Rate the last movie you saw

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 6/10. I was pretty meh with this one. The first third or so, I was really enjoying it, but once
Ego shows up
I felt the movie started to really drag. There were still funny moments spread throughout, but the narrative just wasn't that strong. It felt like a lot of filler.
Stumbled across 28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later this weekend and binged them both (Yes, I'm way late to this party). If you like the zombie theme, these two are the next best thing to The Walking Dead I've seen

I loved these two. I highly recommend you watch The Girl with All the Gifts that came out not long ago. It is very similar.
I loved these two. I highly recommend you watch The Girl with All the Gifts that came out not long ago. It is very similar.

Thx for the tip, never heard of this

Side note: looks like we can now "like" posts in this thread, wonder what happened to trigger the change (good one Imo)
Thx for the tip, never heard of this

Side note: looks like we can now "like" posts in this thread, wonder what happened to trigger the change (good one Imo)

I never heard of it either. I came across it on one of those youtube videos of "Movies you probably missed" and gave it a shot. It makes me want to read the book now.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 6/10. I was pretty meh with this one. The first third or so, I was really enjoying it, but once
Ego shows up
I felt the movie started to really drag. There were still funny moments spread throughout, but the narrative just wasn't that strong. It felt like a lot of filler.

Too much pairing up of characters for mini stories full of exposition. Overall, it was fun though.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2- (9 out of 10) - I thought it was a great movie. Good story line, good action, and great well placed humor. Marvel is kicking DC's butt so bad it is not even a competition any more.

8.75 of 10.0

The movie stresses the enormous responsibility of the central characters with great special effects. The franchise is a true distinction from all other Marvel movies. They ARE the protectors of the freaking galaxy. And they protect it while playing to a laugh track.

That's my main issue with the film. To me, the humor was a bit forced in the first third to first half of the movie. It felt to me like the script was trying too hard to be funny. The initial jokes were not missing the mark entirely but I was chuckling more in the beginning than laughing out loud.

I wish the Gamora/Nebula sub-story was fleshed out more or removed all-together. On the other hand, I thought that Ego's (played wonderfully by Kurt Russell) story wasn't thorough enough. All-in-all, GOTGV2 builds really well upon the cosmic theme that began in the first movie. I think that it helps solidly set up the upcoming Infinity War movies.

Loved Pom Klementieff's portrayal of Mantis. She nailed the character in my opinion. I don't think the Guardian movies would be nearly as good without Bradley Cooper doing Rocket's voice.

My advice for anyone who hasn't seen the movie: don't leave without seeing the ending credits. There are five cut scenes at the end. My favorite involved Star-Lord and Groot. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of parents agreed with me. :p
Guardians of the Galaxy 2- (9 out of 10) - I thought it was a great movie. Good story line, good action, and great well placed humor. Marvel is kicking DC's butt so bad it is not even a competition any more.
Well said. Doesn't make me root for DC any less though. I'm hoping the Amazon Princess makes a strong impression in a month. :) It'll depress me if it doesn't. I've waited my whole life to see the character on the big screen. Hope it isn't a dud. :( :p
"Starve" It's a freebie, if you're a Prime member.

Sort of a poor-man's "Saw".

Watchable as background noise. 4/10
"10 Cloverfield Lane"

Thought the activing overall was decent, with the John Goodman character being most interesting.

The premise was interesting.

I found the last 20-minutes to be kind of weird, but overall a decent flick.

Life Stinks...must of been one of Mel Brooks last movies. I don't even remember this one being out. The last one I remembered was Space Balls. Either way, as a fan of most of Mel Brooks movies...I could not stay awake through this one. Life Stinks turned into Movie Stinks and must have been why he did not get anymore big movies made. Wait...Robin Men in Tights was probably after that one.

Gleaming the Cube - Not a good movie. Really 80's. Just was funny seeing Christian Slater so young...He looked young in many of his early movies but this one he really looked young in.

Clerks II - Always makes me laugh. Wanda Sykes scene with her on screen husband cracks me up every time...You can't taste racism baby hahaha
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 [9/10]

Upon first viewing, I really don’t see much wrong with this film. Funnier than the first. Gorgeous to look at. A story line that wasn’t very flawed. And the movie was fun—especially
the parts where Rocket kicks a lot of *** with his many gadgets.

As someone mentioned above, there was a little bit too much exposition for some scenes. But I also have to remember that this movie is aimed at kids a bit too and that’s something that would probably help them understand a bit more.
Watched a movie I have not seen in such a long time.

Rob Roy - Still love it. I like a movie when you have a clear bad guy that makes you want to reach through the screen, wrap your hands around their neck and shake the ever loving crap out of them. Tim Roth does a great bad guy along with John Hurt as the other not quite as bad guy. But Tim Roth playing archibald ....just that arrogant sneer, face and attitude makes him play the perfect villian that you love to hate.
Well said. Doesn't make me root for DC any less though. I'm hoping the Amazon Princess makes a strong impression in a month. :) It'll depress me if it doesn't. I've waited my whole life to see the character on the big screen. Hope it isn't a dud. :( :p

Wonder Woman actually looks really good based on the trailers so far.

There was a lot of resistance to Gadot as WW; probably some from me, too. But she is a great fit.

I really think WW has a shot at being the best DCU film to date.
Well said. Doesn't make me root for DC any less though. I'm hoping the Amazon Princess makes a strong impression in a month. :) It'll depress me if it doesn't. I've waited my whole life to see the character on the big screen. Hope it isn't a dud. :( :p
I really wish DC would get their act together too. Hopefully WW will be the start. I will go see it with VERY cautious optimism.
Life Stinks...must of been one of Mel Brooks last movies. I don't even remember this one being out. The last one I remembered was Space Balls. Either way, as a fan of most of Mel Brooks movies...I could not stay awake through this one. Life Stinks turned into Movie Stinks and must have been why he did not get anymore big movies made. Wait...Robin Men in Tights was probably after that one.

Gleaming the Cube - Not a good movie. Really 80's. Just was funny seeing Christian Slater so young...He looked young in many of his early movies but this one he really looked young in.

Clerks II - Always makes me laugh. Wanda Sykes scene with her on screen husband cracks me up every time...You can't taste racism baby hahaha
You're tripping. Gleaming The Cube is a classic
The final countdown - still like this older movie. US aircraft carrier transported back in time and has the ability to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Would kind of cool to have this remade with an alternative ending.
The final countdown - still like this older movie. US aircraft carrier transported back in time and has the ability to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Would kind of cool to have this remade with an alternative ending.

That is a good one, very underrated in my opinion.

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