot of tie backs to the first 2 movies, decent action, and of course having Arnold back). However, there's some pretty big flaws. The main one is that the story just doesn't make any sense (of course when you really think about it, none of them are on strong ground logically speaking). They just don't really explain the mechanics of what's going on with regards to time. I don't know if this is just because they're throwing crap against the wall and never had it thought out much, or if they just didn't spend enough effort making it clear. The acting is okay, though I think Clarke is capable of better. I didn't hate Courtney as much as I expected to (and usually do). J.K. Simmons is kind of wasted, but entertaining when there. The humor was sparse, and usually left to Arnold. The last thing that really bugged me was the helicopter scene (the whole thing, not how it ended), which was just completely ridiculous and unnecessary. It was an okay movie that didn't make much sense. I probably enjoyed it more than Jurassic World, but that was at least coherent, even if just as dumb.

Ya, the reviews have been pretty bad. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a rating of 25%,


Retired Air Force Guy
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The formula which made Jurassic Park great is still alive in this latest rendition:
  • Ambitious/naïve people create dinosaurs.
  • Curious people want to see dinosaurs up close.
  • Dinosaurs eat as many ambitious, naïve, curious people as they can.

I love your synopsis. :)