Rate the last movie you saw

His books are better.:) The Shining wasn't too bad either!!;) Pet Sematary ...The Dead Zone!!
:banghead:,,,"THE STAND",,,er,,,HELLO?,,,:banghead:

o_O,,, there's no way anybody could've came close to present in Cinema with what the book tattooed on you,,,Randall Flagg/the walking dude,trashy trash can man burning old lady Simpies SS check and Lloyd henreid and Trask pulling armed robberies with a duffle bag of weed and smoking half of it while playing their 'game' to where they were" gonna have to sell a few light lids" to turn a profito_O,,, man! If Stephen King is being heaped with praise,,, best he be Crowned with his best first,,,;)
this was a total gem to have unearthed to me, as I'd dropped by this ' Bookman's' used books and casing-liner's in search of a copy of ' swiss army man' and/or 'mars attacks' ,,, the plus side is that one of the 100 lb. Shoulder length haired dude's that works there said he recalls seeing ' swiss army man' turnstile thru there on occasion:thumbup:,,, back to the
7 PSYCHOPATHS!,, it was thoroughly enjoyable, beyond my wildest expectations!!! Christopher Walkens and Harry Dean Stanton both were front- in- center,,, therefore I gave it a melonfeudian RANK and repeat viewing rating of a 9 of 10o_O
( considering,,, even the better raved about flicks repeatedly rate only in the number "8" slot with me,,, this "1" took it to the other
' inside' aspect of it ,kinda like skinning out an elk or buffalo for the hide ALONE! o_O)

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this was a total gem to have unearthed to me, as I'd dropped by this ' Bookman's' used books and casing-liner's in search of a copy of ' swiss army man' and/or 'mars attacks' ,,, the plus side is that one of the 100 lb. Shoulder length haired dude's that works there said he recalls seeing ' swiss army man' turnstile thru there on occasion:thumbup:,,, back to the
7 PSYCHOPATHS!,, it was thoroughly enjoyable, beyond my wildest expectations!!! Christopher Walkens and Harry Dean Stanton both were front- in- center,,, therefore I gave it a melonfeudian RANK and repeat viewing rating of a 9 of 10o_O
( considering,,, even the better raved about flicks repeatedly rate only in the number "8" slot with me,,, this "1" took it to the other
' inside' aspect of it ,kinda like skinning out an elk or buffalo for the hide ALONE! o_O)

Ha! Yeah, brother...it was an outstanding movie!!!
Anyone seen American Assasin? Looks good..and I'm a big Michael Keaton fan. Saw Jackie Brown yesterday first time in a long time..forgot how good it was.
Kingsman 2 - 7/10. Not as good as the first. It wasn't as tightly constructed, I didn't care for some of the musical choices, and there weren't any truly memorable action scenes. That said, the action was still solid, it was still just the right amount of absurdity, and I had fun.
Kingsman 2 - 7/10. Not as good as the first. It wasn't as tightly constructed, I didn't care for some of the musical choices, and there weren't any truly memorable action scenes. That said, the action was still solid, it was still just the right amount of absurdity, and I had fun.

I enjoyed it too but the sound in the theater I was in was so damn loud I had to wear ear plugs. I love Alamo theaters but damn they like to blast us out of our seats with the volume
Kingsman 2 - 7/10. Not as good as the first. It wasn't as tightly constructed, I didn't care for some of the musical choices, and there weren't any truly memorable action scenes. That said, the action was still solid, it was still just the right amount of absurdity, and I had fun.
I enjoyed it too but the sound in the theater I was in was so damn loud I had to wear ear plugs. I love Alamo theaters but damn they like to blast us out of our seats with the volume

Just Bought the first one from Google play...they have them on say for $3.99 or $4.99 which IMO was a steal.

Thinking about pre-ordering the new one.

The first one kind of came out of nowhere IMO. Did not know much about it before watching it and really loved it and thought the action fight scene in the church alone was worth it.
New one looks good but I imagine it will be hard to live up to expectations.
Dunkirk - was bad.
I thought it would get better - watched over an hour.
disjointed plot from the three areas in the day then dark the on the ships sinking ships....

3 out of 10.
Anyone seen American Assasin? Looks good..and I'm a big Michael Keaton fan. Saw Jackie Brown yesterday first time in a long time..forgot how good it was.

Yes. Jackie Brown was about a 7 to 8 for me.

I saw the start of American assassin over-dubbed in Russian - but read the whole Mitch Rapp book series already.
I'll get it in a few weeks.
Assassins Creed - maybe I have to be a fan of the game and know the back story but this movie blew chunks as for the first hour I watched it. Had to turn it off. The action was ok in parts but other than that it looked like someone's interpretation of a bad dream with too much smoke or fog. I don't know how else to explain it.
I watched the Jackie Robinson biopic 42. Goes exactly where you would expect. Branch Rickey was more interesting to me than Robinson. Didn't realize it was Harrison Ford until maybe 20 minutes in. Chadwick Bozeman was good as the lead but just wasn't that interesting. 6.5/10

Batman Lego Movie. Would have been a terrific 24 minute episode of Robot Chicken. The premise gets real old over an hour and a half. 4.5/10.
Wonder woman. 9/10

Wasn't expecting much but I got a lot. The movie was damn good. I was expecting a corny ridiculous marvel look a like movie.. But I was totally wrong. Well done dc!

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